Dongji City Imperial Palace, inside Tianji Hall.

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom was listening to the report from his subordinates.

People from the two major communes gathered collectively in Dongji City, and he was naturally very aware of this.

But now he has no available people. All the major capital ministers died in Honshu City, and some of the remaining ministers can't get more than 8 turns.

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom frowned. His only option now was to defend the palace and wait for the three elders outside Tianguan to come back to take charge of the overall situation.

"Your Majesty, do we need to take the initiative?"

An old minister of the Highness asked.

The Emperor shook his head.

"Ignore them, gather all the strength into the palace, and just defend to the death!"

"The palace is guarded by various large formations. It will take at least three days for them to attack. After three days, the three elders have already returned, and the people from the two communes have nothing to fear."

Upon hearing this, all the ministers in the palace nodded.

The royal palace's formation defense ability is so outstanding that even a ninth-level professional cannot break through it in a short period of time.

Currently, the safest place is the palace.

At the east gate of the palace, a wormhole as tall as a person appeared in the open space outside the city wall.

Then Su Ren and others walked out from inside.

The Imperial Self-Defense Forces guarding the city wall immediately sounded the alarm upon seeing this.

"There is an enemy attack!"

"Everyone, get ready for battle!"

The guards on the city wall looked nervously at the people appearing below.

They were ordered to defend the palace and would not attack rashly.

After Shui Yuewu and others came out of the wormhole, they looked at the imperial city in front of them in surprise.

"This is? The east gate of the palace?"

Although it was already night, it did not affect their ability to see where it was.

"Honzhou City is more than a thousand miles away from Dongji City, but we can reach the vicinity of the Imperial City in an instant. This is faster than the teleportation array!"

Everyone looked at Su Ren in surprise again.

This kind of ultra-long distance spatial displacement with so many people is a bit too scary.

If Su Ren had an army with extraordinary combat power, all the heads of state on Blue Star might not be able to sleep with this sudden attack.

This is simply impossible to prevent.

At this point, they have a new understanding of Su Ren's abilities.

"Master Su, do you want to fight directly?"

"I heard that the formations in the palace are interconnected. It will take a lot of effort to break through such a large formation."

Shui Yuewu once had a dream about being an emperor, so he also had considerable experience in studying the imperial palace.

He knew that Su Ren was incredibly powerful, but he still didn't think that Su Ren could break through the imperial city's defenses in a short time.

If one could directly enter the palace, it would be simple, just capture the emperor and force him to abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his throne.

Su Ren actually wanted to enter the palace directly, but he did not have the location coordinates inside the palace, so he could only open the wormhole outside the imperial city.

But this is nothing, any defense is just paper in front of him.

In the face of absolute power, no matter how strong the defense is, it is useless.

Su Ren drew out his sword and slashed at the imperial city.

The terrifying sword light slashed out, followed by dozens of explosions.

At this moment, the imperial city's defensive formations all collapsed. Under Su Ren's sword light, they couldn't withstand it for a second before they exploded.

Along with the explosion, there were many guards and Imperial Self-Defense Forces defending the city.

The screams were endless, and the fire ignited half of the east city area.

In the downtown area of ​​Dongji City.

Countless people stopped and looked in the direction of the palace.

"That's the direction of the palace!"

"Is the palace on fire?"

"I heard several explosions."

When it comes to fire, they are even more frightened.

Back then, a great fire mage named Li Mei set fire to Dongji City and burned down countless houses.

It was very hot in Dongji City that night.

That night the streets were full of acquaintances.

Now the fire in the palace once again ignited the fear in their hearts, and the terrifying scene appeared in their hearts again.

"Go put out the fire!"

I don't know who shouted.

But no one took action. That was the imperial palace, the place with the strongest defense in the entire Dongji City.

There is no need for ordinary people like them to put out fires.

What they are thinking about now is to go home quickly and pack their things in case something unexpected happens.

"Stop putting out the fire, go home and save yourself first!"

The people playing in the street immediately dispersed and ran to their homes.

The originally bustling streets suddenly became deserted, leaving only some garbage rolling around under the strong wind.

Inside Tianji Hall.

The emperor stood up from his throne and looked towards the east gate.

"Has the attack begun yet?"

The ministers in the palace were already in a panic and were discussing non-stop.


An imperial city guard wearing armor quickly ran into the palace and knelt down to report:

"Your Majesty, the thieves have broken through the East City Gate and entered the Imperial City. They are now heading towards the Tianji Palace. Your Majesty, please take shelter elsewhere!"

"What? How did you break through the East City Gate so quickly?"

A minister stepped forward and grabbed the guard by the collar and shouted angrily:

"Are you lying about military information and disrupting military morale?"

"Sir, I don't dare, the thief really broke through the east city gate!"

Hearing this, everyone in the hall became at a loss.

The opponent's fighting power far exceeded their imagination.

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom was still calm and looked at the guard who came to report the news:

"How many of them came?"

The guard trembled and replied:

"Your Majesty, there are... less than thirty people in total!"

"There are less than thirty people, are you sure? How is this possible?"

"Thirty people want to break through my east city gate. Do you know the consequences of lying about military information?"

Now the emperor could not sit still.

Thirty people broke through the Imperial City, which was known as the strongest defense in their Sakura Kingdom. It was a huge joke.

"Your Majesty, everything you said is true!"

"The leading boy slashed open the imperial city with just one blow. Our people didn't even have a chance to fight back in front of him."

"The leading boy?"

The Emperor was confused and asked: "Aren't the Blue Flower Society and the Shuiyue Society rebelling? Where can this young man have such terrifying strength?"

Before the guard could answer, another guard quickly ran into the hall and reported loudly:

"Your Majesty the Emperor, the thieves have broken through the inner city defenses and are heading towards Tianji Palace to kill them!"

"More than half of the guards and Imperial Self-Defense Forces were killed or injured, and we are no longer able to defend!"

"Your Majesty, please move elsewhere!"

Hearing this, the emperor's face turned pale, his feet went limp and he slumped down on the throne.

too fast!

The opponent is as simple as strolling in the garden, and the defense of the imperial city is like a joke in front of the opponent.

"Your Majesty, leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

At this time, the ministers in the palace were also panicked.

Is it the safest place to have a large formation to protect the palace?

If I had known earlier, I might as well have stayed at home and still have a chance to escape.

If they don't leave now, they won't even have a chance to leave.

The emperor laughed miserably upon hearing this.

"Let's go? Where else can we go?"

"They won't let me go!"

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