In fact, Xia Xu still wanted to ask the special department if they had seized the scalpel virus strain that Gu Haiming mentioned from under the Xinyuan Building.

But it's actually a bit late now. If it was last night when the payment was made, he might be able to find it in troubled waters, but if he speaks out now, it will only embarrass Uncle Luo.

A laboratory that could possibly create a perfect 'superman' like lycanthropy and Yao Fu, even the government definitely attaches great importance to it. It is impossible for anyone to take away the things inside, and the special department is not just what Uncle Luo said.

"The disposal plan for Xinyuan Building has not been finalized yet, I will try my best to help you."

Luo Hongyun laughed directly after hearing Xia Xu's request: "As for the matter of the International Research University, I'm going to ask you if you don't mention it, how did you do in the college entrance examination?

I can give you a lot of admission weight points, plus your own credit this time, as long as you are not too bad, you should be admitted. "

"Uncle Luo, you are looking down on me. What do you mean, as long as it is not too bad, I will definitely be the top student in the college entrance examination in Star City this time."

Xia Xu muttered pretending to be dissatisfied, and then frowned slightly: "But, Uncle Luo, is there anything special about this international research university? The admissions are so strict?"

Assisting in clearing up the lycanthropy is a great contribution.

But listening to Uncle Luo's words, this credit alone is not enough, and he plans to use his own merits to help him exchange for admission weight.

I heard from Zhang Qun before that the ability to exchange relatives for the admission weight of an international scientific research university even exists as a welfare clause for the special operations team, which in itself is unusual.

What's more, Uncle Luo, the head of a special operations team in a province, can't even recommend a person to be admitted to a university?

"It's not strict, but a kind of screening."

Luo Hongyun shook his head and said: "Take our country as an example. In the past, the country needed elite talents, so there were key colleges and universities. Later, it needed middle and low-level workers with professional skills, so there were vocational schools. The lack of even a semi-mandatory diversion.

These are essentially the screening of talents and classes, and this international research university can be said to be a step above key universities. "

"Going a step further...I see."

Xia Xu nodded silently.

He thought of what Zhang Qun said before, the way international research universities recruit students.

This is actually not a university in the conventional sense, because it does not recruit students from the college entrance examination, but directly selects from various universities, or is an exchange student, or recommended by the country.

If it is said that key colleges and universities select elite talents, then international research universities select geniuses.

The strictness of admissions is not deliberately made so strict, but its existence mode is doomed to be so strict, otherwise this special university itself will lose its meaning of existence.

This is essentially the same as the establishment of key colleges and vocational colleges in the first place. Through screening and diversion, we can better find and train the talents we need.

In the past, workers and elites were needed, but now we need to go a step further and need those who may become the trendsetters of the next era.

Reminiscent of the various black technologies that have come into contact with recently, perhaps the countries on Planet Aquamarine are not unaware of the surging tide of the times.

Otherwise, there would be no such university, and this university would not be a 'research' university.

Any technology is never achieved overnight. It always needs a process, and there will always be some clues, which will naturally be noticed.

No matter how dark these black technologies are and why they were born, a new technological explosion and even changes seem to be brewing, and it is not surprising that the officials of various countries have made preparations and actions.


"I didn't expect you, Uncle Luo, to see it so thoroughly. It really made me look at it differently."

Xia Xu showed sufficient surprise at Luo Hongyun's words.

Luo Hongyun may be thick and thin in terms of combat tactics, but in ordinary life, he is quite rough, and the well-understood words just now are not like what he can say.

"Hey, I also heard it from others. I heard a discussion with my colleagues before, so I just listened to a few words."

Luo Hongyun smiled slightly embarrassed.

"Knowledge is not all learned from books, it is also a skill to be able to hear."

Xia Xu flattered him a little.

Luo Hongyun is not the kind of person who likes to be flattered, but Xia Xu's words are quite useful.

There was a smile on his face unconsciously, and he raised his hand as if covering it up: "That's all right, all right, don't flatter me, anyway, as long as your grades are not bad, you will definitely be able to get in, just go back and wait for the news."

"Then can we discuss something and add another one?"

Xia Xu smiled and said, "I guarantee that the grades are not bad, only second to me, the number one student in the college entrance examination."

Of course, he couldn't forget his little white flower for such a good thing.

After all, he had promised before that he would enter the same university as Xiao Baihua.

Before, he was only planning to find a well-known school with many talents, it didn't matter which one he entered, and Tang Youxin's grades in Ultra Brain Pharmacy would definitely not be bad, so he could easily fulfill this promise.

But now he is indeed very interested in this international research university, and it would be a pity not to go to such an obviously unusual school with a high probability of having a plot line.

The problem is that these things seldom pass the college entrance examination directly, and there is no admission score at all. What people look at is the weight of admissions, or the recommendation of the school or the recommendation of the country.

That's a little fucked up.

He can get in through Uncle Luo and this time's credit, what about Xiao Baihua?

If I can't bully and bully Xiaobaihua every day, wouldn't my college life lose more than half of the fun?

"Yes, yes, yes..."

Luo Hongyun frowned and said: "However, my side can actually only help increase the weight of admissions, which is equivalent to adding points for admissions.

If you have any friends who want to get in, it is not enough to rely on test scores, you must be talented and have enough outstanding places or resumes.

The fact that I asked you to assist Decheng this time also has this reason, let me find a reason for you. "

Hearing this, Xia Xu asked curiously, "Then what reason did Uncle Luo give me?"

"Biological genius."

Luo Hongyun laughed.

ah this...

Xia Xu can barely understand Uncle Luo's logic, and can easily distinguish werewolves from batmen. Werewolves and batmen are products of biotechnology, which means he is a biological genius?

Although it's a bit far-fetched, there seems to be nothing wrong with it as a reason, and he helped deal with the fact that werewolves and batmen are also iron-clad, special department platforms, believe it or not.

However, if this is all right, then the matter of Xiao Baihua's enrollment is easy to solve.

Compared with his fake and shoddy product with only a pitiful one-star combat, Xiao Baihua is a serious five-star programmer and a super genius in computers.

Although he has only been studying by himself for a while now, it will definitely not take long to make up for his written knowledge if he cooperates with the Ultra Brain Potion.

Different from his lack of talent, Xiaobaihua must be able to quickly summarize and understand the relevant knowledge after relying on the super brain potion to memorize it, and finally display her exaggerated talent.

When we go back and let Xiao Baihua take a tutoring session, won't it be easy to blind your eyes by pulling it out to show off your skills?

"It's easy. My friend is a computer genius. Uncle Luo, see if there is any task in your special department that needs assistance in this area. I will bring her over to help when the time comes."

Xia Xu spoke confidently, and at the same time did not forget to seek some benefits for Xiao Baihua: "Of course, there will be a fee. She is the ace employee of our company."

Tang Youxin's character has always been relatively stubborn, some small favors are fine, but she will not accept money or the like even now.

But if it was a reward for assisting the official, she would have no reason to refuse it.

I found another way to fool Xiaobaihua into getting money, it's perfect.

This is more difficult than getting money from other people, and there is no sense of accomplishment.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye out for you recently, and I'll let you know if necessary."

Seeing Xia Xu's confident expression, Luo Hongyun didn't say any more, and lowered his jaw in response.

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