I can summon myself

Chapter 311 Two-legged beasts, you are all dumbfounded now.

The Snake-5 had just landed on the landing field of the outfitting platform.

A ghostly howling laugh came from the back garden of the aircraft.

"What a strong smell of embers, what a perfect ember land."

"Two-legged beasts, your mission is completed, now this place belongs to me!"

A dazzling red light exploded from the back garden of the aircraft like a mushroom cloud.

With a click, the Snake-5 was directly broken into two pieces from where the Arctic Circle's Fury rose.

The huge movement attracted the attention of the seven mathematical tool people.

When they saw the Snake-5 that was directly scrapped from the middle.

Each of them was covered in petrification magic.

"Our aircraft."

"I mortgaged my house."

"I mortgaged my plastic figurine."

"I mortgaged my boyfriend."

The seven people screamed like a bereaved mother.

The Arctic Circle's Fury was proudly suspended above the outfitting platform of the dead volcano island.

The teachers and students of Yanyu College who got out of the body of the Snake-5 in a panic made it very happy.

"Stupid two-legged beast, do you think I will surrender?"

"You dare to ask me to kill myself?"

"You are dumbfounded now."

"I pretended to cooperate and came to your lair just for now!"

"The claws of the Devouring Beast are indeed terrifying, but you have the guts to summon it in front of me!"

"Hahahaha, Embers and Embers Land are angry now!"

The Wrath of the Arctic Circle, possessed by the chattering Flame Spirit, shouted with a surging heart.

There is no breath of Devouring Beast on this island, so it can choose to turn against it with confidence.

If the owner of this cat's claw, the Devouring Beast, is really there, it will honestly disperse everything, kill itself and live again.

But now there is no Devouring Beast, and there is no sense of the fifth mythical strongman.

At a glance, they are all weak two-legged beasts that are not awakened.

It is the Wrath of the Arctic Circle, so it naturally chose to turn the tables.

"Let me think about how to deal with you?"

"How dare you plot against me!"

"How dare you scare me!"

"How dare you let me choose death!"

"I never take revenge overnight!"

"Two-legged beasts, you are about to die!"

The red light on the heart of the Arctic Circle's Fury was bright.

The countless red hairs composed of unknown elements once again formed a large net covering the entire dead volcano island, covering Bai Chen and others.

Bai Chen put his hands in his pockets and looked at the sky speechlessly: "Why are you doing this?"

A trace of suspicion flashed through the big eyes of the Arctic Circle's Fury.

This doesn't seem right.

Bai Chen, the leader of the two-legged beasts, shouldn't he kneel on the ground at this moment of life and death, crying and begging for mercy?

Or gnashing his teeth and ready to fight for his life at any time?

Why does he look like he is in pain for the aircraft.

Doesn't he know that he is about to die?

The Arctic Circle's Fury secretly raised his vigilance.

Its big eyes turned and looked at the statue stitched monster that had turned into the size of a biped: "Hey, our previous agreement is still valid. Let's divide this island equally."

The statue's face was shining.

"You, look at your head."

The Wrath of the Arctic Circle laughed: "It's the age of psychic energy, and you still want to deceive me?"

"This kind of trick can't even deceive fish people."

"Since you don't want to cooperate with me, then just watch from the side!"

Its eyes returned to Bai Chen again.

Compared to Lao Huang, Er Huang, and the Sea Beard couple, the four myths that defied the heavens.

It wanted to get rid of Bai Chen, the biped leader who had pitted it, oh, and his stinky bird.

Blood gathered in its big eyes.

The next moment, a colorful beam of light fell from the sky and directly pierced the heart of the Wrath of the Arctic Circle.


"Biped leader, how dare you trick me?"

The Wrath of the Arctic Circle let out a shocking roar of pain.

This blow not only made it feel heartbroken, but also directly hurt its origin.

With a sound of duang, it fell in front of Bai Chen.

"Anger, I need more anger."

"Two-legged beasts, become the source of my power."

Bunches of red hair spurted out of its body.

These red lines, which were only as thick as fingers, seemed to have their own guidance function, and instantly entangled all the teachers and students on the dead volcano island, as well as all the Western coolies.

"Let me see, what are you two-legged beasts thinking about?"

Bai Chen crossed his arms and raised a pitying smile at the corners of his mouth.

Old Huang, Er Huang, Wu Laoguai and others also looked at the Arctic Circle's Fury with a look of idiocy, watching it operate like a tiger.

"Ding! Your system is online."

The dragon bone card on the neck of Senior Brother Tian Gang, who was tied up like a dumpling by the red hair, lit up.

"What should I do if I can't buy a hardcore coder that can't play games with a 3090?"

"Leibs teaches Leather Jacket Yellow how to play with monkeys."

"Number Two, even if you are a succubus, I still covet your body."

"The people upstairs are all riddlers."

"Fast forward to riding the ancient god back home in glory."

The information that Red Hair extracted from the teachers and students instantly filled the mind of the Arctic Circle's Wrath.

There were all kinds of messes, but there was no anger it needed.

Oh, no.

It still felt the raging anger from the seven-member group.

"996 and no overtime pay, Boss Bai Chen is not a human being!"

"1+1=3, 1+0.15=2.6."

"My airplane, my plastic man."

"Red heart, go to hell!"

The anger of the seven entered the body of Arctic Circle Wrath.

Arctic Circle Wrath was shocked to find that these angers had no effect at all.

"Wrath, don't you find that under the dual effects of the embers and the ember land, the basic cosmic rules of this dead volcano island are slightly different from other places on the earth?"

The mechanical voice of the statue was full of pity for the angry fool.

These differences are very slight, but they can perfectly restrain the core abilities of it and Arctic Circle Wrath.

It is for this reason that the statue stitched monster, who also confirmed that there was no Element Devourer here, did not act rashly, but chose to wait and see.

This angry fool rushed into the pit.

"Sally, tear it down."


Sally's angry response came from the half of the Snake Hair Type 5.

Arctic Circle Wrath destroyed her home.

Colorful beams of light spewed out from the crater of the extinct volcano, and under Sally's control, they were reflected back to the landing field of the outfitting platform.

These mythical spiritual energies originated from the embers and the ember land.

Like sharp scalpels, they fell on the heart of the Arctic Circle's Wrath almost at the same second.

The divine body composed of spiritual energy and matter was torn into pieces from the heart.

"Stop, stop!"

"Surrender, I surrender."

The approach of death made the Arctic Circle's Wrath completely put down the arrogance of the ancient god.

Blood and tears flowed from its big eyes, wetting the ground in front of Bai Chen.

"Once some things are done, there is no second chance."

"Sally, cut it and wipe it off the earth."


The number of colorful light beams doubled in an instant.


As Sally stripped all the god-level essence from the heart, the Arctic Circle's Wrath was completely silent.

The question is, how can we buy 3080 and 3090 at the original price?

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