I can summon myself

Chapter 310 It’s not me who is crazy, it’s the world that is crazy

"Are you dealers crazy?"

"To be able to scheme against the ancient gods, I believe he must be a very old man."

"How could you be so naive?"

"White Fang is going to let the two ancient gods kill themselves, and the other hand over everything, return to the original level and work as a coolie for him?"

"As long as I eat a few peanuts, I won't be so drunk."

"Even if you dream, you can't dream of such a good thing."

"I think your dealer is probably a lunatic who came out of a mental hospital."

"Otherwise, how could you be so arrogant?"

The chatty Flame Elf shows off her poisonous tongue.

Zhou Wangu and the big boss of Dongtu Psychic Association on the other end of the phone were dumbfounded.

If the dealer is not crazy.

Then they must be crazy.

Not to mention the ancient gods, even any normal person would not be able to accept such a bizarre request.

The myth-defying bosses at the Genius Center were also shocked by Bai Chen's fantastical thinking.

Let one ancient god kill himself and be reborn under his control, and let the other ancient god strip away all abilities and work as a coolie.

How whimsical this is.

Streams of red smoke erupted from the great heart of the Fury of the Arctic Circle.

The flowing text on the statue sometimes formed two M's, and sometimes formed a P.

Lao Huang, Er Huang felt that his mouth was very dry, so dry that he didn't know what to say.

Seabeard and his wife Shadow Girl kept exchanging opinions.

"Looks like it's going to happen this time."

"Find a way to get your future son-in-law away. Others will have no choice."

"Let the ancient gods become seeds, let the ancient gods work as coolies, the son of chaos is the son of chaos, he really dares to imagine."

"It's a pity that Bai Chen overestimates his own strength?"

This couple was already prepared to snatch Bai Chen up and run away together under the attack of the ancient gods.

"What do you have to rely on?"

The emotionless mechanical sound of the Stitches came from the statue.

"Octopus Head, are you crazy?"

Fury of the Arctic Circle doesn't understand why Stitches would ask such a stupid question.

The two beast leaders in front of me looked like they were insane after taking too many mysterious little pills.

"For the prehistoric man who turned himself into a Stitch Monster, the divine conflict must be very uncomfortable for you."

"You, who were worshiped by ancient humans, and the ancient god-level giant octopus, a specialty of the deep ocean, both died in a bloody battle. A few years later, your bodies were fished out by aliens and reborn as one body."

"You took back control of the fusion body with the help of the aliens' mysterious text technology, and turned the divinity of the big octopus into your power. Taking advantage of the aliens' unpreparedness, you turned them, as hunters, into your prey."

"After getting all the alien technology, you became what you are now."

"But as a human being, the divinity of the giant octopus and the technology of the ancient god-level ancient rulers of aliens are beyond the upper limit of your digestion and understanding. You can only use the ancient underwater city as a disguise and choose again and again. Sleeping forever, surviving until now in the painful reincarnation of divine division.”

"However, as long as you follow my arrangements, peel off those things that do not belong to you at all, and start over from the beginning as the controller, you will not only be able to become yourself again, but under my guidance and the environment of the Embers, the Land of Embers , you will become the God-defying myth again and truly master the abilities of the giant octopus and aliens, returning from the suture monster to the purest human being."

Bai Chen said lightly.

The statue fell silent.

The fury of the Arctic Circle yelled: "What bullshit."

"A mere two-legged beast also wants to arrange the ancient god's arrangements clearly?"

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows and glanced at Big Heart: "You idiot, your brain is a good thing, but it's a pity that you don't have it."

One Buddha was born, two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and the whole body of the three Buddhas exploded in the Arctic Circle turned purple.

A breath of destruction rose from it.

Lao Huang and Er Huang subconsciously put on a defensive posture.

Seabeard and his wife were even more prepared to rush to the Snake Hair Type 5 to rescue Bai Chen before it broke out.

The big eyes of the Fury of the Arctic Circle locked onto Bai Chen.

But when its eyes, which were able to control Long Hantian and other myth-defying gods, were about to repeat their tricks on Bai Chen.

Bai Chen took out a dragon bone card unhurriedly.

The unfinished paws of the fat cat appeared in front of everyone again.

Although this is the cat's claw card from before that has exhausted all its power.

But when he saw it in Bai Chen's hand.

Whether it is the fury of the Arctic Circle or the silent statue, I feel an aura that is unstoppable, unmatchable and irresistible.

The fierce light in his big eyes disappeared instantly.

The red-haired ominous giant net that blocked Lao Huang and others was retracted in front of him.

The Fury of the Arctic Circle looks like a fluffy, fried Big Mac ball of red thread at this moment.

Everyone clearly felt that the anger of the Arctic Circle, which was fearless and fearless, was dominated by trembling emotions.

A human face composed of mysterious text appears on the head of the statue.

This is a prehistoric woman.

"What do you have in your hand?"

"Why do I feel a power above that can swallow up this world?"

Bai Chen raised his right hand and made a gesture of throwing a card to the Fury of the Arctic Circle.

This arrogant ancient god thread ball let out a piercing scream: "Put back the claws of the Devouring Beast."

The dignified Wrath of the Arctic Circle was like a young beast whose chest was stepped on by its natural enemy, and its cry was full of fear.

Until Bai Chen retracted the cat's claw card again.

The Wrath of the Arctic Circle trembled and calmed down.

"Angry fool, what do you think of my suggestion?"

Bai Chen walked to the freezer in the corner of the garden and took out a bottle of iced happy water. After saying so much, he was a little dry in the mouth.

"Not very good."

The Wrath of the Arctic Circle tried its best to maintain its dignity.

How could it, a dignified ancient god, surrender like this?

At least it had to struggle a little more.

However, everyone could hear that it was short of breath.

The door of the garden opened wide.

The teachers and students of Yanyu College came out with a sense of relief.

"Ga, ga!"

The bare-faced and hairless muscular national treasure squad flew to the railing of the garden.

He looked at the Wrath of the Arctic Circle with the same eyes as he looked at a new little brother.

The Wrath of the Arctic Circle stared at Iron Chin and the other four national treasures fiercely.

"What happened next?"

Zhou Wangu and a group of researchers from the City of All Spirits looked at Wu Qingmei's clone eagerly.


The muscle girl grinned.

Are you kidding? How could the next PY be broadcast live?

"Fake, fake, fake."

"Crazy, crazy, crazy."

"It's not me who's crazy, it's the world that's crazy."

The Flame Elf, who couldn't accept this ending at all, rushed out of the Genius Center meeting room with a crazy look on his face.

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