I can't be killed by Ultraman

Chapter 175 174 Dark Zagi appears!

Chapter 175 174. Dark Zaki appears!

Nishijo Nagi frowned instantly, sensing something was wrong.

According to Himeya Jun, the person outside the door was definitely not a good person!

Himeya Jun quickly winked, signaling Nishijo Nagi to hide aside first, while he hid behind the door alone to observe the situation.

Nishijo Nagi understood, and silently shrank into a blind spot on one side of the room, ready to act at any time.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded outside the door: "Don't hide so late, the noise you made just now was particularly loud, and those who didn't know would think that our night attack team has the habit of men and women having a tryst late at night."

Hearing this familiar voice, both Nishijo Nagi and Himeya Jun's faces changed.

Could it be...

As if to confirm what they were thinking, the iron door of the office that was locked by Nishijo Nagi suddenly loosened and was pushed open without any obstruction.

And then, as the door opened, the very familiar face came into their eyes.

"It's really him!"

Nishijo Nagi was suddenly shocked and almost fell down.

She couldn't help but compare the face of the newcomer with Yamaoka on the computer screen. The similarity was at least 90%!

Nishijo Nagi unconsciously stepped back a few steps, staring at Ishibori Mitsuhiko with a vigilant look, with her right hand on her waist, ready to draw her gun and shoot at any time.

Himeya Jun, who had been hiding in front of the door to eavesdrop on the situation and was now forced to confront the newcomer, also had a very ugly face.

Because the person who appeared in front of them at this moment was Ishibori Mitsuhiko, who was identified by them not long ago as the chief culprit hidden in the night raid team!

Ishihori Mitsuhiko behaved quite normally, but it was this normality that made Nishijo Nagi and Himeya Jun feel a little weird.

He stepped over the threshold and walked in, his movements were quite light, his eyes looked around all the way, and finally fell on Himeya Jun, and slowly said: "Sure enough, you have a problem."

Himeya Jun took a deep breath, without any hiding, and took the initiative to greet him: "I didn't expect it was really you!"

He understood that after discovering the truth, he would confront Ishihori Mitsuhiko no matter what, it was just a matter of time.

Ishihori Mitsuhiko smiled slightly when he heard this, and his laughter sounded a little sarcastic.

He didn't even look at his eye-catching headshot on the computer screen, and turned his head to stare directly at Nishijo Nagi who was hiding in the corner: "Our Vice Captain Nishijo just met his old lover, and he found a new lover so soon."

Nishijo Nagi immediately shouted angrily: "What does it have to do with you?"

"You are investigating me secretly, how can it have nothing to do with me?" Ishihori Mitsuhiko's mouth curled up, and his smile was extremely cold.

The next moment, a strong dark aura suddenly erupted, and two black and red hideous horns suddenly grew on Ishihori Mitsuhiko's shoulders. Against the shadow of the night, it was like a demon crawling out of hell!

Sure enough, the situation that they were most worried about still happened.

Ishihori Mitsuhiko did not choose to continue hiding, but directly tore off his hypocritical mask, revealing to the two the real deep darkness hidden under the face of the good guy.

Jun Ji Ya gritted his teeth, holding the Evolution Truster, ready to transform on the spot at any time, while calling Hakuno frantically in his heart.

Nishijo Nagi felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, and she felt that the nightmare-like memory was replayed in front of her again.

No matter how ignorant and blind she was, she could not fail to recognize that the figure in front of her was the so-called "humanoid alien beast" who killed her family more than ten years ago!

"So... you did all this!"

When she thought that she had worked and fought with her mortal enemy, and even regarded him as a trustworthy old friend, Nishijo Nagi felt that her life suddenly became dark, and all her past achievements seemed to have been completely denied.

The surge of emotions made her lose her mind in an instant, and she fired several shots at Ishihori Mitsuhiko.

Ishihori Mitsuhiko, who was discovered, curled his lips and showed a grim smile. The bullet hit his body and only flashed a few lights before being bounced off.

At this point, he had nothing to hide.

Although the original plan was to devour the weakest Nishijo Nagi, now that Nishijo Nagi has broken through her defense, she has not mastered the power of Nexus, so Ishibori Mitsuhiko can only settle for the next best thing.

The huge dark power belonging to Dark Zagi quickly spread out, surrounding Himeya Jun in front of him with lightning speed: "Although the plan is a little biased from what I imagined, thanks to you for taking the initiative to come to me."

"As long as I devour you and then control the Sea of ​​Oblivion, everything will still be back on track!"

"Damn it!"

Feeling the majestic dark power, Himeya Jun's face suddenly changed.

He had only felt this level of dark power on Hakuno before, and that was also an opponent that made him feel powerless, which was enough to show the horror of Ishibori Mitsuhiko in front of him.

He quickly raised the Evolution Truster in his hand, and the soft milky white light immediately lit up, using it to resist the dark erosion of Ishibori Mitsuhiko, and at the same time, he sent Nishijo Nagi out in a rough and delicate way!

At the same time, Ishihori Mitsuhiko in front of him also fully unfolded his true form that was no different from that of a demon, and with the momentum of a python swallowing a dragon, he drew out all the dark power that had accumulated for many years, wanting to completely devour Nexus in front of him and transform it into his own power!

Same time, but different place.

In the alien space outside the Nexus world, Hakuno was leading Hitler and other dark warriors to siege the monsters attacking from the periphery. Suddenly, the news of Himeya Jun came to his mind, and his face suddenly darkened.

He stretched out his hand and clenched it. The endless flames quickly burned the ignorant Red King in front of him into ashes, but his eyes were burning at the Super Hippolyte who was in the deepest part of the sea of ​​monsters: "I was wondering why you have been hiding all the time. It turns out that you want to lure the tiger away from the mountain."

"Hehe, so what? Dark Zagi promised me that as long as I can hold you back, I can control the earth with him forever!"

The Super Hippolyte smiled happily with a face of a villain who had achieved success.

He originally followed the evil king, the dark shadow wizard, and in the original plot, he should have appeared in the movie version of "Super Ultra Brothers". Logically, he has nothing to do with the Nexus world.

After the death of the Evil Heart King, he should have lost the possibility of participating in high-end battles. However, not long ago, Dark Zagi took the initiative to contact the Super Hippolytus, which made him feel profitable. That's why he appeared here with a group of the remnants of the Evil Heart King and the alien beasts sent by Dark Zagi.

Hearing this, Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh: "Retarded!"

The other party actually dared to believe in Dark Zagi's promise, and even thought that Dark Zagi would keep his promise after he succeeded, which made Bai Ye have to admire his low IQ and courage.

But it must be said that this guy really made Bai Ye quite annoyed.

Super Hippolytus has been avoiding battles, using the continuous monster groups to slow down Bai Ye's steps, and he himself hid in the dark, luring Bai Ye all the way here. It was not until this battle that Bai Ye discovered the traces of Super Hippolytus.

Hearing Bai Ye's disdainful comments about him, Super Hippolyte was somewhat unhappy and immediately retorted: "So what? To be honest, Dark Zagi has already succeeded, let's see what other tricks you have!"

"That may not be what you want."

Bai Ye laughed even louder after hearing this, but stopped there and did not continue to explain.

Super Hippolyte became more and more flustered, so he had to yell a few times to stabilize his posture.

But this shout completely angered Bai Ye. He snorted coldly, and in an instant, he quickly rushed towards Super Hippolyte: "Then I'll start with you!"

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