I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 174 173 Ishihori Mitsuhiko's truth revealed

Chapter 174 173. Mitsuhiko Ishihori comes to light

Three days later, there was a night attack on the team.

After talking all night long a few days ago, Hime Yajun and Saijo Nagi had completely laid out their cards. After learning Hime Yajun's purpose, Saijo Nagi was also very cooperative.

She had long suspected that there might be a mole among the top brass of the Night Raid Team. Otherwise, how could her lover, Mizoroki Makoto, be persuaded to fall into the dark abyss?

And today is the time they agreed to take action.

After the daily training, Nagi Saijo did not leave. Instead, he hid in a corner of the night raid team building that was invisible to surveillance, waiting for Ji Yajun's arrival.

Finally, ten minutes later, Ji Yazhun arrived belatedly with that round and ancient face.

"Don't you have any sense of time?"

Saijo Nagi had no respect for this Ultraman, so he changed the subject and said, "Speaking of the appearance of your face, I feel a little strange. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with your personality."

"I can't help it, that guy from Gumen delayed me for a while." Ji Yaquan sighed: "As for the appearance, that's not something I can decide. For example, this is one of my seniors, who is also an Ultra The human body of a warrior.”

"I found out that the Night Raid Team was not established more than ten years ago, and all the files were stored in TLT's database. Since it involves a certain secret plan, the query authority seems to be quite high."

Saijo Nagi quickly stated the plan he had prepared: "Advisor Kira has the super power to predict the future. We can only target Matsunaga Kaichiro, the current manager of TlT."

"I've checked, and it turns out that the guard changes at three o'clock in the middle of the night. We can only take advantage of this time to hack into Chief Matsunaga's computer investigation database."

Having said this, Saijo Nagi turned to look at Ji Yajun with suspicious eyes: "Have you prepared what you need?"

After keeping the plan firmly in mind, Ji Yaquan nodded heavily: "Yes!"

With the technology blessing of the visitors, it can be said that the technology of the Night Raid Team has already broken through the world's top level. Without the assistance of a mature hacker, even being able to enter Chief Matsunaga's office and try to access the database would be a pipe dream.

Ji Yajun also went through a lot of troubles this time, and even used his connections to find his old partners Genlai and Sakuda. Finally, he found scientific and technological talents who could decipher codes from a Laomozi organization introduced by Genlai, and created a series of hacker programs. .

After hearing the satisfactory answer, Saijo Nagi slowly exhaled a breath, still a little frightened in his heart.

She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to betray the Night Raid Team to help Ji Yazhun. She was just scared in her heart that Ji Yajun said that there could be humanoid alien beasts in the Night Raid Team. She only hoped that the final outcome would not disappoint him too much. good.

late at night.

Nagi Saijo and Jun Hime, who had gone back and forth from the beginning, entered the Night Raid Team building through a blind corner and lurked in the dark for several hours, finally found their way out slowly.

"Then, let's begin!"

Ji Yaquan waved his hand and rushed into the corridor of the building with the heavily armed masked tough guy Nagi Saijo behind him.

The two chose to sneak into the building quietly, relying on their familiarity with the night raid team to gradually avoid cameras and key guard patrol areas. If there were surveillance cameras that were unavoidable, they had already used means to hack them.

The two passed through many obstacles along the way, relying on their amazing mobility and extraordinary athletic instincts to quickly reach the target area.

Seeing that Matsunaga Kaichiro's office was in front of him, Hime Yajun did not dare to stay any longer. He sped up and ran towards the target, almost hitting the door with brute force!

"Boom" a loud noise.

Matsunaga Kaichiro's office was knocked open instantly, and a huge sound instantly spread throughout the building. At this moment, Matsunaga Kaichiro was still sleeping soundly in bed, not knowing what happened.

At this moment, Saijo Nagi had quickly rushed in, blocked the door tightly, and restored everything to its original state!

The goal of "sneaking in under disguise" seemed to have been achieved, and the hacker program quickly hacked into the computer's database. Everything seemed so orderly.

Saijo Nagi was extremely nervous and quickly reminded: "Hurry up, we don't have much time!"

Although there are not many people in the entire night raid team building now, and most of them are gathered at the entrance, so they may not have heard what happened just now, but as long as a good person comes up to take a look, they will be finished.

"rest assured!"

Ji Yaquan suppressed his gasping and quickly typed on the computer keyboard the three words Hakuno had told him before: "Yamaoka Ichi."

As the permission password was automatically filled in by the hacker program, after a short waiting process, detailed information about Yamaoka Kazu and an extremely familiar face appeared in front of the two of them.

"This...how could it be him?"

When Saijo Nagi saw that familiar figure, he couldn't help blurting out: "This... this is impossible, how can it be Ishihori Mitsuhiko!!"

Mitsuhiko Ishibori can be said to be the veteran of the Night Raid Team. He was in the team when Nagi Saijo joined the Night Raid Team. How could he be a traitor?

Ji Yaquan did not respond, because he was also in shock at this moment.

Mitsuhiko Ishibori, one of the members of Team A of the Night Raid Team, is a famous xenozoologist. He is usually quite gentle in his dealings with others and has an exceptionally gentle temperament. He can be said to be a famous good gentleman.

Even when Hime Yajun first joined the Night Raid Team, Mitsuhiko Ishibori gave him a lot of help, which made him have a favorable impression of Mitsuhiko Ishibori.

He couldn't figure it out that the person behind it was Mitsuhiko Ishibori!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Saijo Nagi immediately grabbed the computer and continued to type on the keyboard while whispering.

Messages flashed quickly in front of her eyes, but Nagi Saijo's voice became deeper and deeper: "The time of Yamaokaichi's death is almost the same as the time when... Ishibori Mitsuhiko entered the night attack team!"

At this moment, Saijo Nagi, who was still in disbelief, was completely stunned.

But at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. The eyes of the two people in the room were momentarily dull. After looking at each other for a second, they found panic in each other's eyes.

We have already reached this time, who will come here again? Could it be that there was too much noise just now and it was leaked?

Saijo Nagi took a deep breath and said quickly: "It's okay, we have found substantial evidence, even if the superiors want to arrest us, there is nothing they can do!"

As she spoke, she opened the computer screen, preparing to wait for someone to come in and see clearly what was displayed on it.

But at this moment, the sound outside the door suddenly stopped, and the man didn't seem to intend to come in.

"not good."

Ji Yazhun's expression suddenly became solemn. He could detect an extremely strong aura of dark power, and he was afraid that the person coming was quite dangerous!

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