I can summon myself

Chapter 473: One hundred blasphemers come first

"Old Mo, how much do you know about the situation in the wild area on the side of the crack in the earth outside the Evil Gold Mine?"

Mo Wentian was a little confused when he was called to the communication center to put on the Ancient God client bracelet.

What the hell is the Ancient God System, and which genius invented the Ancient God Client that can communicate across the world? What is the situation on the side of the fissure in the earth outside the Evil Gold Mine?

In just a few days, Nuo Da's evil gold mining area has already been unable to satisfy the appetite of the people at Misty Rain College, so are they going to develop the wild area now?

Mo Wentian's mind was filled with questions, but he calmed down and answered Bai Chen's question.

"That is a very strange area. The rift is full of elements. The area from the outside of the rift to about 5,000 kilometers is the home of various wild mixed-blood dragon descendants. If these two areas are normal, then from 5,000 kilometers The endless mushroom forest starting from the kilometer boundary is full of weirdness.”

"Those hundred-meter-high mushrooms are obviously intelligent creatures but they refuse all forms of communication. They are like a group of cold-eyed onlookers, always turning a blind eye no matter what we are doing there. They have super vitality, and we just cut them down the night before. However, they will definitely be back to their original state the next morning.”

"No matter what method, no matter what kind of magic, once it is cast on these mushrooms, it will be like a punch hitting the sea. They will be able to return to their original shape within twelve hours at the latest."

After a pause, Mo Wentian was extremely serious: "The deeper you go into the mushroom forest, the more clearly you feel the malice of that small area of ​​heaven and earth."

"Although on the surface, the area where the Mushroom Forest is located seems peaceful compared to the ordinary wild areas where the chosen ones will be besieged in various ways once they step into it, I can confirm that there are great dangers and crises for all believers. ”

Bai Chen rubbed his temples: "Besides mushrooms, did you find other creatures in that area? Also, how much do you know about Sheringham, the second-rate ogre dealer?"

Mo Wentian thought for a while and shook his head affirmatively: "No, except for mushrooms, there are no other living things, not even small insects. As for the second-level ogre dealer, I have never heard of the name Sheringham, let alone knew."


Bai Chen ended his communication with Mo Wentian.

"My Lord, it seems that you have made a good judgment. This area targets all believers, so we cannot send out believers from major temples."

"Only those true blasphemers who believe in nothing, unlike pseudo-blasphemers like Mo Wentian, are the pathfinding tools who are more suitable for this task."

Bai Chen called Qian Duoduo again.

"First come a hundred blasphemers, the kind who don't believe in anything."

Qian Duoduo's mouth turned into an O shape.

She knew that Bai Chen was one of the best among the foreigners, but she never expected that Bai Chen would beg for a hundred blasphemers.

Although for a chosen one like her from the Temple of Wealth, it would be a shame to die for any of the blasphemers.

But Bai Chen not only asked for a hundred such astronomical figures, but more importantly, he wanted true unbelievers.

Qian Duoduo smiled bitterly and said: "Your Excellency Bai Chen, there are many beliefs in the Big Blue Sky World. Naturally, there are very few people who don't believe in anything, and there are almost no people who don't believe in money. There are many blasphemers in the Temple of Wealth, but if you want to say There is only one person out of ten who doesn’t even believe in money.”

Before the invasion of the Earth players, the Temple of Wealth might have been able to find blasphemers who did not believe in money, but since the arrival of the aliens from Earth who firmly believe that money can make people go around, the aboriginal people of the Blue Sky World have also been polluted by the people of Earth. The profit-seeking appearance has made the Temple of Wealth from a third-rate force to a third-rate force after the Temple of Destiny and the Temple of Nature, but now Qian Duoduo really can't satisfy Bai Chen's request.

"I didn't say that each of your families should produce a hundred unbelievers."

"It is understandable that there are not so many Temples of Wealth. The Temple of Destiny, the Temple of Nature, and other various temples add up to a hundred."

"In addition, I believe that each of your temples must have a way to make them obedient."

Hearing that Bai Chen not only wants to cheat the Wealth Temple family, but also wants to cheat all the temples, Qian Duoduo couldn't help but nodded: "A hundred of all the temples will definitely be no problem. Mr. Bai Chen, what do you think about the unbelievers?" Are there any requirements for our strength?”

Bai Chen thought for a while: "The strongest one is the one who can be honest and obedient."

Qian Duoduo wrote it down.

In front of Bai Chen, he called his priests, repeated Bai Chen's specific requests one by one, and asked his men to rush back to the East Room Sword Sect immediately in order to notify the chosen ones of the various temples who were still there.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, is there anything else?"

"How much do you know about Sheringham, a second-rate dealer?"

Bai Chen's question made Qian Duoduo laugh.

"This guy is also the purple-robed Archbishop of the Temple of Wealth. I can call him over now."

At noon the next day, Sheringham, the second-level ogre dealer who sold the Dragon Blood Matrix to Graham, appeared in front of Bai Chen.

This is a fat man who is two meters tall and looks to be at least 300 pounds. The purple archbishop's robe from the Temple of Wealth is covered with golden pendants of various shapes.

The big gold chain around his neck, which was thicker than Zuo Miao's big iron rod, even blinded the teachers and students of Mist and Rain College.

But when this arrogant guy saw Bai Chen, a flattering smile suddenly appeared on his big face full of flesh. Without waiting for Bai Chen to speak, he told him everything he knew about the Dragon Blood Matrix Exchange.

"Before the Azure Sky attack, there was no such profession as a melee mage in the Azure Sky World. It was not until the Earth outsiders appeared that the Azure Sky World created a melee mage like Graham through reference to deal with the melee among you outsiders. The BUFF formations such as the Dragon Blood Matrix that were solidified in Graham's body were created by the gods."

"For that war, the various temples spread the method of the Dragon Blood Matrix to all the creatures in the Azure Sky World, but even if the functions are the same, each Dragon Blood Matrix has its own characteristics inside."

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows and signaled Sheringham to continue.

"Although we bought the dragon blood matrix sold to Graham from the black market where there are many good and bad people and we don't know the identity of the real maker, we can be sure that this dragon blood matrix is ​​definitely not the regular technology of each temple, but has a very distinct style of a wild god."

"And from the characteristics in the dragon blood matrix, it can be judged that this is not only made by the wild gods of the Azure Sky World, but also contains many strange regular scripts that are neither the technology of the Azure Sky World nor the style of the Earth's foreigners."

"These regular scripts are common in the space equipment seized from the Azure Sky Resistance Army."

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