I can summon myself

Chapter 63 Want to cut in line? Take my brick!

For a while, the atmosphere in the underground hall was a little weird.

A, B, C, and D once thought that the graduate students who changed their careers to move bricks were coerced by the big iron stick of the great devil Zuo Miao like them.

But from their vigilant reaction as if someone was trying to get a piece of the pie, the four doctors felt that it was not what they imagined.

"Are they on bad terms with Bai Chen?"

"It's not that these people have argued for Bai Chen in the video where Bai Chen was kicked."

"The man who controls the national treasure is also the slogan shouted by these people."

"In fact, just like us back then, the seniors and juniors in the base are very united."

"There is no supervisor, all of them are graduate students in the base. Judging from their skilled brick-moving performance, they have obviously been here for a while. We have not received any news that they have been coerced. Obviously, they are voluntary."

The spectators found this matter more and more interesting.

"Are you live streaming?"

See the live broadcast pole.

A graduate student broke the silence.

"Yeah, what's wrong with live streaming?"

It is true that the junior brother of the same school is afraid of Zuo Miao, but it does not mean that he will be afraid of these junior brothers.



"Look at these five idiots."

The graduate students sneered.

The four doctors looked at the five people as if they were looking at the biggest fools in the world.

The four doctors were even more confused. However, they were confused, so they chose to get down to business: "Where is Junior Bai Chen?"

"Since you are really here to find Junior Bai Chen, why do you want to start a live broadcast?"

"That is, do you have to make the existence of the old system known to the world?"

"You want to get the qualifications to work."

"You want to jump the queue, even if you are a doctor!"

The graduate students grumbled in dissatisfaction.

It made A, B, C, D, and the spectators even more confused.

The system is still the old grandfather?

You need qualifications to see Bai Chen?

Does this guy really think he is the master?

"Inflated, too inflated!"

"Sure enough, he was psychologically twisted after being kicked out by his ex-girlfriend. The arrival of the national treasure made him, who was extremely depressed, rise to the sky."

"The department's five million stardust plus such a large piece of land for an independent laboratory made Bai Chen feel that he was invincible."

"Don't forget the big devil Zuo Miao."

The spectators said angrily.

In fact, they are not needed.

A, B, C, and D, who were full of anger, could no longer bear it.

"We won't work!"

"We want to see Bai Chen, immediately!"

"Uncle can't stand it, and aunt can't stand it even more!"

"Bai Chen, come out!"

The four doctors yelled.

"Hey, five seniors, it seems that you really want to force your way into the queue?"

A, B, C, and D stared at the graduate students unwillingly: "Yes, we are going to cut in line."

"Dream on!"

"Do you have any shame?"

"Doctoral students want to cut in line? Why don't you four look in the mirror?"

"Seniors, sorry, you are now everyone's enemy."

"Beat him!"

"Want to cut in line? Take a brick from me!"

The graduate students surrounded A, B, C, and D.

Snap, a ten-pound black iron energy-conducting plate came into close contact with Dr. A's face.

The four doctors knelt instantly.

"Don't mess around, I'm a staff member of the college..."

The junior brother from the same school followed A, B, C, and D before he finished speaking.

A graduate student grabbed the live broadcast pole.

Seeing ten valuable mobile phones on it.

Still didn't choose to crush it with one foot.

But he put the live broadcast pole and the mobile phones into the black iron energy-conducting plate pile.

"Notify the leader Zuo Miao."

"These guys actually want to cut in line by relying on their doctoral status."

"They must be put on the blacklist."

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