Several ministers who were afraid of death in the palace looked at each other and quietly walked towards the palace door.

But before they could walk out of the palace gate, a group of guards were already retreating into Tianji Palace.

"Your Majesty, the thieves have already reached the palace gate!"

Everyone in the hall looked towards the entrance of the hall.

A young man in white clothes was holding a strange purple sword in his hand and was leading people from the two communes slowly into the palace.

The remaining guards retreated again and again, not daring to come forward to fight.

They have already seen the terror of this young man.

No one could take his blow, and no one had a chance to resist in front of him. It was a completely one-sided massacre.

It can be said that this young man has killed them to the point of fear.

And after fighting to this extent, this young man was still spotless, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Su Ren strolled into Tianji Hall, first looked at the many ministers in the hall, and then looked at the emperor on the throne.

"Are you the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom?"

Su Ren's voice sounded in the hall and echoed in everyone's ears.

"Are you...from the Dragon Kingdom!?"

There are universal languages ​​​​in the world, but the accent and speaking habits are still different in each country.

So from the moment he heard the voice, Su Ren's identity was guessed by the emperor.


Su Ren did not deny it, and there was nothing to deny.

"You, a man from the Dragon Kingdom, dare to lead people to attack our imperial palace. Do you want to provoke a war between the two countries?"

At this time, the emperor still wanted to use the relationship between the two countries to threaten Suren.

But this move was useless to Su Ren.

"In provoking a war between the two countries, you think too highly of you."

"I can freely walk into your imperial city today. Do you think you are qualified?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Yes, he can even enter the imperial city single-handedly, so who can do anything to him?

This kind of strength can at least be achieved by the top experts in the 9th rank.

In the past thousand years, only the sword gods of the Dragon Kingdom could kill in and out of the imperial city at will.

Now another one has come, so they are not afraid.

"Huangkou kid, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because of your strength!"

"If you do this, you will be punished by everyone!"

A seventy-year-old minister in the palace yelled at Su Ren.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Su Ren looked at him calmly.

"Huh, why are you afraid of death?"

"Justice and justice can never stop killing me. If you kill one me, there will still be countless me!"

The minister raised his head and glared at Su Ren.

Su Ren nodded.

"Okay, in that case, I'll make it happen for you."

Su Ren held his right hand, and the man's face suddenly distorted. His screams echoed through the entire hall, making him look extremely painful, and then blood oozed out from his body quickly.

After a while, there was only one mummy left on the spot.

"Is there anyone like him who is not afraid of death?"

Su Ren looked around, and the people he caught his gaze lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at him.

The whole audience was silent.

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom looked at the mummy on the ground, his face turned pale with fear.

This was simply inhuman, and this kind of death was unheard of.

Even Shuiyue Wu, Granny Qinghua and others looked shocked at this time.

They knew that Su Ren was very powerful, but this method of killing was really outrageous.

This also deepened their awe for Su Ren.

If they dare to betray Su Ren, I'm afraid they will suffer the same fate as this man.

The atmosphere in the hall seemed extremely tense, and no one dared to make a sound.

Su Ren took two steps forward again and reached the center of the hall. Upon seeing this, the other ministers and the living guards retreated to the corners and did not dare to stop him.

"You... don't come here. What do you want to do?"

"We, the Sakura Kingdom, think we have not provoked you, why do you want to destroy my imperial city?"

Although the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom was extremely frightened, he still pretended to be calm.

"When Jiro Koizumi went to assassinate me, you didn't think so, right?"

"Of course, you wouldn't have thought that one day I would stand in this hall and seek revenge on you?"

Hearing this name, the emperor looked at Su Ren in horror.

"You...are you the Dragon Kingdom genius Su Ren that Jiro Koizumi said he wanted to get rid of?"

"Good, now you know why I came?"

Su Ren walked up to him in two steps, looked at him condescendingly and said:

"At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, I want you to announce your abdication in public."

"Of course, you can also choose to refuse, and the only consequence is death!"

The emperor was shocked when he heard this and said in a trembling voice:


"You want to be my emperor?"

Su Ren shook his head.

"I have no interest in your throne. This position will be inherited by Li Muzi, the granddaughter of the president of the Blue Flower Society."

"If you have nothing to do, you can start writing the abdication edict now."

Su Ren turned around and looked at the many ministers in the palace.

"Send someone to bring pen, ink, paper and inkstone for your Majesty the Emperor."

All the ministers looked at each other. If they dare to go, how is this different from rebels?

"Mr. Su, I'll bring it."

Shuiyue Wu took out these things from his backpack as if he was taking credit for his work.

He had already sent people to prepare it, and it had been a few years ago.

He has even memorized all the succession procedures by heart.

I never thought it would finally come in handy today.

But he was not the only one who succeeded, he could only act as a witness.

Su Ren glanced at him, Shui Yue Wu was really ambitious.

But it doesn't matter, with him suppressing her, and Li Qinghua already at level 9, even if he is ambitious, he won't be able to make big waves.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom picked up a pen and slowly wrote the abdication edict in frustration.

In the thousands of years of Sakura Kingdom, he was the first person to be forced by outsiders to write an abdication edict.

His name will be forever nailed to the pillar of shame.

After writing the last word and stamping the seal, the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

Su Ren glanced at the edict, rolled it up and threw it to Li Qinghua.

"You will read it tomorrow."

Li Qinghua was overjoyed when she saw this, and quickly caught the edict and put it into the system backpack.

Su Ren looked at the ministers and said:

"I don't want anyone to be absent tomorrow. If I find out, die!"

After Su Ren finished speaking, he walked away.

Shui Yuewu and others quickly followed.

Only the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom and a group of ministers were left in the palace.

"His Majesty."

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom shook his head feebly upon hearing this.

"I am no longer your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, you must not give up. The three old men will definitely be back before dawn tomorrow."

"We still have a chance to capture the thief then!"

"Old minister, please send a message to the leader of the Dragon Kingdom now to see what his attitude is. The people of the Dragon Kingdom are so arrogant and crazy in our country. I don't believe that he will leave it alone!"

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Do I... still have a chance?"

"Your Majesty, don't give up until the last moment!"

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom nodded, hope rekindled in his eyes.

"Okay, it's all up to you!"

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