I Can Track Everything

Chapter 596 Nine-turn Golden Body Art, Styx Suppressing Prison Body

"Senior brother, is this person powerful?"

Behind Chen Chen, Yuan Qingtian asked softly.

Chen Chen nodded and said: "Extremely powerful, more powerful than anyone I've seen in the projection before.

Look at the way he looked at Elder Yin Sheng, it was true fearlessness. People with this kind of mentality are extremely confident in their own strength. "

"How powerful is it if you can look that elder in the face?" Yuan Qingtian was a little confused.

Zhou Renlong heard this and said disdainfully: "What do you know? That elder slaughtered countless people. He was put on stage just to frighten the monks of the Abyss Sect. Think about it, if you go on stage to compete, there will be a strong man full of evil energy behind the enemy. Staring at you, even if you know he won't do anything, you will still be wary, and once you are wary, you can only use 80% of your 100% strength!

If the abyssal potential is not affected by this, it must be a strong person with invincible belief. "

"Can you still influence your opponent in this way?"

Yuan Qingtian said this, then looked around, and said in a very weak voice: "We are too petty here."

Chen Shenwei said angrily: "Don't you think the Underworld is not stingy? That Yuan Qian is obviously very close to Yuan Bai, and he might be Yuan Bai's son. If you go to fight, and the opponent's father is always watching on the field, how dare you do it? Are you dead-handed? Your hands and feet will be tied up when the time comes."

When Yuan Qingtian heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he murmured: "The upper world has a lot of tricks, I want to go back to the lower world..."

"Zhang Teng, come up."

Yin Sheng hesitated for a moment and then shouted.

While he was speaking, a burly man flew behind him. It was Chen Chen's ninth senior brother Zhang Teng.

Chen Chen had never interacted with this Ninth Senior Brother, but he also knew that this person was extremely talented and had entered the stage of transcending tribulation a few years ago.

This time, he has received joint training from several sects, and his strength should be on the same level as Fairy Netherworld Qionghua.

In addition, when facing unknown opponents, it is safest to send out body-refining monks with strong defense capabilities.

Obviously, both sides take this first battle seriously.

After Zhang Teng got on the Evil God Platform, Yin Sheng retreated to the edge, and Yuan Bai also retreated to the other side.

Only two tall monks were left in the middle of the Evil God Platform, looking at each other.

Seeing this scene, the breathing of the monks around the Evil God Platform suddenly became much lighter, and many people's faces subconsciously showed nervousness.

After a few breaths, Zhang Teng's body gradually changed. A touch of gold emanated from his body from the inside out. Coupled with his height of more than two meters, he looked like a god descending to earth.

"Nine Transformations of the Golden Body Art!"

Many monks exclaimed in low voices. The monks in the true spirit world are too familiar with this technique.

When Chen Chen saw it below, he couldn't help but admire: "Senior Brother Zhang's attainments in the Nine-turn Golden Body Art are much deeper than mine. I'm afraid it will be difficult to break through this level of defense!"

"The number one body training technique in the true spirit world, the Nine Transformations Golden Body Technique..."

Yuan Qian looked at the shining golden Zhang Teng, his eyes flashing. The next second, his body began to expand, and black lines quietly appeared on his face.

In the end, his height of two meters actually increased to three meters. His body was as black as ink, and his majestic body gave people a strong visual impact. Coupled with his pair of green pupils, it was like the arrival of a demon.

"This is our Ming Yuan Sect's first body training method, the Ming River Suppressing Prison Body."

Yuan Qian said coldly, and then, his whole person disappeared in an instant.

When everyone saw him again, he was already in front of Zhang Teng, and his fist hit Zhang Teng's face like a cannonball. Faint ripples appeared in the surrounding space because of the terrifying power.

Zhang Teng reacted very quickly and also threw a punch to meet him. There was no reason for him to avoid this first punch.


The two fists collided together instantly, making a strange buzzing sound. The law of force from the same source crisscrossed between the two fists like lightning, causing the surrounding space to tremble.

Not only are these two people practicing physical training, but they also practice the same law, which is the law of force. They have both realized extremely advanced realms and followed the path of defeating all laws with one force.

The two fists faced each other for two seconds, and a strange look flashed in their eyes. Then they simultaneously retracted their fists and threw out the other fist.

The speed of this fist was extremely slow, and the monks around him could clearly see it. The speed was seven or eight times slower than a mortal fighting.


But three seconds later, the roar from the collision of their fists was like thunder, so much so that the Evil God Platform within a radius of dozens of miles trembled slightly.

If the Evil God Platform had not been made entirely of weapon refining materials, I am afraid that the entire Evil God Platform would have been turned into powder by this blow.

After the collision, the speed of the two people's moves became more and more difficult, as if they were playing Tai Chi, but the roar of the collision became louder and louder. Not only that, after each collision, there was gold and jet black blood spilled. On the Evil God Platform, the fiery energy contained in it made the solid Evil God Platform burn into pits.

Many of the millions of monks watching around turned pale with fright, and their bodies could not help but tremble every time they heard the roar.

The tribulation monk is considered an absolute master in the true spirit world.

Where do these ordinary monks usually get the chance to see the Tribulation-Ending monks fighting?

What's more, this is the body cultivation of overcoming the tribulation, fighting hand-to-hand, punching to the flesh!

Although they didn't know how heavy the punches from the two of them were, many people could feel that if they were punched, their souls would probably be lost.

"This is body training..."

Zhou Renlong sighed softly.

Zhang Ji looked at Chen Chen with some worry, knowing that Chen Chen would also join the battle and face such a terrifying opponent.

"Don't worry, I'm a clone. Even if I'm blown to pieces, I won't die."

Chen Chen noticed that after his death, many people began to worry about his safety, and laughed.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions softened slightly, and they continued to watch the two people "playing Tai Chi" on the Evil God Stage.

No one expected that the two men fought for a full hour!

Many of the monks who were watching had their expressions gradually numb as they listened to the violent roar.

Within this hour, the two of them didn't even move a step. They just exchanged fists there. There was already a pool of golden and black blood on the ground, shining with a strange light.

Looking at this scene, Chen Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This is how this body-refining cultivator with extremely strong defensive power fights. It's all about consumption. It's really difficult to get a result.

If the fight continues like this, it may last for three days and three nights without a winner. If nothing goes wrong, magic weapons should be used.

The truth was just as Chen Chen thought. After each of them fired their strongest punch, they simultaneously stepped back dozens of steps, leaving dozens of footprints on the Evil God Platform, which was many times harder than iron and stone.

Then Zhang Teng suddenly stretched out his hand, and a large square green seal appeared in his palm.

This big seal is called Xuanwu Linglong Seal. It is a magic weapon specially customized for him by several major sects. It is currently ranked thirteenth on the weapon refining list.

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