I can summon myself

Chapter 339 The seventh generation of the biosphere that you carry with you

"This is the transfer document for the Ex Machina project, and we have completed all transfer processes."

"Now Misty Rain Academy is the sole owner of the Ex Machina project."

De Jong took out a space ring: "Except for the three Ex Machinas that you don't need, all the data for this project is in this space ring."

The old weirdo signaled Bai Chen to accept the ring.

Bai Chen casually put the ring into his pocket.

Now the Ex Machina project truly belongs to him.

"In addition, to thank you for solving the Fury of the Arctic Circle and recovering the remains of our clan leader Van Zik."

"We have a big gift for you." De Jong took out a palm-sized green seed.

"The biosphere you carry with you, the seventh generation."

"There is a demi-plane biological base that does not require any external resources to complete the cycle and can be completely self-sufficient for about five hundred awakened people."

"Compared to the third-generation technology used in Deep Ocean Market, compared to the highest-grade fifth-generation technology on the market in the Western Alliance."

"This seventh-generation technology is the pinnacle of eight hundred years of intensive research by our Van Zick family, and is one level higher than the six-generation technology provided to the Eastern Earth Psychic Association."

De Rong solemnly placed the seeds in front of Bai Chen.

As soon as Bai Chen's fingers touched the surface of the seed, a piece of information came into his mind.

"Biosphere Seventh Generation, customer number 006, with a volume of 23.7 cubic kilometers, can produce 200 tons of pure water, 21 tons of starchy staple food, 7.5 tons of fruits and vegetables, 1,400 kilograms of meat, and About one hundred and twenty-five kilograms of awakened spiritual plants.”

"Having a paper and cloth production center made of plant fibers can meet the normal consumption of a thousand people."

"Unlike the previous six generations of biospheres, the seventh generation biosphere has the ability to overload production for the first time and can double the production capacity of water, food, and air at the expense of the life of the biosphere in an emergency."

Bai Chen smiled with satisfaction.

Seeing the smile on his lips, De Jong felt as if a huge stone had fallen to the ground.

He looked at Piero and Little Simpson with a look of embarrassment.

These two were dumbfounded.

Van Zyck's remains were important, but this was just a cover for his heavy gift.

With this biosphere seventh generation foundation, Misty Rain Academy will definitely support its side in the next exchange transaction.

As long as enough god-level essence can be obtained from Bai Chen's hands in a fair transaction, it means that the Van Zik family can recover the loss of losing its own mythical strong man to the greatest extent, and cultivate a second person who can support the family in the shortest time. The heaven-defying myth of the portal.

For an established family like Van Zyck.

The number of heaven-defying myths and the strength of the heaven-defying myths are the only factors that determine whether their family can maintain its transcendent status.

For this reason, De Rong decisively took out Biosphere Seventh Generation, his trump card originally used to fight against the mythical boss PY of the Eastern Land, and used it to win the favor of Bai Chen and Yanyu Academy.

Judging from Bai Chen's unabashed satisfaction.

He was right.

Little Simpson had a long, straight face.


"Can such an important weapon as Biosphere Seven be given as a gift?"

"Before arriving at Airport 5, did we agree to advance and retreat together?"

"De Jong, you are such an old cunt!"

Little Simpson couldn't help but curse, looking at De Jong as if there was a traitor among us.

But the tragedy is that not only does he not have the right to give it away as De Jong says, but the family warehouse he has currently does not have a treasure that can be compared with the seven generations of the biosphere.

"Traitor, you deserve to die!"

Little Simpson was extremely angry.

Piero's face didn't look much better either.

There is no doubt that De Jong's move also caught him by surprise.

A demiplane that could be inhabited by humans and had a complete ecological cycle was even more valuable than the nest of Flame Crystal Lizards that Yan Shuishui brought out.

But if De Rong really takes advantage of the exchange business and gets most of the god-level essence from Bai Chen.

That was a result Piero absolutely didn't want to see.

He racked his brains to think of countermeasures.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Anastasia mixed in with the girls such as the foodie senior.

Got it!

Piero's eyes flashed.

"Bai Chen, what do you think of Anastasia?"

He waved to the living dead girl.

De Rong's heart suddenly skipped a beat.


What is this bitch going to do?

Anastasia walked over expressionlessly.

The smile on Piero's face became even bigger.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I think you just need a personal maid."

"Anastasia is perfect for her."

"She and the Holy Roman lineage of witches she belongs to are good at serving people. I will package them up and give them to you. What do you think?"

Piero said with a smile on his face.

Anastasia's face was filled with humiliation.

She never thought that Piero, the interim patriarch of the De Rosset family, the largest financier of the Holy Roman line, would restore the impact of the seven generations of biosphere sent by De Jong in front of Bai Chen.

He even tried to pack her up and send her, a total of thirteen witches in their lineage, as personal maids without hesitation.

"Pierro, you are going too far!"

"Treating people as gifts? This is the age of psychic energy. How dare you do such a crazy thing? Are you still living in the Middle Ages?"

De Jong roared loudly.

What a joke, how could he tolerate Piero using such a shameless method to win back Bai Chen's favor.

He turned his head and looked at the four legendary witches.

"Sir Eve, the Holy Roman lineage is also a member of your family of witches. Are you just going to watch Piero give your kind as a gift?"

De Jong tried to drag the four of them into the water.

But whether it was Eve or the other three, they all looked unmoved.

It is true that the Holy Roman lineage is their kind.

But the same thing as getting promoted and getting rich and dying in the same industry also applies to the Western Alliance.

More importantly, Anastasia has now entered Yanyu College.

If Bai Chen or anyone else in Yanyu College falls in love with this living dead girl.

If they rashly speak up to stop it, wouldn't they offend the other party?

Eve expressed a neutral attitude expressionlessly: "We have no right to interfere between Piero and Anastasia's lineage."

Piero laughed.

Anastasia was enveloped by a chill from her soul.

Her eyes were filled with sadness.

She looked at all the members of the Western Alliance delegation present for help.

But everyone avoided her gaze.

At this time, Little Simpson broke the silence in the store.

"Student Bai Chen, everyone from Yanyu College, I need to contact my family immediately."

One threw out the seventh generation of the Biosphere.

One packed up the Holy Roman lineage of the Witch of Zongheng and gave it to Bai Chen.

He couldn't sit still anymore.

If these two European white skins really exchanged all the God-level Essence Sources in Bai Chen's hands.

They, the Simpson family, would suffer a great loss.

He not only had to get the authorization of the family.

He also had to let the family come up with delicacies that could compete with the seventh generation of the Biosphere and regain Bai Chen's favor for their family!

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