"Is this the person? He doesn't seem to be pretending."

"At such a young age, no matter how strong you are, you can't get much stronger."

One of the five 9-turns in the air looked at Su Ren and said.

The other person looked at the Ice Dragon King behind Su Ren and frowned:

"His pet beast looks a bit threatening."

The other people nodded after hearing this.

"This dragon will save its life later. A living dragon is a rare thing."

"Oh? That's good. Creatures like dragons are indeed rare to see in a hundred years. It's a pity to kill them like this."

"I'll catch it and tame it later, and maybe I can keep it as a pet."

Su Ren smiled as he listened to several people discussing how to capture the Ice Dragon King without any regard for himself.

"Interesting, it seems I have been underestimated."

"Master, I went to eat them. If you dare to take advantage of me, you really think Brother Long is easy to bully!"

The Ice Dragon King let out a breath of cold air and glanced at the five people in the sky with a fierce look on his face.

These people were actually discussing how to deal with it in front of it, which made it very angry.

"No, you protect Muzi."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he walked step by step into the air, looking like he was taking a leisurely stroll.

Since the new skill "Words are followed", this simple flying in the air is no longer a problem.

Su Ren only had to think silently in his heart that he could fly.

However, Su Ren's operation shocked the people who came to watch the ceremony.

They had seen people flying directly in the air, but they had never seen Su Ren walking in the air step by step like this.

At least it will be more visually stunning than flying directly into the sky.

After reaching the same height as the five people, Su Ren stopped.

The five people saw this and smiled disdainfully.

"Haha, children have some tricks up their sleeves. Showing off to ordinary people can really amaze the audience. Unfortunately, in front of us, it's just a child's show."

They can also do this kind of flying method, but they just don't bother to do it.

In their opinion, this method was used in the wrong place to shock them.

"Okay, the farce should be over. Since it is our domestic matter, let me deal with him!"

A white-haired old man took one step forward, and a powerful aura burst out instantly.

The faces of the people below turned red under the pressure of this momentum, and their breathing became much faster.

"No... he is indeed a 9th-turn boss. This kind of momentum is simply terrifying!"

Everyone looked up at the duel in the sky. This was also one of the few opportunities for them to see the strong men of rank 9 take action.

So everyone watched intently, for fear of missing any battle scene.

"I, Kanagawa, let me see what you are capable of and dare to interfere with the replacement of our country's imperial power!"

After the old man finished speaking, two bloody samurai swords slowly appeared in his hands.

At this moment, the world in everyone's eyes changed, and the first thing to change was the sun in the sky.

The golden sun instantly turned into blood red, and the entire world also turned into a blood-red world.

The crowds, buildings, and passing birds were all covered in blood.

"Hahahaha, this is the realm of blood evil!"

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom laughed wildly, with a look of madness in his eyes.

"Kill him, kill him for me!"

On the other side, Li Qinghua looked worried, looking worriedly at the two opposing people in the air.

"Is this Kanagawa's 9-turn stunt?"

"Kanagawa's combat power will skyrocket in the blood evil domain, and it is extremely difficult to kill. It is impossible for him to die unless the domain is broken."

"Grandma, will something happen to my brother?"

Li Muzi asked loudly while hiding under the Ice Dragon King's head.

Li Qinghua looked up at the sky and shook her head.

"I don't know either."

"Hey, what are you worried about? My master is invincible. Just watch, that smelly old man is going to die soon."

The Ice Dragon King looked relaxed. He had never seen Su Ren suffer.

Why does the Vulcan look so powerful and he was killed by his master?

These people are totally here to die.

As soon as the Ice Dragon King finished speaking, a sword light cut through the sky.

Then there was a "click" sound, and the blood covering the entire sky shattered like a mirror.

The world once again regained its color.

Kanagawa looked down at his chest with a confused expression. A bright light came from there, and he could even see his still beating heart.

"What kind of sword technique is this?"

The confusion on Kanagawa's face deepened.

He had just used his domain, but before he could take action, he was stabbed by the opponent.

Originally, in his field, he was not afraid of this kind of harm at all.

Trying to kill him in the blood evil realm is tantamount to wishful thinking.

However, he met Su Ren.

"My domain...why?"

Before Kanagawa could finish speaking, his body had lost its vitality and fell down.


Kanagawa's body fell to the ground, splashing some dust, and the people nearby screamed and ran away.

Everyone looked at the corpse on the ground, feeling a little silent for a moment.

A majestic rank 9 expert died like this? Death was so easy, so casual.

If they hadn't known that Kanagawa was a real nine-turn professional, they would have doubted whether this was a movie.

The imagined continuous battle did not appear, and the situation seemed to be beyond everyone's expectations.

But the facts are before our eyes, and everyone has no choice but to admit that Kanagawa, who was so majestic just now, is indeed dead.

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom looked at the body that fell to the ground, his mouth that had been laughing so much was open and he could no longer laugh at all.

"How can this be!?"

"Lao Su, he's not dead, right?"

"You guys talk!!"

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom grabbed the ministers around him and shook them a few times as if he was crazy.

He couldn't believe this fact.

If this is true, then not only will he lose his throne today, but he may also lose his life.

"Your Majesty... Kanagawa Sukuro, he... he is dead."

One of the ministers looked sad.

There are only three ninth-level professional players in this country, and now one of them has simply died.

Judging from Su Ren's terrifying combat power, I'm afraid the other two will not be able to escape death.

They're finished.

No one expected that Su Ren could kill a rank 9 expert effortlessly, and this result was beyond their imagination.

Li Qinghua and others all opened their mouths in surprise at this time. They knew that Su Ren could fight against a rank 9 expert.

But I didn't expect Su Ren to kill a 9th turn so easily.

"Look, I said the old man is going to die soon. Why are you worried?"

"You just need to remember that my master is invincible!"

The Ice Dragon King held up the dragon's head proudly and boasted about Su Ren's achievements from time to time.

The people in the two surrounding communes became more and more frightened as they listened. If what this dragon said was true, then there would really be no one in the world who could be Su Ren's opponent.

It was hard for them to imagine how such a young Su Ren could do it?

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