I can summon myself

Chapter 474 I am afraid of hiding myself

Sheringham took out a stack of relevant information from its large gold chain. Bai Chen casually opened one, and a row of unprecedented text appeared in front of him.


Lan Xing Bai Chen exclaimed in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"My dear, this thing is wrong."

"Originally, I thought that this kind of text was created by Martian humans who colluded with the Blue Sky Resistance Army. However, no matter how strange the Martians are, they are of the same line as the Earth and have taken away part of the Earth's way of heaven. No matter how strange their text is, it will not exceed that of the Earth. The scope of heaven.”

"But these things in front of me look similar to Martian literature, but they are completely different from the Earth's Heavenly Dao. The possibility that it came from Martians and originated from human civilization is extremely low."

"That is to say, the Blue Sky Resistance Army is not only having an affair with the Martians, but now it seems that it is also having an affair with other alien forces."

Bai Chen touched his chin and opened the information one by one. In addition to the text on the Dragon's Blood Matrix, the data also contains a lot of detailed information on the Blue Sky Resistance's Space Equipment Matrix.

After reading the entire article, Bai Chen confirmed Blue Star Bai Chen's judgment. These things do not seem to come from fellow humans on Mars, but are more similar to the extraterrestrial technology in the alien spacecraft captured by the statue suture monster.


Bai Chen handed the information to Yan Shuishui, who had his neck stretched out. Wang Botang, the foodie senior and other teachers and students also gathered around.

While they were discussing, Bai Chen looked at Sheringham again. "What kind of reading god do you ogres have?"

"What does it have to do with the Blue Sky Resistance Army?"

Sheringham's smile turned awkward.

Qian Duoduo on the side glared at this guy: "Now that Mr. Bai Chen has spoken, are you still going to hide it?"

Sheringham shouted that he was wronged: "Don't talk nonsense about Qian Duoduo. When Mr. Bai Chen opens his mouth, of course I will tell everything I know."

"But the problem is that for a person with learning difficulties like me, one plus one equals five, I know there is a legend about the God of Reading, but I don't have any information about the specific content of the legend or what kind of god it is."

"Except that this mysterious reading god is only spread among the rare wise men among the ogres, I don't know any other information."

"Because for a person like me who has learning difficulties, I and the God of Reading are like parallel lines that never meet. All matters related to it will be blocked from my life under the influence of the divine power of reading."

Sheringham was neither trying to keep a secret from the ogre gods nor was he trying to sell it for a price. The reason why he couldn't answer Bai Chen's question was simply because the God of Reading took the initiative to block people with learning difficulties like him.

He can't just open his mouth and talk nonsense.

"Then let's find some wise men among the ogres to come and answer Lord Bai Chen's questions!"

Qian Duoduo said word by word.

Sheringham couldn't help but shake his head: "It's easy to catch a wise man, but it's impossible to ask for information about a god of reading."

"The reason why our ogre reading god only exists in legends without any specific information about it being leaked is because it is not only mysterious but also powerful."

"Anyone who wants to follow the ogre sage to find out its clues will be in vain, because after sensing events related to it, it will just like shielding people with learning difficulties like me from the sage and other believers who are related to it. The memory is erased instantly.”

"Even the mighty Temple of Nature, the inscrutable Temple of Destiny cannot extract any information about it from the consciousness of the wise."

"It's all in writing."

Sheringham turned to look at Bai Chen and said with great sincerity: "If you need it, Mr. Bai Chen, I can find some ogre wise men to give you, but at least in the big blue sky world, even the chosen ones can't get any food. Specific information about the human demon reading god.”

"We judge that the mysterious reading god is at least a top-level existence equivalent to the core gods of the major temples."

"We have no way of getting information about it from believers of this level of existence."

Bai Chen looked calm: "Then let's put it aside for now."

"I actually have a top god with very few followers. The world of Blue Sky is becoming more and more interesting."

Lan Xing Bai Chen's eyes were stern.

Blue Sky Resistance, Martians, alien forces, sneaky book gods, evil mushroom forests, and wild areas.

In addition to being rich in all kinds of old men, this big blue sky world is also full of all kinds of monsters and monsters.

"This cannot be taken lightly."

Immortal King Bai Chen said seriously.

Due to the existence of the evil gold mine, Bai Chen must turn the evil gold mining area into a permanent stronghold. So now we must consider the series of troubles that will follow after poking the possible hornet's nest of the Mushroom Forest.

Three days later, Bai Chen, who returned to the East Room Sword Sect, announced a new master's mission.


"The main mission of "I'm Afraid of Being Cowardly" is officially released."

"In addition to fighting the sky and the earth and fighting the gods, fighting is also an art. The strategic defense system of the Evil Gold Mine, referred to as Evil TMD, is designed to defend against attacks from any direction and in any form, and to protect the safety of all tribal miners in the Evil Gold Mine. A defense system built with life as the core and based on the Dongwu Sword Sect.”

"The mission content is as follows: 1. Count the population, count the surrounding terrain, and submit the defense plan of each tribe based on the evil TMD plan."

"Second, hoarding food is not enough to make you a king. As long as the hole is deep enough, you can hide in the center of the earth. Be prepared to go to the designated place at the designated time to do the designated work."

"Third, if you have food on hand, you will not panic. After counting the population of each country, the Ancient God System will open the system mall. In addition to the points exchange, the first 50 people in the Evil Gold Mine who have completed "I am afraid of hiding" will be given free food. Depending on the ranking, the amount will be reduced from 10 tons per person to 2 tons per person."

"Fourth, only when you are alive can you get DPS. Don't waste time. From the moment this task is released, stop all adventure tasks that may endanger your safety and gather all your strength so that you can hide forever."

Fuck, the faces of the indigenous leaders under Bai Chen were all full of confusion.

I am afraid of hiding myself?

Evil gold mine strategic defense system?

Is the second invasion of earthlings coming?

But this is not right. Isn't Lord Bai Chen a real earthling? If there really was an invasion from Earth, he shouldn't have hid himself.



"What's the reason? Why do you have to hide?"

The Ancient God client was filled with puzzled comments from the indigenous leaders.

"No explanation, just do it."

"Don't waste time, there will be no reward if you're late. The maximum reward is 10 tons of food per person, isn't it good?"

"If you deliberately delay and fail to complete the task, then think about the consequences of resisting the main task."

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