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Chapter 220 A Little Dog

Yao Fu's current strength seems to be a bit stretched no matter whether he is facing Yu Zhengqing or A Tuo.

But it's okay to act as a sandbag meat shield a little bit. The batman's physique is nothing but strong vitality and resistance to beating.

Although Yao Fu is not a bat lycanthropist, he has also integrated the bat gene, and he is also a protagonist who is fighting. It is difficult to say anything else. Resistance to beatings and tenacious vitality are the foundation. Die against kill.

Therefore, Summoned Beast No. 2 fulfilled its duties perfectly. Whenever Yu Zhengqing pulled away and rushed forward to attack Xia Xu, Yao Fu would bravely go up to bear the damage and block Yu Zhengqing's attack with his body.

Under A Tuo's offensive, it would be nice if Yu Zhengqing could find a chance to take a cold shot, but every time he had to pay a heavy price, there was no chance of a second attack in a row. He was aggrieved and suppressed by A Tuo.

The whole battle didn't last long.

After about seven or eight minutes, Yu Zhengqing was bitten all over by A Tuo, and one of the pair of huge bat wings on his back was deeply torn off, the other was also tattered, and he couldn't see it A good piece of meat.


Finally, he couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.


Looking at Yu Zhengqing's corpse, which disintegrated and melted quickly, even faster than ordinary lycanthropes, Xia Xu felt a little regretful.

Unexpectedly, such a high degree of distortion could not destroy the gene encryption mechanism of the lycanthropy, otherwise it would be a rare second-level biological sample, and if it is given to Gu Haiming to study, maybe some valuable results can be obtained.

"Consultant Xia, what should we do now?"

Yao Fu, who was limping with blood stains at the corner of his mouth, moved to Xia Xu's side with great difficulty, and stared blankly at Yu Zhengqing's corpse which was being decomposed.

"The matter just now is kept secret. Anyone who asks you will say that Yu Zhengqing came to take revenge, and you are forced to kill him in self-defense."

Xia Xu looked sideways at Yao Fu and said emphatically, "Remember, it's everyone."

"Ah? Then, what about the people in the special department? Do you want to keep it secret?"

Yao Fu hesitated.

"What? Is there a problem?"

Xia Xu turned from turning his head to face him, with a smile on his face, looking directly at him.

very calm.

But also very penetrating.

Thinking of the terrifying calculation ability of this Consultant Xia, and looking at the 'Summoner No. 1' who was walking back slowly and seemed to be stalking him, Yao Fu shuddered subconsciously.

He swears and swears repeatedly: "No problem, absolutely no problem, whoever dares to have a problem, I will be in a hurry."

"now it's right."

The smile on Xia Xu's face melted.

Yu Zhengqing's corpse was decomposing at a high speed, and it didn't take long for it to basically become a pile of compounds, and the gene fragments could not be detected, let alone the autopsy and the like.

Don't ask, it's my uncle Luo Hongyun!

However, he didn't have any other ideas. He just lowered Atuo's exposure for the time being, whether it was to keep a surprise card or to avoid harassment from special departments.

Of course, if you really can't hide it, then forget it.

Anyway, he didn't intend to hide it for a long time. With the ready-made enhanced wolf serum in his hand, and the professional geneticist Gu Haiming as his counterpart, it will be a matter of time before he can create the enhanced wolf serum again.

Although the enhanced serum of the wolf family needs special protein to activate, but he doesn't need to be stupid enough to kill people to collect it like a werewolf.

In the plot of "Hunter", the reason why werewolves do this is not only their own bloodthirsty tendency, but also because it is difficult to find people with this special physique. The special proteins that individuals can collect are limited, and gentle methods will be less and more troublesome. They don't have enough time and strength to support them.

But for him, wouldn't it be nice for him to directly use the name of a pharmaceutical company to extract, purchase, or even cooperate with the government in a planned way from individuals?

It's hard to find a five-star fighting dog like Atuo, but there is definitely no shortage of one- and two-star fighting and tracking working dogs in the official department.

At that time, if you sell it backhand, you will be a batch of strengthened dogs, proper biological weapons, and safe and loyal without hidden dangers. In terms of practicality, it is better than some zombie virus of a certain umbrella.

At that time, although Atuo is a billion points stronger than ordinary enhanced dogs, it doesn't matter whether he is exposed or not.

After waiting for a while, Xia Xu called Zhang Qun and asked him to bring someone over to deal with the mess. Then he followed the original plan and took Yao Fu to the nursing home where his parents were placed.

"Dad! Mom!"

"You are really still alive!"

It wasn't until he saw his parents with his own eyes that Yao Fu's heart really fell, and he ran up with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, how do you talk, kid? What do you mean we are still alive? Could it be that you really want us to die?"

"But before the family was beaten to pieces, there was blood all over the floor, and the death certificate and autopsy report were issued."

"That's not to cooperate with the state to handle the case."

"It's obvious that you are cooperating to cheat me, and everyone else is a son cheating me, you..."

"do you have any opinion?"



Looking at the warm and noisy family of three not far away, Xia Xu couldn't help but shook his head and laughed dumbly.

Explained the situation to the special department and asked them to re-deal with the identity of Yao Fu's parents. Yao Fu also came over with his parents, his eyes still had some red marks, and there was a slight remnant of choking, and he kept saying grateful Discourse:

"Thank you, Consultant Xia, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I might have made a big mistake, and I would never see my parents again..."

"It's just a matter of doing what you can."

Xia Xu smiled: "But you can't have such good luck every time, remember to think twice before doing anything in the future."

"Well, I will."

Yao Fu nodded solemnly: "For you, Consultant Xia, it may be a piece of cake, but for me, it is like bringing my parents back from the dead. I will remember your kindness, and if there is anything I can help You can tell me about the busy place."

Perhaps many people whose relatives have just passed away will have a sense of unreality, and they will always have a hazy fantasy that he may just be suspended animation, he may be a legendary mysterious agent who escaped from the golden cicada, and he may be resurrected by a fairy one day...

For the current Yao Fu, although the method is slightly different, it is tantamount to turning fantasy into reality, and his parents really miraculously resurrected.

And it was the consultant Xia in front of him who brought all of this.

Therefore, it can be said that how surprised he was to see his parents, how grateful he would be to Xia Xu at this moment.

These solemn words of promise may sound clumsy or even secondary when uttered from the mouth of a teenager, but they are full of sincerity.

Xia Xu also felt this sincerity.

So he was not polite: "just right, I need a little favor from you right now."

"Consultant Xia, just say it, if this kid dares to disagree, I'll beat him until he agrees."

Yao Fu's father stood up, patted his chest.

During the conversation just now, I heard my son vaguely talk about the whole story, so even the couple, while afraid for a while, also sincerely thanked the country and this consultant Xia.

"No, no, it's just a small thing."

Xia Xu glanced left and right, just in time to see a nurse passing by pushing a cart, and directly reached out to take a syringe from it, and said with a smile, "I want some of your blood for research, you don't mind?"


Yao Fu swallowed hard, his legs seemed to be trembling a little.

Because the syringe that Xia Xu picked up casually was oversized, thicker than a baby's arm.

"Well, Consultant Xia, can I get a smaller one?"

Yao Fu's face turned green.

With such a thick syringe, it's not like drawing a little blood, it's almost 100 million points, and the needle alone seems to be able to pierce him right through.

He figured it out, this Advisor Xia was not only mysterious and scheming, but also seemed to be a bit of a dog!

Haikou, who I just boasted about, said that he wanted to repay his kindness, so he couldn't even refuse such a small request, could he?

Why would a nursing home have such thick syringes! ! !

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