I Can Track Everything

Chapter 546 Dragon and Tiger Fight

Fairy Qionghua shook her head when she heard this and said: "If we fight it too fiercely, even if we catch its mate, it may not dare to chase it out. Isn't this just a warning?"

Chen Chen turned to look at Fairy Qionghua with an extremely serious expression.

"Fairy, you just revealed that you have the fighting power to overcome the tribulation period. I am confident that your strength is not bad. I feel that with the two of us, we can defeat the little blood demon Black Tiger."


Fairy Qionghua opened her mouth slightly, looking very shocked.

This Chen Chenzhen is getting more and more swollen. When he first said that he wanted to deal with the true spirit of transcending tribulation, she felt a little swollen.

Now it's better to go even harder and want two people to directly take down the little blood demon black tiger. Isn't this a joke?

Are you really just joking about the tribulation period?

Or are you just idle and want to test whether your life is tough?

Chen Chen looked at her shocked expression and showed a confident smile.

When he learned that Fairy Qionghua had the fighting power to transcend the tribulation period, he had the idea in his mind to go directly to the little blood demon Black Tiger.

It wasn't until just now that he completely made up his mind.

He not only wanted to kill the little blood demon black tiger, he also wanted to kill it very cleanly, so that other people in the team would be able to accept it when he proposed to deal with the blood unicorn.

Together with Aoyu, it should be enough to deal with the little blood demon black tiger, but it is a bit difficult to kill him.

Now that Fairy Qionghua is included, she is 60 to 70 percent sure.

I'm 60-70% sure, I can give it a try, there's no need to think about any conspiracy.

If you want those Mahayana people to agree to your conditions, you must let them clearly see your potential.

Therefore, it is better to go head-to-head in this first battle.

After thinking it through, Chen Chen felt relieved and his tone became more relaxed.

"Fairy, I think with our strength, we can kill the little blood demon black tiger. What do you think? Do you dare to come with me and give it a try?"

Fairy Qionghua frowned slightly and asked, "What should Ximen Qi and the others do? It's not impossible to give it a try, but we should wait for them to act together."

Before she could finish her words, Chen Chen was already flying towards the north at high speed.

Looking at Chen Chen's back, Fairy Qionghua's face darkened, and her impression of this man quickly deteriorated.

As the saying goes, a lion must fight a rabbit with all his strength, but Chen Chen is so good. He dares to drag him down like this when dealing with a true spirit who is in the tribulation period. Such a person is destined not to live long.

On the one hand, it is 90% sure to win, which requires more effort, and on the other hand, it is 50% sure to win, and normal monks will choose the former.

"I thought this person had some ability, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be a boastful person."

Fairy Qionghua murmured to herself, debating whether to rush over to help.

At this time, the rabbit on her shoulder smiled and said: "Qionghua, I guess he is so eager to express himself to show you.

No one who can reach this level is a fool, unless he is blinded by something. Hehe, Qionghua, you are still so charming! "

When Fairy Qionghua heard what the rabbit said, her face flushed slightly, and then she stuffed the rabbit into the spirit animal bag without saying a word.

"What nonsense!"

After cursing in a low voice, she sent a message to Ximen Qi Wu Di Youming and quickly chased after Chen Chen.

Realizing that Fairy Qionghua was following him, Chen Chen felt relieved and his speed suddenly increased a lot.

The distance of three thousand miles didn't take long for him now. A quarter of an hour later, he quickly found the specific location of the Blood Demon Underground Palace under the guidance of the system.

"The little blood demon black tiger should be down here, and it is probably looking at us now."

Chen Chen looked down and said.

Fairy Qionghua followed up, glanced at Chen Chen, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "Fellow Daoist Chen, I actually think that a monk's mind is more important than his cultivation."

The reason why she said this was of course under the influence of Dabai, thinking that Chen Chen was trying to express himself in front of her.

Fairy Qionghua must be happy when her charm affects others.

But she didn't want to just influence a superficial person, so she specially gave Chen Chen a few words.

There is no way, women's hearts are so complicated sometimes.

Chen Chen was stunned by his sudden words, but after thinking about it, he vaguely understood.

To be honest, his behavior of not waiting for his teammates was indeed very arrogant and even arrogant. Fairy Qionghua may have labeled him as arrogant.

But there was nothing he could do. After all, the little blood demon Black Tiger was not his ultimate goal. His ultimate goal was to open his mouth to the lions, the top masters in the true spirit world.

If you don't show your performance now, how will you have the confidence to ask for the ownership of the lower realm?

"If you don't win in the most domineering way, you may not dare to take action against the blood unicorn."

Chen Chen sighed secretly in his heart, and then sent a message to Ao Yu in Longze.

"Brother Ao, you are also a True Spirit in the Tribulation Stage. There is also a Tribulation Stage True Spirit in the underground palace below, and his cultivation level is comparable to yours. Do you think we can destroy him with the combined strength of you and me?"

What answered him was a loud dragon roar!

hold head high!

Immediately afterwards, Aoyu's several-hundred-meter-long body flew out of Longze and hovered in the sky. His pair of lantern-like eyes looked directly at the underground palace below.

Looking at Aoyu who suddenly appeared, Fairy Qionghua's eyes were filled with shock and horror.

"Fellow Daoist Chen...this is?"

"My partner, the true dragon in the early stages of transcending the tribulation."

Chen Chen hovered in front of Aoyu and said calmly, with Aoyu's huge real dragon body as the background, he was like a true god descending at this moment, how dazzling he was.

Upon hearing this answer, Fairy Qionghua's expression became extremely complicated, and she was unable to say anything for a moment.

"You guys in the underground palace, come out. Don't wait for me to ask you to come out."

Aoyu roared at the underground palace below.


With a shocking explosion, a 100-meter black tiger with blood stripes flew out from the underground palace. A pair of blood-eyed eyes looked coldly at Aoyu in the sky.

"Real dragon? I knew that there would be warriors in the tribulation period among the monk army who would come to find me. My father may be a little sad at this level."

Its tone was very cold. As it spoke, true spirit descendants flew out of the underground palace one after another, and a large number of monsters flew towards this place nearby.

In just half a minute, the underground palace was surrounded by all kinds of monsters. There were nearly a thousand of them, all of them were distracted or more powerful monsters.

However, Aoyu didn't seem to see such a large number of powerful monsters, and said coldly: "Don't think about your father, today is the day you die."

"That's not necessarily true, this is my territory!"

After saying this, the little blood demon black tiger suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, then jumped into the air and rushed towards Aoyu in the sky.

Thousands of monsters around them roared and cheered in unison, the sound shook the world, and dozens of true spirit descendants in the combined realm attacked Chen Chen and Fairy Qionghua in unison.

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