I can summon myself

Chapter 303 Live Broadcast: Talking Reason to the Ancient Gods Part 5

"Let someone else talk about reason?"

"What kind of magic operation is this?"

"I understand!"

Amei, look, a white old man with messy golden hair and wheat-colored skin stood on the rooftop of the white dome big house and roared.

"No one knows the East better than me."

"There must be a peerless strong man behind this group of East anti-sky myths."

"Ding, your system is online!"

"I carry an old man with me!"

"There is someone behind him, Long Hantian!"

The white old man's eyes flashed with a light that saw through everything.

The black lady passing by pointed at the sign of the big house: "Amei, look at the Internet celebrity training center (nostalgic version)"

She said to her companions: "Let's stay away from this kind of place and watch the live broadcast somewhere else."

In fact, when Long Hantian and others collectively poured spiritual energy into the dragon bone card.

At least 90% of the billions of spectators thought that this must be the backhand of the Genius Association, just like this white old man.

"I heard that there are also ancient god-level Old Ones in the City of All Souls."

"The East Earth Psychic Energy Association also took out a thousand-year-old cunning bastard who is even older than you. It would be strange if they didn't have a super boss to support them."

"Now, the Arctic Circle is stupid, and actually wants to play tricks on humans. The boss waved his hand and 100,000 palace fighting travelers fell from the sky to teach this ancient god how to be a god."

"This is very exciting. What kind of experience is it to have such an overwhelming sense of anticipation?"

Billions of spectators were instantly full of anticipation.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the foreign aid team of the City of All Souls looking at the bosses of the Genius Center suddenly changed.

You are so insidious?

You obviously have a backup plan, but you ran to the City of All Souls to invite us over?

What does this mean? Can you also double-insure?

Zhou Wangu narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that these heaven-defying myths in the Genius Center would be so shrewd.

He wanted to see how much foundation the Genius Center and the East Earth Psychic Energy Association had.

"The dealer, it must be that dealer."

"If the one on the other side of the Arctic Circle is really the emotional ancient god that the dealer said, then the origin of this dealer may be comparable to those ancient tribes in the City of All Spirits."

The female researcher with glasses murmured to herself.

The dragon bone card of Long Hantian lit up with a green light.

Fang Zihan's dragon bone card turned blue.

Colorful and colorful lights lit up one after another in the hands of the members of the Dongtu team.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

As the countdown in Han Feng's mouth ended.

He and the other eight geniuses reflexively danced awkwardly.


Amei, you made Joseph look confused.

Aunt Chalili, who could kill three sissies with one punch, looked at Renee: "What kind of ceremony is this?"

Melee mage Renee frowned: "I don't understand. There is no spiritual energy fluctuation on these cards. It seems that there is no other function except Yes RGB."

"The nine of them are dancing like gods, which is completely incomprehensible."

"Is this some kind of Eastern secret technique?"

Billions of spectators stared with their eyes wide open, and they didn't blink for fear of missing any details.

"No one knows the Eastern Land better than me."

"Yes, tear it down!"

The roar of the white old man resounded through the sky.

However, one minute passed.

Three minutes passed.

In ten minutes, Han Feng and other nine geniuses danced three times.

The Arctic ice field where they were still without any abnormality.

With a duang sound, the gorilla hammer in Martins' hand fell on the ice.

The lips of the Western Alliance's mythical strongmen twitched.

An emotion called embarrassment rose from the hearts of everyone in the reasonable team.

Han Feng and the other nine people, who performed a conditioned reflex in front of billions of spectators, blushed and wished they could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Long Hantian said dryly: "It should be a delay."

"Why didn't you say that the old man you ordered is not online yet?"

"Is the server crashed?"

"The computer room was sold as scrap by the air conditioner repairman."

"Oh, I laughed to death."

"It's a marquee and RGB again, and it hasn't even appeared after ten minutes."

"If I were the ancient god in the Arctic Circle, I would be in a stupid mood at this moment."

"Playing monkeys, oh no, playing ancient gods?"

The spectators covered their stomachs. It was obviously a scene where reasoning failed and a war was about to break out, but the funny people invited by the Dongtu team to interrupt it turned it into a large embarrassing scene.

In the meeting room of the Genius Center.

Fang Ziqiang in the corner stood up suddenly.

His face was extremely excited: "I understand."

"Since the one on the other side of the Arctic Circle is an emotional ancient god, then the source of its power comes from the emotions of billions of spectators."

"According to the idea of ​​that ancient god, he controlled the six heaven-defying myths to exert extreme pressure on our reasonable team. The spectators who saw this scene would definitely have various emotions such as tension, fear, anger, etc., providing power for the ancient god."

"But our dealer has already seen through everything."

"He deliberately used these glowing little cards, as well as the awkward dance of Han Feng and others, to create the image that the powerful people in the East who speak sense are all a group of idiots."

"This directly broke the little calculation of the one on the other side of the Arctic Circle."

"Use this to turn the tension and other negative emotions of the spectators into surprise. Are you kidding me and others for the comedy side?"

"Then the source of power on the other side of the Arctic Circle will be cut off."

Fang Ziqiang, who had imagined everything, was full of admiration in his eyes: "High, really high."

"Our dealer's seemingly nonsensical actions contain a killer move that can cut off the bottom of the pot."

"Have you noticed that whether it is a pile of blood vessels in the ice, or these six tools of the mythical gods, or the phantoms in the sky, the blood color on them has all faded at the same time?"

"What does this mean? This means that although our dealer is not at the Arctic scene, such a seemingly old man's offline approach has achieved the effect of seriously weakening the power of the ancient gods!"


Zhou Wangu exclaimed.

"It seems to be true."

The female researcher with glasses also saw the fading scarlet sky.

"Is this okay?"

The mythical masters of the genius center are full of question marks.

If the color is light or dark, it is the embodiment of the strength of the ancient gods.

Then Bai Chen's interruption seemed to have successfully weakened the power of the ancient god.

"It seems that Bai Chen's background is more unfathomable than we thought."

"It seems absurd, but it has such a magical effect."

"I give up."

Then a new question came, what will happen to Bai Chen next?

At this time, the faces of Long Hantian and others changed drastically.

The sound of heartbeats, thump, thump, thump, sounded in the world of the Arctic.

A round heart with a diameter of more than one kilometer.

It floated from the cold sea water.

This is an indescribable and indescribable state.

In the live broadcast, this heart penetrated the thick ice in a way that humans could not understand at all.

Finally, it was suspended in the sky in front of the reasonable team.

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