I can summon myself

Chapter 62: Ju Wen

Under the double threat of the emotionless brick-moving suit man and the black, thick and hard iron stick, A, B, C and D finally did not have the courage to shout out "We are doctors, we are intellectuals, we are here for academic challenges."

Instead, they obediently took the brick-moving toolbox from the suit man and entered the passage.

Unexpectedly, when the junior fellow student thought that this live broadcast had come to an end.

Zuo Miao returned his live broadcast stick to him.

"Ten mobile phones and ten live broadcast rooms don't even have one person eating melons. I think you should learn from those photo scammers who can distort the void what voice changing, makeup, filters and beauty PS are. It doesn't matter if you are 10,000 times uglier than my junior brother. As long as you learn that science is the primary productive force, you on the screen can become someone you don't even recognize in your household registration book..." After thinking for a while, Zuo Miao said firmly: "Tool man."

"Yes, yes."

He nodded timidly,

You have a thick stick, you have the final say.

If he knew that Bai Chen was Zuo Miao's junior, he would not have gotten involved.

The junior followed Doctors A, B, C, and D into the passage.

Confirmed that Zuo Miao did not follow.

The spectators in the live broadcast room poked their heads out.

But no one spoke.

They felt ashamed to be frightened by Zuo Miao even through the network cable.


Doctor A, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped.

He turned sideways to face the wall of the passage.

He kept looking at the material of the wall.

Energy guide plate, the most common building material for psychic laboratories.

From the most basic black iron to the top black gold, they are divided according to their psychic conductivity.

In front of Doctor A is an ordinary black iron energy guide plate.

Judging from the gloss, it is a product of the same manufacturer as the black iron used in the department's laboratory building.

However, what attracted his attention was that the surface of the energy guide plate seemed messy, but it seemed to have some regular and strange symbols.

"The matrix of the psychic matrix?"

The spectators asked the junior to aim the live broadcast stand at the wall.

Like Dr. Jia, they saw the extraordinaryness of these symbols.

Matrix, the embodiment of the basic psychic formula.

Matrix is ​​a combination of one or more matrix.

The experimental instruments of the psychic era are based on the matrix that is embodied by the basic psychic formula. When combined with different psychic matrices, they can show various uses.

"No, although black iron can be used as the basic material of the psychic matrix, it has long been eliminated from the ranks of psychic matrix substrates due to its too low psychic conductivity."

"Isn't it an artificial cold room? But these strange symbols are completely different from the most common ice matrix."

Although the melon eaters are not experts in studying matrix and basic psychic formula, they also found that the strange symbols on these black iron energy guide plates in the channel are very different from the matrix in their memories.

"Why do I feel that they are not matrices but just part of a matrix?"

Dr. Jia muttered to himself.

The melon eaters followed his thoughts.

"It looks quite regular."

"But are there matrixes that are hundreds of square meters in size?"

The melon eaters began to search for information.

At this time, there was a clanging sound at the end of the passage.

The four-member team of A, B, C, and D quickened their pace.

Soon they arrived at the underground hall.

"Why are you here too?"

The four-member team looked at the people in bricklayer suits who were installing black iron energy guide plates on the wall in astonishment.

They were not real bricklayers as imagined, but graduate students who were engaged in breeding in the base.

"A, B, C, and D?"

"Oh my god, why are these four doctors here?"

"Do they also know about the old system grandfather?"

"No way?"

The graduate students looked at the four doctors with surprise.

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