
The Ice Dragon King roared, causing everyone outside the Altar of Prayer to Heaven to stagger and stand unsteadily.

The coercion it exudes makes everyone fearful.

"This dragon is so scary!"

"I have a level 7 strength and it's hard to even raise my head in front of it!"

"What level is this dragon? It can't be a legendary beast, right?"

Fortunately, the Ice Dragon King only roared symbolically. If it roared twice with all its strength, not many of these people would survive.

Seeing the Ice Dragon King flying in, a large space on the ground immediately became vacant.

After everyone looked at the Ice Dragon King, they turned their attention to Su Ren.

They knew that today's protagonist was the boy in front of them who looked to be only eighteen years old.

"Is this Su Ren? He's too young!"

"Eighteen? I think it's more than eighty!"

"Yes, if he were eighteen, I would stand on my head and have diarrhea."

Of course they didn't believe that Su Ren was really only eighteen years old. Everyone thought that Su Ren was just an old monster hiding his true appearance.

Su Ren looked around and saw at a glance the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom in the center who was supported by all the ministers.

"What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"

Su Ren didn't waste any time and said loudly.

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom sneered when he heard this.

"Don't worry, we still have something to resolve."

Now that he has the support of five rank 9 experts, he thinks he has support, so his attitude is no longer the same as last night.

You can even see disdain and contempt in his expression.

"Oh? Is there anything else? Tell me."

Su Ren didn't know what confidence he had to dare to talk to him like this.

But if he doesn't want to be decent, Su Ren will naturally make him respectable.

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom took a step forward with the support of his ministers and coldly snorted:

"As a member of the Dragon Kingdom, it is a serious crime for you to meddle in our country's affairs without authorization!"

"Last night, you dared to take advantage of my unpreparedness to attack the imperial city at night and force me to abdicate. This is the second one!"

"You despise our Sakura Country and don't take our people seriously. This is the third reason!"

"You colluded with the Blue Flower Society and the Shuiyue Society in an attempt to subvert our great country. This is the fourth one!"

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom didn't care about anything, he just came up and gave Su Ren a few hats.

The purpose was naturally to inspire everyone present to resist Su Ren.

After all, this is the territory of the Sakura Kingdom, as the Emperor of the Sakura Kingdom said so.

Many people present immediately glared at Su Ren.

Most of them did not know the truth before this, only that the emperor suddenly announced his abdication.

When I heard it now, I didn't expect that it was a man from the Dragon Kingdom who was forcing his emperor to abdicate.

This naturally caused everyone's anger to soar.

Why would an outsider dare to force their emperor to abdicate?

"kill him!"

At this time, an unknown person shouted, and the crowd in the venue suddenly became angry.


The Ice Dragon King roared disdainfully upon seeing this, sending a chill straight to everyone.

The people who had been so angry just now and were about to take action immediately shrank their heads and took a step back.

Only then did they remember that there was a giant dragon hovering there.

This is not something they can fight against.

Anger is anger, but the difference in strength is a bit too big.

Seeing this, the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom narrowed his eyes and looked at the Ice Dragon King.

As soon as his words aroused the anger of the people, the fire was immediately extinguished.

But he didn't care, as long as his goal was achieved.

Anyway, he didn't expect these people to kill Su Ren. He just aroused their emotions to resist Su Ren.

Su Ren looked at the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom as if he were a clown.

"If this is all you use, then you may have to pay the price for what you just did."

"I hate people who are disobedient."

As soon as these words came out, the ministers around the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom immediately tensed up and firmly protected the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom, fearing that Su Ren would suddenly make a move.

After all, this person never follows any rules and does things exactly according to his own preferences.

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom was also shocked at this time. Everything about last night was still vivid in his mind. Of course, he knew Su Ren's methods.

But thinking about the support of several rank 9 experts, he felt relieved again.

"Hmph, you still dare to threaten me. Today I will kill you rebels without a place to die!"

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom shouted behind him:

"Several elders, please help me kill the rebels!"

As the voice of the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom fell, five figures in a row rose into the sky and stood in the sky above the altar of prayer to heaven.

The power exuded by each of these five figures can make people feel fearful.

Three of them have white hair and black eyes, while the other two have blond hair and blue eyes.

Five top rank 9 powerhouses appeared together, overwhelming the entire audience into silence.

"My... my God, this... these are five rank 9 bosses!"

"In addition to fighting against the extraterrestrial demons at Tianguan, when can we see five nine-turns appearing together at the same time?"

"They are here for the people from the Dragon Kingdom!"

Everyone looked at the five people standing in the sky with horror in their eyes.

At this time, Shui Yuewu walked quickly to Su Ren and whispered:

"Mr. Su, those three white-haired old men are the three rank 9 experts from our Sakura Country. The other two are probably foreign aids invited by the Beautiful Country."

"You have to be careful."

Shui Yuewu carefully looked at the five people in the sky, and it could be seen that he was a little scared.

Although he knew that Su Ren was terrifyingly powerful, these were five 9th turns.

Usually, only the demon leaders who are besieging and killing the demons outside the territory will appear together.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom invited five people to help him in order to deal with Su Ren.

Li Qinghua also came over at this time and said:

"Su Ren, if there is a fight, I can contain one person, but are you sure about the other four?"

Li Qinghua also looked in the air with some fear.

She had just advanced to level 9, and it was already her limit to contain one person.

If Su Ren couldn't deal with the other four in this battle, they might be in danger.

As for the Ice Dragon King, Li Qinghua didn't know its strength, so he didn't take it into consideration.

The other people in the two major communes were already panicking.

They just heard from their president that as long as they came today, they could witness history and gain fame.

From now on, they will have the final say in Sakura Country.

But the appearance of these five rank 9 experts directly made them fearful.

With this lineup, how can they win?

Everyone in the two communes looked at Su Ren. Whether he could walk out alive today depended on this young man.

Unlike other people's worries, Su Ren looked indifferent at this time.

"You don't need to take action. They are just a few old, weak, sick and disabled people. I haven't paid any attention to them yet."

So what if there are more 9 turns? Even if all the 9 revolutions in the world come together, Su Ren can make it impossible for them to come back.

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom thought that he could show off his power in front of him with just a few 9th turns, then he really underestimated Su Ren's strength.

Looking at the five people in the sky, the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom laughed.

"Su Ren, and the traitors behind you, let me see how you go today?"

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