I can summon myself

Chapter 246 Misty Pirates

"Combined with the subspace data we have been collecting since we arrived at the dead volcano island, and the various parameters sent back by the Yunjing network."

"The subspace has neither expanded outward nor contracted inward. Its overall state is in a relatively balanced and stable state."

"According to the law of its spiritual energy fluctuations and the strange sighs recorded so far, the time window from 8 pm to 9 am the next day is very suitable for us to go to the underwater ancient city for field archaeology."

"Bai Chen, we have set up three plans. Plan A, enter the underwater ancient city with the unmanned submersible to win the most archaeological time. Plan B, the unmanned submersible will go to the underwater ancient city first to find out the situation inside, and then we will enter."

"Plan C is the safest and most time-consuming plan, which is to divide the archaeology into several stages. In the first stage, sonar and unmanned submersibles will find out the situation of the underwater ancient city and its surroundings. In the second stage, a small force will be sent down to find out the situation first, and the third is to enter the underwater ancient city in large numbers."

Mo Qianxing presented the plans of teachers and students to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen read the whole thing at a glance and said to her, "Captain Qianxing, which one would you choose?"

Mo Qianxing replied, "I think it's not good to take too long. Anyway, the underwater ancient city is the lair of the ancient god-level Old Ones. The longer we stay there, the greater the risk."

"Plan C should be eliminated first."

Bai Chen nodded.

Although he disdained the ancient god-level Old Ones strategically.

But tactically, he would not underestimate any powerful creature that could sleep from prehistoric times to the present.

Plan C is safe, but such a big fuss is tantamount to telling the other party that we are going to have a party on your grave and dig up your coffin board by the way.

"The time window left by Plan B is too short. In the thirteen-hour sigh interval, it will take at least eight hours for two waves of submersibles to go up and down. If we add the reconnaissance time, our time for archaeology will be very limited."

"So, although Plan A seems to have the highest risk, I think we can go down with the unmanned submersible."

Going to the underwater ancient city for archaeology itself represents unpredictable risks.

It is actually impossible to be comprehensive.

After all, for the ancient god-level Old Ones, even if they are sleeping, they are extremely dangerous targets.

If you want to make a fortune in its lair, how can you not risk your life?

Bai Chen finished reading the three plans of teachers and students.

He said lightly: "If it were me, I would not choose any of them."


Mo Qianxing looked at Bai Chen in confusion.

"Are we not going to do archaeology?"

"Go, why not?"

"All three plans use the mind defense matrix to sneak in. Have you ever thought of anything else?"

Mo Qianxing had a flash of inspiration in his mind, but he could not string them together.

"Ao Twelve, come here."

Bai Chen called out the little dragon that was sleeping in the refrigerator.

"You know the fishman king Mogomogo and his fishman army very well, right?"

The little dragon nodded.

Under the bewitching state of the mirage spirit, it even knew exactly how many concubines Mogomogo had.

"Let Ao Twelve mark us as human pirates in the fishman army. Then we will directly enter the ancient city under the sea as Mogomogo's subordinates."

Mo Qianxing's eyes were wide open.

"Oh, why didn't I think of this?"

"There are humans among the fishmen."

"As long as we are marked with the exclusive mark of Mogomogo, whether it is the creatures left behind in the ancient underwater city or the ancient gods, they will regard us as part of the Mogomogo Corps."

"In this way, we can boldly conduct archaeological excavations without being discovered by them."

"This is much better than our three plans."

"I will go back and formulate Plan D according to your ideas, Bai Chen!"

Mo Qianxing rushed out of Bai Chen's room in a hurry.

"Two-legged beast leader, I'm going to sleep."

The little fart dragon yawned and slid back to the refrigerator.

It flicked its dragon tail, and the refrigerator door closed again.

Mo Qianxing brought Bai Chen's ideas back to the command center.

"Are we pirates?"

"Yes, we must be Mogomogo pirates!"

"No need to say anything, Bai Chen is Bai Chen, he saw through the shortcomings of our three plans at a glance and came up with the most reliable solution."

"Pretending to be a pirate to do archaeology, yes, this is perfect!"

"Professor Ximen Fuyun, you also follow our classmate Bai Chen's thinking and come to find fault!"

In the command center, there was a lot of excitement.

Wu Qingmei's clone, acting as a megaphone, sent Bai Chen's proposal back to the genius center.

The big guys of the anti-sky myth looked at each other and laughed loudly.

"Pretending to be a pirate? Bai Chen is a genius."

"He saw at a glance that Plan ABC was unreliable, which proved that he had a very good eye. But in such a short time, he proposed Plan D disguised as a pirate. Bai Chen's brain is really good."

"Go down as a pirate, as long as you don't have the bad luck to meet the prophecy of the Old Ones, with the ability of ordinary Old Ones, even if they have the combat power of the myth, but when Mogo Mogo and its fish-man army are controlled by Ao Twelve within the range of the dead volcano island, it is unlikely that they can expose Bai Chen's disguise in the first place."

"When people just wake up, their minds are all confused. What's more, the Old Ones who have been sleeping for who knows how many tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of millions of years? As long as the mark matches, if it really wakes up, it will treat Bai Chen as one of its own."

"It is extremely feasible and safe."

"Bai Chen's Plan D is very appropriate."

Everyone worked together to finalize all the details of disguising as pirates, and began to prepare all kinds of necessary hardware equipment for this.

The Bear bomber arrived above the sea where the underwater ancient city was located.

The sea was calm.

There was no abnormality on the big screen of the command center.

Except that the intensity of the strange sigh was slightly higher than that of the dragon's nest because it was the source.

Everything else was within Bai Chen's expectations.

"There is no extraordinary psychic fluctuation."

"There is no life breath generated by a large-scale gathering of deep-sea creatures."

"The special detection matrix did not find psychic energy gathering towards the underwater ancient city."

The teachers and students looked at Bai Chen with burning eyes.

"The safety rate is 82.3%."

Sally's voice sounded at the right time.

Bai Chen picked up the microphone: "Let's get started."

The fish bombing platform on the belly of the aircraft slowly opened.

Several balls with cables tied to their tails were thrown into the sea by Senior Sister Zuo Miao.

With the roar of the engine inside the ball.

A "pirate fleet" with all parameters such as psychic fluctuations, water wave data, life breath, etc. that were no different from those of pirate ships such as Lai Sanfa and Rand suddenly appeared on the big screen.

"We are the Misty Rain Pirates under the command of King Mogomogo and the pirate leader Lai Sanfa."

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