Outside a dense forest in the south of Honshu City.

Su Ren's figure appeared here. Looking at the dense forest in front of him, Su Ren decided to try the skill of speaking and following the law.

"Let's have a big fire!"

As Su Ren's words fell, the air became extremely hot, and the fire elements in the air quickly gathered in the dense forest.

When the temperature increases to a critical point.


The raging fire instantly ignited the entire forest.

If it were an ordinary flame, it would be nothing to those hundreds of level monsters in the forest. They would not take ordinary flames seriously at all.

But this is the flame summoned by Su Ren, something related to the concept god, and it cannot be described by ordinary flames.


Countless roars resounded deep in the forest, and the entire forest seemed to tremble.

[You kill the black tree spirit (level 380) x 35 and gain 1,980,000 experience points. 】

[You kill the red bear (level 450) × 15 and gain 2,650,000 experience points. 】

【You kill...】


[Your level has reached level 3 to level 100, and you cannot obtain more experience. Please go to the job transfer temple to receive the job transfer task! 】

Seeing that his experience was full, Su Ren nodded with satisfaction. As for the equipment and materials dropped by these monsters, he no longer cared about them.

Now money is just a number to him, let alone these low-level equipment materials.

So Su Ren used the hole-digging skill again, and the next moment he was back outside the job-changing temple.

After Su Ren left, a diamond-shaped piece of glass that emitted purple light appeared where he had just stood.

A surprised voice came from within the debris.

"Dear me, what kind of monster is this man? I'm scared to see this fire. I'm an innate treasure!"

"Should I still follow him?"

"If I don't follow him, how can I get my Tianzhu back? But it seems a bit dangerous to follow him!"

"If he gets upset and burns me, I wonder if I can withstand it?"

After thinking for a long time, it decided to follow Su Ren.

"He is so powerful, maybe he can help me find other scattered bodies. Then I must seek revenge on that bastard!"

With a flash of purple light, the fragments disappeared, leaving only the unburned fire.


Inside the job transfer temple.

The voice in the temple was not surprised by Su Ren's return.

Of course, as an AI system, it does not have any emotions.

"Welcome, professional Su Ren. You have reached the 4th transfer requirement. Do you want to accept the job transfer task?"


"Your job transfer task has been issued, please check it!"

Su Ren glanced at this job transfer mission.

"Task 1: Turn in any epic level equipment above level 500 x 3."

"Task 2, turn in the evil heart x 80."

"Mission Three: Kill the Abyss BOSS, the Evil King!"

"The King of Evil?"

Su Ren was confused.

"Didn't this mean that I sent a clone to mess with that guy during the big exam?"

"It's not that enemies never get together, I caught you this time!"

These three tasks don't seem difficult. Su Ren still has a lot of epic equipment in his bag and can be completed immediately.

The evil heart seems to be a kind of material, maybe related to the evil king or his subordinates.

"When the matter in Sakura Country is resolved, immediately go to the abyss to complete the task."

After making a decision, Su Ren walked out of the job transfer temple again.

Looking at the glorious temple behind him, Su Ren suddenly had a whim.

"If I accept the job-changing temple as a pet beast, I wonder if it can help me change jobs?"

"This way, I won't have to go through so much trouble looking for job-changing temples in the future. I can just summon them directly when I need them."

However, Su Ren did not take action against this temple. First, if this temple disappeared, Honshu City would be destroyed without the protection of the temple at night.

Secondly, doing this is likely to alert the people of the Sky and Sky Empire. If they arouse their suspicion and send someone to check, this will be a troublesome matter no matter how you look at it.

Although Su Ren is not afraid of anyone in close combat, he still has to be careful with long-range attacks.

After all, I still don't know what the opponent's strength is, so it's not a bad thing to be careful.

When Su Ren left the job transfer temple and returned to the Zephyr Hotel, it was already approaching dusk.

Shui Yuewu and Granny Qinghua were already waiting here, while Li Muzi was placed under tight protection in Yamada Shino's villa.

After the matter is completed, she will be taken to Dongji City to succeed the emperor.

"Have your people notified you?"

Su Ren asked directly without talking nonsense.

The people from the two families mainly play a role in maintaining order, and they are not needed in real battles.

"I have already notified Mr. Su!"

"All the subordinates stationed in each city have gone to Dongji City. It is all arranged by the young master!"

Shui Yuewu bowed very low, knowing that this was his chance to perform.

The better he performs, the more recognition he can get, so he can get more power.

The emperor's position is definitely not his place, but he is still willing to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

"Well, just wait. Call me when your men arrive at Dongji City. I'll take a nap first."

The flow of time in that mysterious space was wrong. In fact, Su Ren had not slept for many days and felt a little sleepy at this time.

Shui Yuewu naturally had no complaints, but if he didn't take action today, wouldn't Su Ren be afraid that the news would leak out?

According to his idea, he should set off now to take the teleportation array to Dongji City and capture the Emperor in one fell swoop.

But Su Ren was not in a hurry, and he did not dare to say anything more. He really stood at the door of the hotel and waited.

Granny Qinghua shook her head when she saw this.

"You just wait here, I'll take this opportunity to transfer."

She got the gallbladder of the Yamata no Orochi from Su Ren, and she had met the conditions for the 9th turn.

Naturally, I can't wait now.

Hearing this, Shui Yuewu looked envious. Rank 9, that was the realm he wanted to reach in his dreams.

But without Yamata no Orochi's courage, he wouldn't be able to change jobs at all.

Shui Yuewu could only watch with envy as Granny Qinghua walked towards the job transfer temple.

"Sigh, I don't know when the second Yamata-no-Orochi will appear. I'm afraid I will have no hope of turning 9 in this life."

In fact, many people like him were stuck at the peak of rank 8 because they couldn't get the materials they needed for career change, which completely cut off their possibility of advancement.

Three hours later, the time came to 8 pm, and it was already dark.

People from the two major communes also sent news that they had arrived in Dongji City and were ready for orders.

"Li Qinghua, go and call Mr. Su."

Shui Yuewu was still a little afraid of Su Ren and didn't dare to disturb his sleep.

"No, I'm awake."

Su Ren slowly walked out of the hotel, looked at everyone, and said:

"I will take you directly to the Dongji City Palace later, and you will be responsible for maintaining order!"

Just when everyone was still wondering how it was possible to reach the palace directly, a wormhole as high as one person appeared in front of everyone.

"Let's go!"

Su Ren waved his hand and then took the lead and walked in.

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