I can summon myself

Chapter 525: The Depth of Islands

Next, the little female dragon performed in front of Bai Chen what it means to be a true robbery master.

I don't want the ones with low value, and I don't want the ugly ones. The little female dragon seems to have a pair of eyes that can identify all things.

The most valuable and aesthetic collections from each indigenous tribe were snatched away from the indigenous people one by one in the name of the needs of the lord Bai Chen.

In addition to material resources, the various idols of the indigenous tribes have not escaped the poisonous hands of this dragon princess.

These natives had believed in the symbol of the pheasant god for who knows how many generations, and they all became the trophies of the little female dragon.

What made the teacher of Yanyu Academy angry was that Bai Chen's name was left on all the indigenous tribes she had visited.

It was as if Bai Chen had sent her to search for the natives on purpose. All the natives who were fleeced by Ata hated Bai Chen to the extreme.

"This little female dragon must be deliberately provoking the natives' hostility towards us!"

"She has done all the bad things, but we are the ones who are hated?"

"This is too much. The Blue Sky Dragon Clan is really not a thing. There is a saying about the Dragon Clan. The best person to take the blame is a foreigner!"

"Judging from this little female dragon's skillful frame-up techniques, she definitely wears the name of a foreigner in the fish and meat village on weekdays."

"The Blue Sky Dragon Clan has bad views, and the little female dragon Atta deserves to be hung on a street lamp and whipped severely with a whip."

The teachers and students were gnashing their teeth with hatred.

Although they don't have any good impressions of the natives of the Yeshen Islands who follow the aliens and ask for 20,000 Nai cattle.

But it doesn't mean that he can accept the little female dragon's wanton frame-up.

"Parents please!"

A certain college senior said subconsciously.

Bai Chen curled his lips.

The old weirdo even rolled his eyes: "Parents please? Can you please pull it off? Parents only apply to those students with shame. There is a saying among dragon clans like the Blue Sky Dragon Clan that the blame falls on the stinky and shameless race of outsiders. Parents please is purely A waste of our own time.”

"That's right!"

Wang Botang nodded and pointed at the triumphant little female dragon on the big screen: "She will make a film to frame her. We also have pictures and the truth. We will try to find out which college on earth she will go to for further study, and then we will kill her before she enrolls." These videos of her framing us have spread throughout the college she chose! Let the teachers and students there know what kind of thing this little female dragon who talks lies is."

"At the same time, we can also throw our pictures and truth in front of the Blue Sky Dragon Clan, and spread the great achievements of the little female dragon to the entire Blue Sky World!"

The teachers and students kept nodding.

The foodie senior added: "Not only that, after she robbed the natives in our name, we directly punished her. Didn't she say that she was assigned by us? Then we will do her as she wished. All the loot obtained from the robbery will be moved to the extinct volcano island!"

"That's right!"

"That's how it should be!"

"If you dare to frame us, you must be prepared to be punished!"

The teachers and students very much agreed with the foodie senior’s suggestion.

This little female dragon who does whatever she wants in Bai Chen's name deserves justice from heaven.

If everyone felt a little sorry for the little female dragon before, now the little female dragon's frame-up behavior has completely aroused everyone's true anger.

"Now that you are dancing happily, I will give you a list tomorrow!"

The old monster said loudly.

At this time, Bai Chen's attention shifted from the little female dragon to the statues she had obtained.

"The problem of the little female dragon is easy to solve."

"On the other hand, the water in this Wild God Islands is a bit deep."

Bai Chen asked Sally to call out the thirty-two statues collected by the little female dragon.

"Aren't these just some weird beacons of pheasant gods?"

"What's the problem?"

"can't read."

The teachers and students looked at Bai Chen confused.

Everyone in the California consortium, as well as Mo Wentian and other powerful people watched for a long time without knowing what Bai Chen wanted to express.

"Sally, please make them bigger."

Yan Shuishui put on her glasses and instantly entered the state of a researcher in the City of All Souls.

But she browsed through them one by one, and like everyone else, she didn't find any clues.

"No, that's not right."

"My intuition tells me that these things are not that simple, but now it seems that I can't find any evidence."

She said a little frantically.

But it was nature's darling Xi Nuowei, the elf dressed in the urban-rural fringe area of ​​2077, who raised her right hand high.

"Bai Chen, I think the level of these statues is a bit high!"

Bai Chen glanced at her quite unexpectedly.

Although not entirely correct, there is a problem in this regard.


As if waking up from a dream, Yan Shuishui pointed at the statues on the big screen and said loudly: "Although they are just beacons of the Pheasant God, they should not be divided by strength level, but as Xinuowei pointed out, these statues The fluctuations in divine power far exceed the scale of the indigenous tribes that worship these statues."

"For example, a tribe of 10,000 people can worship a legendary god."

"But now, this tribe of ten thousand people worships a god who defies heaven's myths."

"The size of the indigenous people is completely out of proportion to the level of the gods represented by the statues."

"If it's one or two tribes, it's fine, but the problem now is that the statues that the little dragoness has looted from the thirty-two tribes she encountered are all high-end goods that far exceed the population of the tribes and the total number of beliefs that the tribes can provide."

Yan Shuishui concluded: "This shows that the strength of the pheasant gods behind these tribes is much higher than the normal level, and so many powerful pheasant gods gathered in the Wild God Islands, which shows that this archipelago is not just as simple as the pheasant gods we see now."

The teachers and students suddenly realized.

"To put it simply, the natives with all their demons can't support such a large group of pheasant gods."

"This is interesting. Why do so many pheasant gods, which far exceed the upper limit of the natives, gather here?"

"Add to that the wild gods and an unknown number of aliens. Is there a treasure in this place?"

"From this perspective, the little female dragon who robbed everywhere seems to have some credit. If she hadn't acted as a porter for the Azure Sky World to move the statues of the tribes together, we might not have discovered this problem."

Yan Shuishui slapped her forehead fiercely.

"No, Bai Chen, you haven't spoken yet!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Bai Chen's face.

Bai Chen said calmly: "The mismatch between the number of natives and the level of the statues is only the most superficial aspect."

"What makes me sure that this place is deep is the commonality shown by the statues."

"Although their shapes are different, their styles are even more different."

"But if their divine power fluctuations and psychic characteristics are all converted into data, then it can be found that these seemingly completely different data actually come from the same formula group."

"In other words, these pheasant gods all belong to one or a group of gods."

"What's more interesting is that this one or a group of behind-the-scenes gods are different from all the known natural gods at present, but more like artificial gods like Franklin created by the Ivy League!"

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