I can summon myself

Chapter 302 Live Broadcast: Talking Reason to the Ancient Gods Part 4

The veins on Zhou Wangu's forehead were throbbing.

Because Wu Qingmei's clone couldn't broadcast the dead volcano island live on the big screen and could only rely on Wu Qingmei's oral narration.

He didn't believe that there were so-called emotional ancient gods on Earth.

"What a bullshit ghost story."

He muttered in his heart.

"How should we deal with it?"

The girl with glasses adjusted her wooden frame glasses on her nose.

"I don't know."

The big guys had an attitude of not knowing anything.

Since classmate Bai Chen had confirmed the identity of this thing and was ready.

So no matter what happened next, with classmate Bai Chen as a guarantee, it shouldn't be that bad, right?

The big guys were very nervous, but they didn't show any panic on the surface.

Even if classmate Bai Chen couldn't cover it up, they had no way to do it at this moment.

From Zhou Wangu's expression when he was telling a ghost story, we can know that these foreign players from the City of Ten Thousand Spirits don't know about emotional ancient gods.

Having lost contact with the Arctic Circle Reasoning Team, what can they do for a while?

The only hope now is that classmate Bai Chen can be as reliable as ever.

When the team entered the area 10,000 kilometers away from the Arctic Circle's Wrath, the host Anastasia, who had a low presence, suddenly shouted: "Stop, let's stop!"

A ball of light full of sacred flavor centered on her, covering everyone.

In Long Hantian's eyes, she became a sacred torch fueled by life.

The sacred light dispelled the indescribable weirdness that had enveloped them since they stepped into the Arctic Circle ice field.

In the white light, Long Hantian saw clusters of scarlet, and the giant phantoms in the scarlet.

The live camera faithfully transmitted this scene to the Kongming Lantern Star Chain at an altitude of 102.4 kilometers.

The next moment, the same fear rose in the hearts of billions of human beings eating melons.


"Arctic Circle Ancient God, old cunning."

"How could there be such a sinister thing on earth."

After the fear, everyone's heart was filled with raging anger.

"Not good!"

The mythical bosses of the genius center reacted.

Under the blessing of the anger of billions of spectators, these originally transparent phantoms instantly became much more condensed.

Long Hantian and Fang Zihan, who were at the scene, even felt the breath of life that only living creatures have on these inexplicable beings.

"What if they really materialize in the Arctic ice field?"

A chilling emotion rose from the hearts of all the mythical strongmen of the Reasonable Team.

Long Yi pursed her lips tightly and punched the camera closest to her.

This camera with a special alloy shell instantly turned into a pool of dust.

The corners of the mouths of the foodie senior sisters who saw this scene twitched. They finally remembered the little fart dragon Ao Twelve, and the adjective about the cold and paralyzed Miss Long Yi being a female Tyrannosaurus.

But something happened that made them dumbfounded.

The camera dust was swept into the sky by a bloody wind.

In the biting north wind, another brand new camera appeared in the live broadcast.

"Humble two-legged beasts."

"You actually want to use the ridiculous emotions of billions of your kind to pollute me?"

"When I and my friends were manipulating the joys, sorrows, anger and happiness of the creatures on Earth for an era, the ancestors of you two-legged beasts were still a bunch of primitive vertebrates smaller than mice who hid underground all year round and survived by stealing food scraps from the mouths of giant beasts."

The loud sound that resounded through the world appeared again in the ice and snow of the Arctic.

The azure sky was replaced by scarlet.

Countless bright red pipes like blood vessels rose from the eternal pure white ice surface.

Anastasia spit out a large mouthful of black blood, and she fell down with a pale face.

"Ancient God, you are dead."

The 30-jin down jacket exploded, and a five-meter-tall black giant rushed towards the phantoms in the sky.

Martins raised a silver-back gorilla-shaped metal hammer, jumped up from the ice, and smashed it hard at the nearest giant insect-shaped phantom.

The shadow was instantly shattered, but just like the camera that Long Yi smashed with one punch, it instantly became solid again.

A mockery that made all human beings angry appeared between heaven and earth: "That's it?"

Martins went crazy.

His teammates also felt the mockery from the soul of the ancient god.

Just when the myths of the reasonable team took out their weapons and prepared to fight with the shadows in the sky.

Long Hantian, who had already released his dragon body, suddenly calmed down.

"Absolutely frozen!"

Fang Zihan, who controlled himself almost at the same time, released a cold breath that was enough to penetrate the bone marrow and enveloped everyone at the scene.


Joseph had a question mark on his face.

"What's going on?"

Charlie's sniper aimed at Fang Zihan's head.

The other myths of the Western Alliance directly locked onto the remaining three myths of the Eastern Land.

Super-class controllers versus super-class controllers, titled legends versus titled legends.

After Fang Zihan's AOE.

The reasonable team was immediately divided into two, and the Eastern Land and the Western Alliance confronted each other.

Billions of people watching the show were stunned.

"Internal conflict?"

"What's going on?"

"The ancient gods are suppressing him, and this guy from Dong Tu actually attacked his own teammates?"

"Damn it, could it be that he was controlled by the mind of the Arctic Circle?"

Long Hantian let out a long dragon roar.

After the indiscriminate sound wave attack.

Everyone who covered their ears calmed down.

"Attack, attack ass."

"Don't you see that these are all weird red hairs that will be solidified by your anger?"

"Deploy defense on the spot!"

"No one is allowed to take the initiative to attack."

Reason returned to the people of the Western Alliance.

They pointed their weapons at the phantoms in the sky with shame on their faces.

"Hehe, ridiculous bugs, ridiculous two-legged beasts."

"Do you think you can jump out of your fate like this?"

"Don't dream."

One, two, three, six.

As six blood-colored light beams spurted out from the deep ocean under the ice surface.

Van Zyk, De Rose, Simpson, and the three legendary legends from Harvard, Massachusetts, and Columbia appeared in front of Long Hantian and others.

At this moment, they were wrapped in a layer of blood like blood vessels in the ice.

Countless dense pipes were tightly connected to the ice surface under their feet.

Even the weakest academic type of anti-heaven myth, under the blessing of blood, also showed a power that was no less than Long Hantian's might.

These six people surrounded the reasonable team with more than 20 anti-heaven myths.

The expressions of the anti-heaven myths of the Western Alliance became extremely solemn.

They felt a huge threat that was enough to destroy their team.

"Kill yourself, two-legged beasts."

"This way your corpses will look better."

The pride of the ancient god who had everything under control made billions of melon-eating people feel depressed that they were going to suffer, suffer a lot, and be wiped out this time.

Long Hantian, Fang Zihan and other strong men from the East sighed at the same time.

They took off the dragon bone cards hanging on their chests.

"There is no way."

"I really don't want to."

"Ancient God, since you are unwilling to reason with us, we have to find someone else to reason with you."

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