I can summon myself

Chapter 349: I Misjudged Sally

"No, Sally is my junior brother's!"

Zuo Miao corrected seriously.

Everyone in Mist and Rain Academy also looked on with unkind expressions as they watched Witch Meilin swarm over PPPVP whenever she had a disagreement.

This reaction is wrong.

Mei Lin noticed something was wrong immediately.

Her brain was running at high speed like lightning.


They made a big mistake.

Originally, they thought that it would not matter if the Ex Machina project, which had long been judged to be a failure, was given to Bai Chen for free.

Just a failure.

What's more, using this in exchange for the Europa agency rights for the magical secret blue pill is a great deal.

If there was no such thing as the Fury of the Arctic Circle.

This very good deal has already been concluded.

And when the bosses of the Genius Center proposed to complete the transaction process that had been delayed due to the death of the three patriarchs in the shortest possible time.

The Zongheng witches just thought that the people from Yanyu Academy were waiting impatiently and wanted to take the opportunity to finalize and implement the Ex Machina project.

In addition to feeling that this group of people was a bit restless, neither they, nor the major shareholders of the Ex Machina project team, nor the two major families of Van Zyk and De Rosse, found anything unusual about this transaction.

But now Merlin's original intention was not Ex Machina, but she wanted to use the conversation to ask Annefreya what was going on with the seven-person group.

Unexpectedly, the expression of Zuo Miao, the senior sister of Bai Chen's classmate, suddenly changed.

The teachers and students of Yanyu Academy also seemed to be furious.

Their performance made Mei Lin react.

Even the previous god-level essence transactions never made these people so vigilant.

In other words, from Bai Chen's point of view, Machina Sally is more important than their more than 600 tons of god-level essence.

Merlin instantly realized what was special about Sally.

"Could it be that our entire Western Alliance has made a mistake?"

"No, not only the Western Alliance, but also the Eastern Psychic Association, which is a small shareholder, has misjudged the situation."

She organized her words and said sincerely: "Don't get me wrong, Sally is of course Bai Chen's classmate."

"I was just asked to know the whereabouts of Annefreya and the other seven."

"I'd like to meet them if possible."

"Okay," Bai Chen said calmly, "I will send the seven of them to Airport 5 before you return to the Western Alliance."

Now that Sally has been acquired, the importance of the seven-person group used as Pulan's B bargaining chip has dropped sharply. For the sake of the story between the ferocious dragon Huantian and the Merlin witch.

Bai Chen is willing to give Long Hantian some face.


After thanking Bai Chen, the Western Alliance delegation left Bai Chen's suite.

Just returned to their place of stay.

Eve had a wry smile on her face: "We must have made a mistake with Sally this time!"

Mei Lin said: "Isn't it? I just mentioned it casually. Their reaction was so big, which shows that the Ex Machina with the worst comprehensive evaluation and the least potential in the Ex Machina project is Bai Chen and Yanyu Academy. The most valuable treasure to help people.”

"We can't recognize Sally, nor the Eastern Earth Psychic Association can recognize Sally, but the Dragon Emperor Dealer can recognize her and use her abilities, which shows that this mysterious big man is better than us. It’s even deeper than you can imagine.”

De Rong sighed. The joy in his heart for redeeming the god-level essence suddenly disappeared without a trace. It was replaced by the frustration that he had given up Sally to Bai Chen despite having the important treasure in front of him for so many years.

"Loss of blood!"

Piero couldn't help patting his forehead. He had the treasure mountain but gave it away to others because he was blind.

This feels really bad.

"What's the use of talking about this now?"

"If the Dragon Emperor dealer doesn't fail for one day, and if Cheng Changdong, Long Hantian and others don't change their attitude towards Bai Chen and Mist and Rain Academy, it won't have any effect even if you regret it in your intestines. It's not like you can't win." Back to Sally?”

Little Simpson curled his lips: "Since the Ex Machina project has been named Bai, you should stop thinking so much. It is better to figure out what Max and these Ivy League lunatics want to do. This is the big thing that must be figured out now."

"Opening up the lost contact zone in subspace and rescuing millions of people including those trapped in the subspace. What you say is better than what you sing. But is this the third-largest character on earth?"

Simpson made no secret of his suspicion of Max.

"Nowadays, the Dongtu family is the only one on earth. The slogan "for all mankind" is not only the responsibility of Dongtu, the leading brother, but it is also very consistent with the traditional moral values ​​of Dongtu people who are virtuous and benefit the world."

"But who in Max doesn't know that this guy is a scientific research machine with no emotions, and the importance of millions of people is not as important as millions of white mice in the eyes of a guy like him who only has data in his head. "

"The same goes for the Ivy League, which is made up of countless people like Max."

"In the eyes of these scientific research machines, they have academics, interests, and ambitions, but the only thing they don't have is the human responsibility that Max keeps talking about."

"If there is no deeper reason, this group of people will never go to the Arctic Circle with their heads up like the Eastern people to reason with the bunch of ancient gods there."

As the top lord of Alaska, Simpson never believed that the Ivy League would do anything for the millions of people in the lost zone of subspace.

It can make a scientific research machine like Max suddenly change its style of painting, and it can make a big difference in one breath.

There are definitely unknown factors.

The witches looked solemn.

Although they were not as familiar with Max and the Ivy League as Little Simpson was, they still agreed with Little Simpson's judgment.

Generally speaking, Max, the third person on earth, is not one of those professional politicians preparing to run for the leadership of the Western Alliance.

He has a shitty feeling for his family and country.

Witch Eve's mind was filled with questions.

"Why do they want to do a global live broadcast?"

"If it is to expand its influence, no matter how much it is expanded, it cannot be more famous than the City of All Souls and the Dongtu Genius Center."

"Even if Max gets his wish and saves millions of people."

"Knowing that the Dragon Emperor Dealer exists, and knowing that it was the Dongtu people from Yanyu College who took the lead in breaking the subspace barrier, he would not regard the Ivy College Alliance as his savior."

"In other words, the audience of Max's live broadcast is not the Eastern Tutu, but our Western Alliance."

Meilin frowned: "But what's the point?"

She thought for a long time and couldn't figure out what Max and the Ivy League were planning.

"Let's collect more information first."

Eve sighed.

Just when they were racking their brains for Max who suddenly appeared to cause trouble.

In Bai Chen's suite, the little local dog Arctic Circle's Resentment stood up like a man and kept talking: "Max discovered the unknown effect of the angry fool's red hair. They don't know how to block these unknown red hairs."

"Now, I can no longer sense them with my red hair."

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