I can summon myself

Chapter 526 How come you also have a statue?

"Bai Chen, do you think this Ye Shen Islands is a testing ground for the Martian artificial god project?"

Yan Shuishui came up with a bold idea. First of all, the Martians were ex-Earthlings who had passed away from the Earth. With the bold habits of the Earthlings, they used the natives of the Blue Sky World as experimental subjects. This was absolutely in line with her views on human beings. cognition.

Secondly, from the process of being robbed by the little female dragon, it can be confirmed that the indigenous people here are very original and have no signs of being changed by outside forces. Logically speaking, civilizations that are completely different from aliens are completely different. It was impossible to fight, but the natives of the alien fleet were obeyed by the Martians as if they were there.

The tacit understanding between the two parties cannot be formed in a day or two, so the most reasonable explanation is that the Martians use the pheasant gods everywhere to secretly control the indigenous people.

Adding up many conditions, Yan Shuishui came up with this bold hypothesis.

"It's possible." Bai Chen nodded and pointed at the little female dragon on the big screen: "Whether this is the case, we just need to continue to keep an eye on her."

"If the pheasant gods all over the archipelago really belong to a certain god or group of gods as I judge, then they will never let Atta, the little female dragon, continue to act recklessly."

"Similarly, the aliens on Sailor Island will never tolerate the little female dragon continuing to influence the entire artificial god project. They will definitely take corresponding measures against the little female dragon."

"In this way, we can see all the tribes in the archipelago unite to surround the little female dragon."

After a pause, Bai Chen continued: "Although it is only a matter of time before the little female dragon's current performance inspires all the tribes in the archipelago to unite, the time it takes for the opposing tribes to unite, the power they can mobilize, and the sailors It’s not the same thing as aliens like island Martians mobilizing them through pheasant gods.”

"As long as we observe the performance of the indigenous people, we can confirm whether Mariner Island is involved behind the indigenous people."

"Once there is, it can further prove Yan Shuishui's idea."

"Of course, the ideal situation is for the aliens from Sailor Island to directly invite the little female dragon to Sailor Island as a guest."

"This way we can completely confirm the connection between them and the indigenous people of this area."

Bai Chen's well-founded analysis suddenly enlightened the teachers and students.

"Yes, that's the truth!"

"We just need to continue to watch the little dragoness perform her tricks from a distance, and then we can wait for the Martians who can't help but reveal their tricks!"

"From this perspective, the little female dragon doesn't seem so hideous!"

"That's right, let the little female dragon help us get through the thunder!"

"I didn't expect that because of this little female dragon's interference, we could accidentally see the details of the Ye Shen Islands!"

"Well, once she is sapped by the Martians, we can directly activate the portal and tumble her along with the Martians and other aliens!"

Everyone's eyes looking at the little female dragon became softer again.

It's like watching the famous V working as a mission tool in Night City.

Everyone regarded this dragon princess as the NPC who led out the big boss behind the scenes.

The little female dragon continued to rob the Ye Shen Islands, and everyone regarded it as a preparatory step to lead out the BOSS.

But what Bai Chen didn't expect was that when the little female dragon had just finished robbing the natives for the fortieth time, the identity tag representing the identity in the fragmentary pendant that James got from the real little boss suddenly vibrated.

"Boss, the aliens can't stand it any longer."

"But what language they speak is completely incomprehensible!"

James transmitted the voice he felt from the identity card to the Ancient God client verbatim.

"Bang bang than bang, bang bang than bang?"

Bai Chen looked confused.

No matter what BUFF I take now, I still can’t understand the ghostly screams of the aliens in the identity card.

Yan Shuishui's expression was dull, and Sinoway looked dumbfounded as if he was coming to see a cyberpsycho.

The teachers and students of Mist and Rain College couldn't help but slap themselves on the forehead.

They couldn't understand what the hell this so-called alien language was.

"This way of pronunciation is not a syllable that humans can pronounce!"

Steve Jobs of the California Consortium also knelt down to the aliens.

Bai Chen's heart moved.

"Could this be the sound converted through a converter?"

That's when he asked Sally to start cracking.

James' identity card returned to calm.

"It seems that the aliens thought that James might have lost control of himself, so they stopped?"

Yan Shuishui guessed.

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows: "If this is the case, then the little female dragon is probably going to be besieged."

He turned his head and looked at the swarm of star suckers.

Before he could speak, the star sucker leader took the initiative and said: "Friend Bai Chen, we are ready and can set off at any time."

"Compound V battle group, always on standby!"

Walter, a fellow countryman, said every word.

At this moment, James' black iron suit caught a trace of abnormal psychic energy fluctuations.

"Boss, here we come!"

James' words cheered up everyone in front of the big screen.

The little female dragon walked towards her forty-first robbery target as if she didn't even realize it.

This is an indigenous human tribe with only three to five hundred people.

Amid the rows of thatched houses, a human-faced statue that has withstood countless winds and rains stands proudly.

On the flat ground in front of the statue, a group of dark-skinned natives wearing only straw shorts were gutting their prey.

As countless blood was poured into the groove in front of the statue by the leaders who were obviously the leaders among them.

The whole statue began to emit spiritual light.

The eyes of the little female dragon hiding in the distance were bright.

Because she found that with the infusion of blood, the whole statue became shiny like a gem.

"Mine, mine, mine!"

"Everything shiny is mine!"

She rushed to the natives.

She didn't even bother to set up the camera and directly roared at the natives: "I am Ata, I am here to collect taxes under the order of Master Baichen!"

The natives instantly scattered.

The little female dragon laughed and walked to the statue with a swagger.

"Statue, come to my bowl!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the statue suddenly emitted a divine power that was no less than the emblem of the ancestor dragon, and covered the little female dragon who had not yet opened her space equipment.

Ata's face suddenly turned pale.

She subconsciously activated the dragon skin suit on her body.

However, waves of power that were no less powerful than the artifact on her body came from the surrounding thatched huts, as if invisible big hands fell from the sky, and the little female dragon was directly pressed on the spot by the opponent's absolute power advantage.

The door of the thatched hut opened, and three teams of aliens dressed like the little leader of James' cosplay came out.

The strange statues in their hands were like a spell, emitting powerful and terrifying divine power.

The little female dragon's eyes widened: "How come you also have statues?"

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