I Can Track Everything

Chapter 595 Battle with the Evil God Platform

"What kind of magic weapon?"

You Ming, who was also in the city lord's mansion, was a little confused when he heard someone calling his name. He didn't remember any grudge against the monks from the Abyss Realm.

Before he could think of anything, the master of the Immortal Sect and several other big shots had already appeared in front of him, with expressions of joy.

"Netherworld, have you ever fought against a monk from the Abyss Realm? From the tone of that female cultivator, it seems that she will participate in this battle. She did not participate in the previous challenge. She is probably one of the trump cards of the Abyss Realm. Tell me. , what are the characteristics of this person?"

Facing the inquiry from the Immortal Sect Master, You Ming said blankly: "I don't remember fighting against her."

"When you fought with her, she should not have exposed her identity as a monk from the Abyss Realm. You only need to think about whether she has robbed any female cultivator of her life magic weapon in the past two years."

The Immortal Sect Master reminded.

Hearing this, Youming began to recall it carefully. At this time, he also had some doubts that he had fought with the female cultivator from the Abyss Realm.

Ziyue's voice was unconcealed, and many monks in the Evil God City also heard this and couldn't help but look at Netherworld with admiration.

"I didn't expect Master Netherworld to actually defeat the female cultivator from the Abyss Realm, and even snatched away the opponent's natal magic weapon. It seems that our genius from the True Spirit Realm is the most powerful."

"That's right. Some time ago, several geniuses from the Southern and Eastern Regions lost one after another. Perhaps as the rumors say, it was because the leader of the Abyss Sect was present that they did not dare to give their best."

"Oh, several super sects have stood in the true spirit world for so many years. If they are not sure, how can they dare to create such a big momentum?"

Millions of monks talked about it, and soon the reputation of Netherworld surpassed that of Fairy Qionghua, and she was regarded as the first genius in the true spirit world.

No way, sometimes the approval of your opponents is more weighty than the approval of your own people.

After the Ming Yuan Sect's group arrived, they stationed themselves in the Evil God City. No one within a kilometer radius of the station dared to approach.

However, the monks of the Mingyuan Sect were very open-minded, and some even took the initiative to visit the shops in the Evil God City.

A group of True Spirit Realm monks saw that the Abyss Realm monks were not much different from them, so they gradually relaxed their vigilance. After two days, the Abyss Realm monks appeared in the city and no longer attracted the attention of too many monks.

On this day, the time was gradually approaching noon, and there was no one on the huge platform in the middle of the Evil God City.

This platform is the place where the disciples of the Evil God Temple usually gather. It is called the Evil God Platform. In terms of area, it is no less than the huge square where the millions of Zhenling Army gathered in Zhenling City.

And this battle will be held on the Evil God Platform, which covers an area of ​​dozens of miles.

At this time, several extremely powerful formations had been deployed around the Evil God Platform. Not to mention a few Tribulation Transcendence monks fighting inside, even two Mahayana fighting inside could not shake these formations.

Outside the formation, there were groups of monks. Fortunately, the Evil God Platform was huge and the monks' five senses were extremely amazing, so even though there were millions of people watching, it didn't seem very crowded.

After waiting for a while, an old man in black robe appeared on the Evil God Stage.

This old man was wearing the attire of an elder from the Evil Temple, with a somewhat sinister look on his face, exuding a faint evil aura. As soon as he appeared, the entire area around the Shenglong Platform fell silent.

This man's nickname is Yin Sheng. He is the Mahayana elder of the Evil Temple. He is also the younger brother of the previous leader of the Evil Temple. He is cruel and murderous. Since his training, countless monks have died at his hands. His reputation has already spread among the True Spirit. It has been circulating in the world for 20,000 years, and he is one of the few people that the Evil Temple cannot afford to offend.

"Jie Jie, since the location of this battle is set on the territory of our Evil Temple, then I will control the whole place on the side of the True Spirit World to avoid any disputes."

The Yin Saint laughed twice and said. Seeing that many monks around him had strange expressions on their faces, he added another sentence.

"The so-called control of the whole field is not to save someone's life. In this battle, except that you cannot borrow the power of others, there are not many complicated rules. If one party falls or voluntarily admits defeat, the game is over.

After half a quarter of an hour, the second battle will begin immediately. There will be five battles today, five more battles tomorrow, and so on. The winner will be determined by whichever monk stands on the Evil God's platform in the end. "

After he said this, another person appeared on the Evil God Stage.

This is a middle-aged monk, dressed in white, handsome and handsome.

"Xia Yuanbai, on behalf of the Mingyuan Sect and fellow Taoist Yin Sheng, are here together on the Evil God Stage to prevent some accidents from happening."

Looking at the middle-aged monk in white not far away, Yin Sheng's pupils shrank. At the same time, a tyrannical pressure unconsciously enveloped him.

However, the coercion fell on the other party and had no effect at all. Yuan Bai still had a smile on his face.

Obviously, this Yuan Bai is also a Mahayana monk, and his cultivation is not weaker than him.

"It's almost time. You, I, and all the monks present know what is involved in this battle. I don't want to make any more introductions. Now, let the battle begin."

Yin Sheng glanced at Yuan Bai pitifully and said in a hoarse voice.

Yuan Bai remained silent after hearing this, and just looked at Yin Sheng quietly, and the atmosphere gradually became weird.

Both sides are waiting for the other party to send someone to the field first, so that they can take action.

Chen Chen, who was watching from the edge of the Evil God Platform, couldn't help but marvel when he saw this scene.

The stakes in this fight are so great that both sides want to compete for any small advantage. These two Mahayana monks won't start a fight because of this, right?

Behind him, the friends who usually practiced in the Yin and Yang Palace came out for a rare occasion today. Yuan Qingtian saw the two Mahayana monks staring at each other and couldn't help complaining: "These people are really fighting each other. Yes, not as happy as we were at the beginning."

"What do you know? This battle is related to the future direction of the two big worlds. No matter how cautious you are, you can't be too careful! Do you think you are playing house and competing for the one-third acre of land in the lower realm?"

Zhou Renlong on the side patted his head and cursed.

"One third of an acre? It's like you didn't grab it hard..."

Yuan Qingtian whispered in a low voice. After years of hard training in the Yin and Yang Palace, coupled with the unlimited supply of resources, his cultivation has now reached the early stage of integration, which is not inferior to Zhou Renlong, so he is not very afraid of this former sect leader.

Chen Shen paid no attention to the whispers of a group of friends behind him, and focused all his attention on the two Mahayana monks on the stage.

Although Yin Shengyuanbai and Yin Shengyuanbai stood still and showed no momentum, they were actually competing for each other at this time.

What is fought for is power, which is a mysterious and mysterious thing. In other words, it is to compare who is thick-skinned and who can't help but speak first.

You must know that there are millions of monks watching all around. It is really a skill to be able to remain calm under the attention of so many pairs of eyes and so many spiritual consciousnesses.

But after all, both of them are Mahayana, and one can imagine their state of mind. Now, even if they stand still for a long time, it is not impossible.

Fortunately...the two people didn't really stand there for a long time. A quarter of an hour later, Ming Yuan Zong Yuan Bai was the first to speak.

"Since the fight is taking place in the true spirit world, we should respect the host. What's more, our Ming Yuan Sect doesn't actually care about these small details.

Yuan Qian, come up. "

After Yuan Bai finished speaking, a tall young man from the Mingyuan Sect climbed onto the Evil God Platform.

This tall young man has some similarities with Yuan Bai between his eyebrows. He seems to be Yuan Bai's descendant.

Facing millions of monks around him, Yuan Qian looked calm and stared directly at Yin Sheng in the distance without any fear.

Yin Sheng saw this person's expression becoming slightly more solemn.

Just as the palace master and others thought, the first monk sent by the Ming Yuan Sect was an unfamiliar face.

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