Dragon Kingdom, Kyoto.

When the king received the message from the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom, he was shocked.

Then he shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"This kid is really capable of tossing things around."

"If you go to Sakura Country and change the emperor, your future life will be terrible!"

After the king sighed, he ordered his subordinates:

"Come here, summon all officials above the ministerial level to come to a meeting!"

Tonight we will not only discuss the matter of Sakura Country, but more importantly, the matter of Ling Qingxue and Mu Hongxia being kidnapped.

Now they haven't dared to inform Su Ren of the news because they don't know how to explain it.

Thinking of this, the king felt a headache.

That day, they didn't even see who the principal was, and the two girls were taken away. They were also powerless.

After all, the strength shown by the other party is too terrifying, and no disciple or maid can be dealt with by them.

Tens of minutes later, important figures from the Dragon Kingdom gathered together, and the bright and solemn conference hall was filled with people.

"Who knows why the king has called us here so late?"

Everyone shook their heads, obviously no one knew what happened.

The king walked into the hall at this time, looked at everyone, walked to the main seat and sat down, and then slowly said:

"In calling everyone here so late, there are two main things that need to be discussed."

Seeing the serious look on the king's face, everyone knew that the matter was probably serious, so everyone looked at the king with concentration and breathlessness.

"The first thing is that the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom sent a secret message. Just now, Su Ren led some people to break into the Dongji City Palace and forced the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom to issue an abdication edict."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar.

"What? What's going on?"

"Su Ren? Is it the Su Ren from Longwu Guild?"

"Oh my god, what on earth did he do in Sakura Country? Why did he escape to the palace?"

"What about the abdication edict?"

Everyone was obviously in disbelief. This thing sounded too unreal.

But why do I feel a little happy in my heart?

But it's cool, they represent the country, and no matter how happy they feel, they won't show it.

A minister pretended to be surprised and said: "Master, is the news reliable?"

The king nodded.

"It has been confirmed that the Dongji City Imperial Palace has indeed been breached. In the world, only Su Ren can do so openly and openly breach other people's palaces and force the emperor to abdicate."

"Only he has this ability!"

"Master, what does the message from the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom mean?"

Upon hearing this, the monarch's originally serious face unconsciously showed a smile and said:

"He wants us to take care of Suren."

"I personally can't make up my mind. I won't come to you to discuss how to resolve this matter."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then shook their heads.

Are you kidding? Who can care about Su Ren?

Others don't know Su Ren's strength, but as the senior leaders of Dragon Kingdom, they know it clearly now.

The fire god who appeared in the southwest had already reached the sky, and he was killed by Su Ren.

Let them take care of Su Ren? They were satisfied that Su Ren was not causing trouble in the country.

Moreover, Su Ren was making trouble in the Sakura Kingdom, so it had nothing to do with them. They wished that Su Ren would make trouble even bigger, so why should they care?

"Ahem... Your Majesty, I'm afraid we can't do anything about this matter. Everyone knows Su Ren's strength. If he hadn't been law-abiding and a law-abiding person, we would have had a huge headache."

"It's impossible for us to control Su Ren. Let the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom handle it by himself. We can't control it."

Others nodded.

"Yes, there is nothing we can do about this matter. Su Ren's personal behavior has nothing to do with our Dragon Kingdom. The most we can do is issue a condemnation."

In fact, the king had already guessed this result, so he didn't feel surprised.

"In this case, I will reply truthfully later, and then let's talk about the second thing, which is also about Su Ren."

"Is it Su Ren again?"

Everyone was a little confused. This was the first time that so many senior officials gathered together at night to discuss two things about the same person.

"Yes, the second thing I want to say is about the mysterious flying boat over Kyoto two days ago."

Everyone looked heavy when they heard this.

When it comes to the things that make them feel powerless the most, this definitely ranks first.

It was a feeling of absolute despair. In front of the other party, Longguo's defensive strength seemed to have become a joke.

No one could stand under that flying boat. They didn't even know where the other party came from or who the other party was.

In front of those mysterious people, they were as small as ants and could only crawl on the ground.

Seeing everyone's silence, the king also sighed in his heart.

After that incident, he became more determined to go out and take a look.

He always believed that there are people outside the world and there is a heaven outside the world, and those people are proof.

The strength of those people was beyond his imagination, so he believed that the outside world would definitely be more exciting than here.

"Master, didn't you say that the second thing was also about Su Ren? Could it be that the mysterious flying boat was also related to Su Ren?"

The king heard this and shook his head.

"It's not relevant, but it's relevant."

"Do you still remember that two girls wearing Blue Star costumes boarded the spaceship that day?"

"There are two of them, but what does this have to do with Su Ren?"

The king said a little seriously at this time:

"I have investigated and found that both of them are members of the Longwu Guild. One is Su Ren's girlfriend and the other is his beauty. Do you think there is a relationship?"

After hearing this, everyone was stunned, and then their expressions changed again.

If it had been anyone else, this matter would probably have been left alone.

But having a relationship with Su Ren is not a small matter but a big deal.

If it is not handled well, it may lead to unimaginable consequences.

After all, Sakura Country has just encountered a major event.

"Master, we are not refusing to save him. It's just that the situation that day means we have no way to save him."

"Then anyone on the flying boat can suppress all of us. This is indeed incompetent!"

"Yes, Lord, this matter must be explained clearly!"

Seeing everyone frowning, the king knew what they were afraid of, so he didn't blame them.

"I know, aren't we asking you to come together to discuss how to explain this matter to Su Ren?"

Minister of Defense Wang Changjun said at this time:

"Master, Su Ren and I have known each other for a while, and I also know a little bit about his character. I don't think there is any need to explain this matter. Let's just tell the truth."

"After all, we really have no way to stop this. I believe Su Ren is not the kind of person who doesn't argue between right and wrong."

Wang Changjun knew that Su Ren's strength actually made people worried.

They don't like this kind of uncontrollable and powerful person, but they don't know how to face it, so all that's left is escape and fear when he is mentioned.

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