I Can Track Everything

Chapter 545 Information

"Little Blood Demon Black Tiger should have noticed us."

Fairy Qionghua said to Chen Chen not far away while flying.

Ximen chess is now setting up formations on the edge of the territory, and Wu Di is guarding Ximen chess to prevent accidents. As for You Ming, he flew halfway and hid, and now only Fairy Qionghua and Chen Chen are left close to the center of the territory.

"Well, it's not a fool. If we go directly to the door to provoke it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to lure it out. We still have to think of other ways."

Chen Chen looked into the distance and said solemnly.

Dealing with the little blood demon black tiger is an opportunity for him to prove his own strength. If the little blood demon black tiger cannot be defeated, or if he has to pay a heavy price to win, then there is no need to fight the blood unicorn.

No matter how good the reward is, if the strength is not enough, then everything is empty talk.

Seeing Chen Chen's determined expression, Fairy Qionghua couldn't help asking: "You Daoyou Chen, there are only you and me here, can you get to the bottom of it with me..."

Chen Chen turned his head to look at Fairy Qionghua wearing a veil.

"What the hell?"

"Do you have the means to deal with the true spirit of the Transcendence Tribulation Period?"

"So what if you have it, and what if you don't have it?"

"If you have it, then I will do my best this time. Together, you and I hope to kill the little blood demon black tiger. If not, I will of course focus more on protecting everyone. "

Fairy Qionghua's eyes were scorching, showing extreme confidence.

Chen Chen knew just by looking at this woman that she had the fighting power to overcome the tribulation period, otherwise it would be impossible to say such a thing.

"The combat effectiveness during the Tribulation Transcendence period really deserves to be the pride of heaven who has been famous for a long time."

Chen Chen secretly praised, and then replied with a smile: "Then let the fairy do whatever she wants, I want to see what the level of the monk who is known as the strongest under the tribulation is."

Fairy Qionghua's eyes became brighter when she heard the words, then she chuckled twice, and her speed suddenly increased.


After half a quarter of an hour.

The two stopped above a blood-colored forest. Compared with the trees in other places, the trees here were completely blood-colored. The gathering of large trees made the sky glow red.

Other than that, the atmosphere in this forest is quite quiet, without any movement.

Chen Chen checked it with the system, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Within a hundred miles in front of him, there are seven or eight descendants of the combined true spirit hidden. As for those who are under the combined body, there are countless, probably hundreds of them.

It's just that I don't know why, so many descendants of monsters and true spirits are lurking in the forest, and they can't be detected with divine sense.

In that case, it was as if this forest was some kind of special domain.

"This forest should be the lair of the little blood demon Heihu. Although the spiritual sense can't detect the situation inside, I feel that there is a very strong evil spirit in it! I'm afraid there are many monsters lurking in it!"

Fairy Qionghua looked at the forest below with frost in her eyes.

Quack quack!

As soon as she finished speaking, a few crows in the distance suddenly jumped up from the forest, making strange calls.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Chen Chen felt that these crows were all looking at him, their eyes were full of contempt and disdain, it felt quite weird.

"What the hell?"

Chen Chen muttered, and with a wave of his hand, a big hand with spiritual power flew out and grabbed somewhere in the forest.


With a roar, a 20-meter-long strange tiger with black stripes and red background broke through the ground covered with fallen leaves, and was directly grabbed by Chen Chen's powerful hands.

"A descendant of a true spirit in the Void Refinement Stage."

Chen Chen looked at the Strange Tiger who was struggling a hundred meters in front of him, and said with a smile.

Although this fierce tiger is huge, in front of him, it can only do some unnecessary struggles like a kitten.

A look of surprise flashed across Fairy Qionghua's eyes when she saw this scene. She didn't perceive any hidden monsters just now, but Chen Chen was able to catch one directly. Obviously, in terms of perception ability, she is not as good as Chen Chen. .

Dare to defeat the idea of ​​the true spirit of Transcending Tribulation Period, this person really has some skills.

Thinking of this, she felt more confident.

"Little guy, can you talk?"

Chen Chen looked at the descendant of the Tiger True Spirit in front of him, and asked with a smile.

"Cultivator! Let me go! Otherwise, my lord will not let you go!"

The descendant of the Tiger True Spirit spit out words, his eyes were full of bloodthirsty and ferocity.

This is not pretending to be stern and soft-hearted, but the true nature of this descendant of the true spirit.

Even if he encounters a creature stronger than himself, he still dares to show his fangs.

Chen Chen frowned, ready to show it some color.

At this moment, Fairy Qionghua at the side said: "You Daoist Chen, leave it to me."

After saying this, she lightly patted the red bag tied around her waist, and in the next second, a big rabbit the size of a cat jumped out of it and stood on Fairy Qionghua's shoulder.

"Sister Qionghua, do you want Dabai to help?"

The voice of the big rabbit is like a seven or eight-year-old child, softly.

Fairy Qionghua arranged a simple shielding formation, and then said: "I want to ask this guy a few questions."

Hearing this, the big rabbit looked at the descendant of the Tiger True Spirit, and his eyes suddenly lit up red.

The descendant of the Tiger True Spirit was stared at by the big rabbit, his eyes lost his eyes quickly, but after a few breaths, he stopped struggling and floated in the void in a daze.

Chen Chen looked at the big rabbit for a while, and felt a little dizzy, so he turned his head away quickly.

"Qinghua, it's lost, you can ask." The big rabbit grinned.

Fairy Qionghua looked at Chen Chen. After all, Chen Chen had captured the descendant of the Tiger True Spirit.

"Let me ask you, where is the little blood demon Heihu?" Chen Chen was not polite and asked directly.

"In the Blood Demon Palace three thousand miles to the north."

Chen Chen thought about it for a while and then asked, "Little Blood Demon Black Tiger, is there anything you particularly cherish?"

If he wanted to lure the little blood demon Heihu out, he couldn't just say a few provocative words, he had to have a reason for the little blood demon Heihu to chase after him.

"My elder sister is my lord's favorite spouse. She lives in the palace a thousand miles away to the north. In addition, my lord has hidden a lot of treasures in the blood demon's underground palace, all of which are his favorites."

The descendant of the tiger spirit replied in a daze, and sold his sister before he knew it.

Hearing this, Chen Chen closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then stopped asking.

It wasn't until a minute or two passed that he made a move to finish off the descendant of the Tiger True Spirit.

"Chen Daoyou, are we going to capture the spouse of that little blood demon Heihu?"

Asked by Fairy Qionghua, there was not a single trace of strangeness on her face.

Although this is not an aboveboard method, it must be like this if you want to defeat the strong with the weak.

Chen Chen suddenly smiled and said, "Let's test the strength of this little blood demon black tiger first. If it really doesn't work, then we'll hit his wife."

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