I can summon myself

Chapter 348 General General Earth Third

The live broadcast has started.

What appeared in the projection in Bai Chen's suite was an ugly old white man who single-handedly brought down the appearance of human beings.

He is a well-known celebrity in the earth's academic world.

"Isaac Albert Max!"

"The Western Alliance's top academic leader is determined to be at the level of Poseidon."

"His legendary title is, generally, the third on earth."

"The third person recognized by Heaven as the master of human learning."

The old weirdo revealed this guy's identity in detail.

"My dear, look at this old man's right wrist."

Immortal King Bai Chen keenly discovered the problem with the third person on earth.

Bai Chen took a closer look, and sure enough, Max, the old white man in the live broadcast, saw a familiar, strange, and ominous red color on his right wrist.

This is the fury of the Arctic Circle.

Now standing on the ice of the Arctic Circle, he had already entered the lair of an angry fool.

After the little dog Arctic Circle Grudge confirmed that this was Angry Fool's unknown, it was able to lock Max's coordinates through this red hair.

Bai Chen calmed down.

He walked to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of ice-cold Happy Water.

Under the gaze of everyone from the Western Alliance delegation, you really have a big heart.

Bai Chen slowly returned to his seat, buried himself in the sofa, and said firmly: "No matter what they want to do, they are going to be in bad luck."

Eve glanced at Bai Chen in confusion.

Judging from the live broadcast screen.

Max's face was glowing with excitement, and he couldn't be related to the word "unlucky".

However, neither she nor the other witches, nor the three temporary labor clan leaders, refuted Bai Chen.

He even hoped that Bai Chen could make his prophecy come true.

"First of all, a minute of silence for our colleagues from the joint expedition who lost their lives here, and a minute of silence for all the humans who lost their lives here."

The old white man and his new team colleagues wrapped like rice dumplings beside him lowered their heads.

Bai Chen also stood up.

I mourn for Your Excellency Dai Xin and the brave men from the East who set themselves on fire and used their lives to send an emergency evacuation signal.

One minute later.

Max looked up.

"The joint expedition was established for the millions of humans trapped in the lost zone of subspace."

"The members of the first expedition team sacrificed their lives to let us latecomers see the light."

He stamped his feet: "Under the ice beneath my feet is a subspace."

"When we collected the remains of the joint expedition team, we discovered the weakness of this subspace."

"Combined with the valuable data left by the victims of the expedition."

"The Ivy League has worked together to design a plan to break into this subspace!"

Even though we were in the ice and snow at dozens of degrees below zero.

Whether it was Max who was speaking, or his colleagues.

Every one of them was steaming.

Every face is filled with excitement, pride, elation and many other expressions.

Max waved his right hand vigorously: "Yes, although the first group of our joint inspection team all died, their sacrifices lit the way for us to enter the lost area and rescue millions of lost people."

"They are just like their Ivy League predecessors in the past."

"He has made a huge contribution to all mankind."

"Once we are able to enter subspace, we can not only find the millions of lost humans in it, but also use subspace as a springboard to discover, enter, and conquer the new world behind subspace that intersects with the spiritual energy of the earth. !”

"On behalf of our Ivy League, I, Max, appeal to the East, to the West, and to all organizations around the world. I implore you to support our joint expedition. I implore you to pass the Fury of the Arctic Circle with our joint expedition." Nest, open up the space passage into the subspace.”

"The earth belongs to mankind, and the glory belongs to the Ivy League!"


The live broadcast is over.


Zuo Miao knocked over the coffee table in front of her with an iron rod.

"Glory belongs to the Ivy League? Fuck you!"

The foodie senior roared angrily.

"Discovered the weakness of the subspace?"

"That's really nice to say."

"Did you discover this? Does this need you to discover?"

"Our special express broke through the subspace barrier of the Arctic Circle, and then the Fury of the Arctic Circle broke the same subspace barrier again. It is so obvious that Max, the shameless man, actually takes the credit. Is it tied to his joint inspection team?"

"Those ancient god rations left some weird data. Even the Fury of the Arctic Circle doesn't know that the first joint expedition team made any contribution. Max, the stinky old man, knows the merits of the ancient god's rations better than the ancient gods?"

"How shameless!"

The teachers and students of Yanyu Academy were furious.

Bullshit is average and the earth is third.

Bullshit Ivy League.

"The villain wants to take the credit!"

"Stealing the loot from the Arctic Fury's lair."

"Now I even want to seize the monumental achievement of breaking through the subspace barrier, contacting the lost zone, and rescuing millions of humans!"

The old monster Wu's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The myth-defying bosses at the Genius Center all had expressionless faces.


"Ivy League!"

Long Hantian and Fang Zihan gnashed their teeth as they spoke every word.

There is no doubt that Max, who turned black and white and put all the credit on the Ivy League Joint Investigation Team, successfully made it onto the blacklist of these two anti-sky myths.

"Is this a misunderstanding?"

Witch Eve is eloquent.

Although she personally agrees with the teachers and students of Yanyu College.

But there is a saying that the butt determines the head.

Even if she also cursed Max in her heart.

Her identity as the head of the Western Alliance delegation determined that she could only speak well of one of the pillars of the Western Alliance, the Ivy League.

"There is nothing to misunderstand."

Bai Chen said lightly.

"Don't they want to steal the credit?"

"Then grab it."

A hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Bai Chen's mouth.



"Notify Sally immediately and let her be ready to open the space barrier of the subspace again at any time."


The black iron psychic suit on Krao flashed the light of Yes RGB.

"We are ready to go back."

Bai Chen said to the anti-sky myth bosses of the Genius Center.

Cheng Changdong stood up suddenly.

"From now on, Deep Ocean Market No. 5 is under your command."

"For Airport No. 5, I will also let Gu Shaoyi be ready to support at any time."

"Student Bai Chen, I still have a few fifth-generation biosphere here."

De Jong made his choice.

That is Bai Chen, who has the support of the Dragon Emperor Dealer, who is obviously more reliable than Max, the third-ranked person on Earth.

"Student Bai Chen, I think I heard Sally?"

The witch Merlin, who had been silent, asked: "Is it the mechanical girl Sally on Anne Freya's Snake Hair Type 5?"

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