I can summon myself

Chapter 340 You decide

"That's it for today."

"We're going to rest."

Feeling that he needed to have a good discussion with Bai Chen, the old wizard yawned.


Bai Chen followed suit and suspended the exchange transaction.

He sent away the Western Alliance delegation and asked the store manager to drive Zhou Wangu, Yan Shuishui and other guys with long ears out of the official store.

Long Hantian and Fang Zihan closed the store door.

"Obviously, in order to calm down the turmoil caused by the loss of three family heads in the shortest possible time, the three major families of the Western Alliance want to catch all the god-level essence of the angry fool in your hands, Bai Chen."

Long Hantian pointed out the core reason why De Jong and Del Piero rushed to give big gifts.

That is, as long as there are enough god-level essences, there will be enough confidence to intimidate the enemies of the three major families, and buy time for these three families to cultivate a new generation of strong men who defy the myths of heaven.

You know, looking at the earth, there is only one god-slayer like Bai Chen who is willing and able to produce god-level essence that is enough to stabilize the situation.

Naturally, the three major families are willing to do anything for this.

Anastasia's eyes instantly became very dim. Being so broken by Long Shantian, she suddenly understood that she and her Holy Roman lineage were the price Piero was willing to pay for these god-level essences that Bai Chen had on hand. .

"What does the Genius Center think of these three families?"

Bai Chen said lightly.

"I have no idea. In the past thousands of years, these three companies have shown sufficient respect and goodwill to our genius center on Arctic Circle affairs."

"They're not pricks."

The passage inside the store opened, and Wu Qingmei appeared in front of Bai Chen with several of the genius center's myth-defying bosses.

"It's all up to you."

"Student Bai Chen, if you want to sell it, sell it. If you don't want to sell it, don't sell it."

"It all depends on your attitude."

The bosses looked kind and kind, as if they were facing the most outstanding juniors in their family.

The look they looked at Bai Chen was filled with relief that there was a successor to Dongtu.

These three families behaved submissively enough.

But classmate Bai Chen is Dongtu’s future.

None of the big guys want to interfere with Bai Chen's choice in this matter.

"Old principal, what do you think?"

Bai Chen said strangely to Mr. Wu.

The old man Wu took down a bunch of snacks from the shelves and distributed them to the bosses present. He said indifferently: "Since the Genius Center has no objection to these three companies, then I don't care. After all, my ex-girlfriends It has nothing to do with these three companies.”

The reason why the old monster wanted to discuss with Bai Chen was because of the genius center, the Eastern Earth Psionics Association.

He still has a sense of the overall situation.

But now that the bosses of the Genius Center have stated that they have no idea about these three companies.

He has no personal opinion.

"You make the decision."

The old weirdo smiled.

"Then meet the requirements of these three companies."

Bai Chen made a decision.

"You can have as much god-level essence as you want."

"I'm not afraid that these three families have a big appetite, but I'm afraid that their family background is not enough."

The genius center bosses were moved.

No matter how big the Fury of the Arctic Circle is, the god-level essence it can provide is limited.

Except for the Simpson family, these three families have a shorter history.

Whether it's the Van Zyck family or the De Rosse family, they definitely have a lot of spiritual materials to start the title legend.

Classmate Bai Chen can open the exchange.

It shows that he is not relying on the disappearance of Angry Fool, but has something else to rely on.

Wu Qingmei had a flash of inspiration.

"Classmate Bai Chen, do you have a way to synthesize god-level essence?"

As soon as she said this, the official store suddenly became quiet.

Bai Chen was surprised: "Don't the Genius Center have such technology?"

The big guys laughed dumbly: "Dongtu has them, and there are more than one kind, but they are basically at a loss-making level."

"The Western Alliance only needs about twenty or thirty times the cost of super controller spiritual materials to synthesize a god-level essence."

"So, no one will use low-level spiritual materials to synthesize a higher-level god-level essence unless absolutely necessary."

Bai Chen, the blue star in the sea of ​​consciousness, curled his lips: "Tsk, your level is so low."

Even at Blue Star, you can at least achieve capital-guaranteed exchange.

The ratio of twenty or thirty parts of the earth to one part.

Lan Xing Bai Chen was also convinced.

"The Statue Stitch Monster can synthesize the spiritual materials from the beginning of the Titled Legend into god-level essence."

"This ancient god has alien god-level essence synthesis technology."

Bai Chen said frankly.

You can't hide it.

No one is a fool.

What's more, there is no need to hide anything.

Just the fact that they took out the god-level essence from the ancient underwater city of the Stitch Monster was enough to make the think tanks of the Genius Center have this association.

It's better to say it openly.

On the contrary, it was the God-level essence of emotional condensation represented by the little native dog that was the secret that he needed to keep for the time being.

The existence of the statue stitch monster can be used to cover up the future god-level essence production of Yanyu Academy.

The big guys suddenly realized.

"So that's it."

"Classmate Bai Chen, you are so lucky."

"I am envious of the ancient gods who possess alien technology."

The big guys laughed.

"In this case, our Genius Center will also exchange some according to the exchange ratio of the three major families every year."

Bai Chen nodded: "Of course, no problem."

"However, the god-level essences synthesized by the Statue Stitch Monster are all entry-level ordinary goods. Intermediate and advanced god-level essences cannot be synthesized yet."

"That's okay."

"As long as it's god-level essence."

"We are willing to take advantage of its remaining capacity."

The big guys said excitedly.

The existence of the statue stitching monster means a stable supply channel of god-level essence.

For them, who are fighting for the god-level essence every year, but are still stretched thin.

It's like rain from heaven.

The more nature, the merrier.

"Okay, that's settled."

Bai Chen agreed.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

"Bai Chen, when will you be able to clear the subspace obstacle avoidance again?"

"The people inside have been out of touch for so long, and it's time to see them again."


The expressions of the big guys became solemn.


Bai Chen looked at Wang Botang.

The bald senior stood in front of the big guys.

"Based on the data we collected from the subspace using subspace beacons, it can now be confirmed..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden violent vibration under his feet.

"Bai Chen, get out of here!"

"And those bastards from Yanyu Academy, come out immediately!"

"You idiots actually dare to turn the most elegant member of the Liu family in our imperial capital into your maid?"

"You guys from Yanyu City, do you think our imperial Liu family is easy to bully?"

"Today, our Liu family will let you know the consequences of kidnapping the most beautiful and beautiful person!"

"Bai Chen, do you know how many ways to write the word "death"?

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