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Chapter 221 Goodbye Uncle Luo

Lu Shuren once said that before tearing down a window, one can propose to tear down the house first.

Although Xia Xu didn't mean it, Yao Fu still received a grateful look from Yao Fu after soft-heartedly changing to a smaller syringe.

After obtaining Yao Fu's blood as he wished, Xia Xu left the nursing home directly.

How to deal with and arrange Yao Fu in the follow-up special department is not something that he, a temporary consultant, can intervene in.

In the final analysis, this position does not have any substantive authority, it only serves as a staff member, and being able to take the lead in this lycanthropy incident mainly depends on Uncle Luo's prestige and confession.

In fact, Uncle Luo's original plan was probably just to ask him to help distinguish the lycanthropy, but because of his age and the inability to provide a basis for judgment, it was difficult to convince Zhang Qun and the others, so Uncle Luo may have explained it more solemnly.

"I don't have anything else to do next. Go back and say hello and go back to Star City. I don't know what Xiao Baihua is doing now..."

Xia Xu was planning in his mind, and the image of the little white flower echoed in his mind, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

However, he had just returned to the Decheng branch of the special department when he met a familiar person.

"Consultant Xia, you came back just in time..."

When Zhang Qun saw Xia Xu, he smiled and pointed to an office, signaling him to go over.

"Someone looking for me?"

Xia Xu was puzzled, but Zhang Qun smiled without saying a word, and just kept motioning him to go in.

After that, Xia Xu didn't ask any more questions, and pushed open the door of that office.

This should be an unused office, the decoration inside is very simple, a set of desks and chairs, plus two empty filing cabinets, this is all the furniture inside.

At this moment, on the office chair, a middle-aged man with his eyes closed and sleeping was sitting upright.

The man has a strong figure, and his breathing is long. Every time he breathes out, his body muscles are floating regularly, like a giant sleeping soundly, and even more like a mountain that is constantly expanding and shrinking.


Almost the moment Xia Xu pushed open the door, the sleeping man suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold and fierce light shot from them.

But probably because he quickly realized the surrounding environment, his gaze quickly retracted, and after seeing Xia Xu, it softened instantly.

"Uncle Luo, you, the team leader, are doing too badly, don't you even have a rest room to sleep in?"

Xia Xu also smiled at this moment, and said jokingly.

The person in front of him is naturally Luo Hongyun.

In fact, before he entered the door, he had almost guessed that no one in the entire special department would look for him except Uncle Luo.

"It's just not necessary."

Luo Hongyun also laughed.

He didn't even take off his combat uniform, and he could even see a lot of damage and dust on his tactical vest. He probably didn't even have time to change his clothes after he came back.

"I think it's necessary. Uncle Luo, you look like you haven't slept for more than ten days in a row."

Xia Xu said helplessly.

Luo Hongyun's body is naturally amazingly oppressive to ordinary people, but to him who has long been used to it, he doesn't feel it at all. Instead, he can feel a strong sense of fatigue from his eyes.

This is absolutely unimaginable for Luo Hongyun, who is extremely energetic and can't sleep without high-intensity exercise every day.

"It's okay, everything has been done, this time I should be able to rest for a while."

Luo Hongyun smiled again, changed the subject and said, "But Decheng must thank you very much.

Originally, I just wanted you to help Zhang Qun and the others identify the Batman, but I didn't expect you to be much better than I imagined, even the organization behind it was completely uprooted, which saved me a lot of trouble. "

As he said that, Luo Hongyun also showed a look of surprise on his face.

To be honest, after listening to Zhang Qun's recounting of the past half a month, he almost thought that Zhang Qun and the others had found the wrong person.

After all, in Zhang Qun's mouth, this Advisor Xia is wise and powerful, has no leftover strategy, has no trace, seems like a mind-reader, and is a master of fighting... a lot of adjectives have been put on it.

After listening to it, he was full of question marks.

? ? ?

Except for the last one, which is more reliable (after all, I taught it myself), what the hell are the others?

In his impression, although Xia Xu is also smarter and seems to be very experienced in recognizing people and things, it is impossible to be associated with a wily and calculating person anyway.

But after listening to Zhang Qun's detailed account of what happened, he had to admit that Xia Xu's performance was indeed far more amazing than he thought.


Zhang Qun and the others yelled these words, and he was inexplicably delighted to hear them, as if hearing someone praise Louise.

"Uncle Luo, what do you mean by that? You don't want to express your gratitude verbally, do you? Let me tell you, my brother will settle the accounts. You are leaving this time on the commission of my company."

Xia Xu deliberately showed a suspicious and vigilant look.

Luo Hongyun knew that he didn't want to say these polite words himself, so he didn't say any more, he just smiled and said: "Don't worry, you are indispensable. The special department has nothing but a lot of funds."

Xia Xu smiled and moved closer: "But I'm not short of money now. I've made a lot of money a while ago, can I exchange it for other rewards?"

"Not short of money? How much did you earn to dare to say that? Let me tell you, if you get a bonus for your credit this time, it can be hundreds of thousands."

Luo Hongyun couldn't help laughing.

After getting acquainted with Xia Xu, he naturally knew a little about Xia Xu's background. He knew that Xia Xu was not the rich second generation he thought before. degree.

Unfortunately, there is a saying that Shibie should be admired for three days.

"Earn this amount!"

Xia Xu grinned and made a gesture of seven.

People don't pretend to bully young people, even if they don't like to show off, they still have the idea of ​​showing off in front of those close to them.

"Seven hundred thousand?"

Luo Hongyun was slightly surprised.

"No, it's seventy million."

Xia Xu smiled slightly.


Luo Hongyun was completely shocked when he heard this exaggerated number.

Seventy million?

It seems that I can't earn this figure in my whole life.

Ordinary people hope that winning a lottery will only be a few million, but it turns out that a high school student earns tens of millions.

If he didn't know Xia Xu's character, he would definitely suspect that he was doing some kind of crime. No, he might not be able to make so much money in a short period of time even from crime, and he wouldn't be able to resist tens of millions by robbing a bank, right?

"Okay, I take back what I just said, then what kind of reward do you want in exchange, I will try my best to help you if I can decide."

Luo Hongyun shook his head dumbfounded.

"If possible, I would like to rent the Xinyuan Building and the laboratory below it, and then I heard Zhang Qun talk about the international scientific research university..."

There was no politeness between Xia Xu and Luo Hongyun, and they directly raised their needs.

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