I can summon myself

Chapter 472 Let the Chosen One lead the way?

Franklin Forty spread out a 2-meter by 2-meter animal skin map.

"Outside the evil gold mining area in the coordinate direction is a bottomless earth fissure, more than thirty kilometers wide, and its length stretches from the outer layer of the evil gold mining area to our maximum exploration range of three thousand kilometers. The end.”

"As for the maximum depth, our Chamber of Commerce has not been able to reach the lowest point so far."

"But after crossing this crack in the earth and the granite mountain barrier at the other end, this wilderness area extends from undulating hills to about 5,000 kilometers deep, and it is a prosperous forest."

"Unlike the common green plants in the evil gold mining area, this forest is not made up of real plants, but clumps of large mushrooms hundreds of meters high and more than ten meters thick."

"You can't see the end of the mushroom forest at a glance and the coordinates should be in the mushroom forest."

After a pause, after Bai Chen digested the information, he continued: "The cracks in the earth are mainly dominated by violent elemental creatures. They travel through the crack space in the form of tribes. The most powerful elemental lord It is comparable to ordinary gods, and the weakest elemental creatures are even inferior to first-order awakened ones.”

"In the five thousand kilometers from the rift to the forest, although our exploration team did not discover the existence of real life forms, whether it was the instruments we used for reconnaissance or the unmanned outposts we released, we collected a large number of unknown life forms. breath."

"Some of them even heard the roar of the dragon more than once."

"This mushroom forest is quite evil."

"Just mushrooms and nothing else."

"And these mushrooms don't seem to have any interest in the twelve expedition teams we sent. No matter what our expedition team is doing over there, they just look on with cold eyes, as if they are just ordinary plants."

"But whether it's the breath of life on them, or the radio waves, spiritual energy fluctuations we collected using various instruments, it can be proven that these mushrooms are not only unknown high-level creatures, but also most likely intelligent creatures."

Thinking of these mushrooms, an obviously unnatural expression appeared on Franklin Forty's face.

As someone who has personally visited there more than once, he gets a creepy feeling every time he thinks of a colorful fairy tale world like the Mushroom Forest.

"How do mushrooms taste? Do you have any samples?"

The foodie senior said.

"Just regular mushroom flavor."

"But even if we used a chainsaw to dig holes in the mushrooms, the mushrooms themselves would not react at all."

"But from the breath of life and the numbers on the instrument, we can clearly tell that it is not only a living creature, but we can also clearly feel that we are drilling holes in it."

Franklin Forty's words made the foodie senior and the teachers and students of Misty Rain Academy tremble.

A chill came from everyone's heart. Just imagine, a person looks at you digging holes in his body without changing his expression and his heart does not beat, and then eats his flesh in front of him without any reaction.

Not afraid of anything, even the foodie senior who could eat the ancient gods without turning around also lost the idea of ​​getting some mushrooms to try.

"What's even weirder is that no matter how many mushrooms and non-mushroom samples we collect there, once we leave the scope of the mushroom forest, these samples, whether they are carried with us or put into various space equipment, all disappear in a way that we can't understand at all. , as if it had never existed.”

The teachers and students suddenly let out a gasp. Sinowie, Abbette Maple Sugar, and the purple-skinned elf Xinda who were watching also looked like they had seen a ghost.

Only Yan Shuishui geared up and whistled: "Interesting, this place is interesting."

She rolled her eyes and had an idea.

"Since this place is so evil, we can let the chosen ones form a group and go there as cannon fodder for Mo De's affectionate pathfinders."

"The eyes that walk the world as gods."

“They couldn’t be a better fit.”

"There is no place in the world other than a divine land."

Yan Shuishui, who was a foreigner like Bai Chen, suddenly came up with the good idea of ​​letting the God's Chosen One take the lead.

The teachers and students couldn't help but nod.

"A dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist."

"Since the Great Blue Sky World is the territory of the gods, it is natural for the chosen ones to form a group to wipe out all kinds of dissenters."

"The time has come to test their quality."

Bai Chen called Chanduoduo Prell on the spot and listened carefully to the introduction to this area. She smiled bitterly and said: "Your Excellency Bai Chen, if you want to send us over to clear the way, it will definitely be no problem."

"The Chosen Ones from any of our temples are willing to be your pioneers, even if they pay for it with their lives."

"But the problem is, the countless experiences of opening up wild areas in the past have proven that the firmer our chosen ones' faith in the gods is, the greater the resistance we will encounter in such wild areas. It seems that the way of heaven in the big blue sky world is not Allow us to rely on the gods’ intimidation to open up territories for the gods.”

"The most intuitive result is that the higher our rank and the greater our number, the greater the backlash after entering the wild area, and the more unsatisfactory the final result will be. This seems to be an iron law that runs through all walks of life. The Great Temple’s Wilderness History.”

"It is not a pity for us to die personally, but it would be terrible if this ruined your important affairs, Mr. Bai Chen."

Chandodo Prell said as she presented her evidence.

The Temple of Wealth specializes in large historical books recording the history of pioneering wilderness areas.

From before the invasion of earth players, to the most recent time, the God of Fortune Temple Chosen was calculated to accidentally enter the wild area and was punished by the Heavenly Law of the Blue Sky World, leaving no trace of his body.

Bai Chen discovered that once believers with titles of Legend and above enter the wild area, they will be attacked by the law of heaven here.

As Qian Duoduo said, the higher the level, the stronger the strength, and the heavier the suffering.

“My dear, that’s right, it’s the Heavenly Dao here that caused this.”

"Otherwise, if using the God's Chosen One to open the way is effective, there will not be so many wild places waiting to be explored and discovered in the Blue Sky World."

Lanxing Baichen said with certainty.

Qian Duoduo didn't lie.

A chosen one like her is not suitable to be a pioneer under the rules of heaven.

"Where's the fake letter card?"

"If we equip these God's Chosen Ones with fake letter cards, wouldn't it be possible to temporarily block this side's perception of Heavenly Dao?"

Immortal King Bai Chen made a suggestion.

Bai Chen shook his head silently: "The combat power of the chosen ones comes from the gods. Once they block the way of heaven, they block the gods. Without the gods, they are not as good as flame elves like Yan Shui Shui Xinda. Secondly, the false letter card comes again It has not been tested in the wild. If it accidentally loses its effect, the chosen one wearing the false letter card will be completely besieged by the creatures in the wild, which will lead to bad things. "

Immortal King Bai Chen nodded to Bai Chen in a learned manner.

"However, although the chosen one like Qian Duoduo cannot clear the way, it does not mean that there is no Pulan B."

Bai Chen, inspired, looked at Qian Duoduo.

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