At this time, high in the sky, the calm mentality of the remaining four people suddenly changed.

The four of them glanced at the dead Kanagawa on the ground, and then looked at Su Ren standing opposite them.

"Have you seen how he destroyed Kanagawa's blood evil realm?"

One of the remaining four, a beautiful Chinese with blond hair and blue eyes, said with a solemn expression.

If he was allowed to take action, he would have to fight Kanagawa for at least three days and three nights to determine the outcome.

But the boy in front of them easily killed Kanagawa with just one blow.

This knife almost broke his heart.

Why is the sword light, which seems so harmless, so terrifying?

The other three people are no longer as relaxed and comfortable as before.

"No...didn't see it."

They can reach level 9, and their vision is completely different from ordinary people.

Su Ren could kill Kanagawa with one sword, and in the same way, he could kill them with one sword. The two sides were no longer at the same level of strength.

They don't think they are much better than Kanagawa and have a clear judgment of their own strength.

So now the situation is a bit awkward. The four of them stood there in 9th rotation without daring to move.

It seemed a bit embarrassing to just run away, after all, there were so many people watching below.

If they are timid before fighting, their old faces will be completely lost if this news spreads.

But if you don't leave, it won't be a shame, it might be a loss of your life.

Fortunately, the other party has no plans to continue attacking them for the time being, which makes them feel a little more relaxed.

"How many of you?"

One of the two remaining elders in Sakura Country asked softly.

"You ask us? Didn't you say you just invited us to come over for tea, watch the fun, and relax?"

"What the fuck is going on?"

"How do I know this kid is so strong? If I knew, I wouldn't come back from Tianguan. Who is sitting on this throne and has nothing to do with me?"

The two sides complained about each other and quarreled.

"Hey, if I tell you, do you still want to fight me?"

Su Ren shook the knife in his hand and asked loudly.

If it weren't for the fact that they have been guarding Tianguan for so many years for the human race, preventing Blue Star humans from being attacked by extraterrestrial demons.

Su Ren's knife just now didn't kill just one person in Kanagawa, but the remaining people together.

In any case, they have no credit but hard work. If Su Ren kills them all, there will definitely be problems with the defense at Tianguan.

When the time comes for a large-scale invasion by demons from outside the territory, life will definitely be devastated, and Su Ren doesn't want to be such a sinner.

If they stopped stopping him, Su Ren didn't want to kill them. At most, he would tell them to go back to Tianguan and not come back again.

Killing Kanagawa was just killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, so that they would retreat in the face of difficulties.

Hearing Su Ren's voice, the four people who were still arguing immediately stopped.

From Su Ren's tone, they could tell that Su Ren didn't seem to have any intention to continue taking action, which was a good thing for them.

At least this life can be saved.

"Two old men, kill him!"

"You still have four people, what are you afraid of? Kill him quickly!"

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom was shouting crazily below.

This is his only hope. He doesn't want to lose the throne, and he doesn't want to die.

He wants both of them.

"Shut up, you loser. If you weren't incompetent, how could this happen today?"

One of the two old men slapped him down from the air.


The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom was caught off guard and was slapped away.

"His Majesty!!"

The ministers were startled and hurried over to check.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

At this time, the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom was lying on the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood. His cheek was swollen like a mountain. He was covering his face and looking at the person who slapped him in disbelief.

"You hit me?"

"He is the one who brought harm to this country, and you actually hit me? Are you mistaken?"

"I ordered you to kill him, why didn't you do it!!"

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom seemed to have lost his mind, struggling to stand up and roaring at the people in the sky.

The ministers couldn't help but frown when they heard this, and even shook their heads and sighed in their hearts.

They all saw it, why couldn't His Majesty see it?

The remaining two elders were obviously afraid of Nasu Ren. They were no match for each other.

Now that the two elders are forced to take action against Su Ren, I am afraid that I will be the unlucky one.

But now the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom has gone crazy. He doesn't think so much at all. He just wants to keep his throne.

The ministers who originally supported him wholeheartedly felt a little shaken when they saw this.

The old man who slapped him couldn't help but shouted angrily when he saw the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom's attitude:

"I think you've lost your mind and gone crazy. Since you can't wake up after being beaten, you don't have to live anymore!"

This elder of Sakura Country is also a ruthless person, and he actually wants to personally kill the Emperor of Sakura Country.

"Mr. Maple, no!"

Another Su Lao hurriedly stopped him.

As the elders of Sakura Country, how could they kill their own emperor in full view of everyone?

Doesn’t this make people from other countries laugh?

"Jun Hua, if I don't kill him, do you think Su Ren will let us leave?"

"Even if I don't kill him, we can't stop this. If he continues to act like this, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to our Sakura Country!"

"Alas, our skills are inferior to others, and the situation forces us to solve this problem today by killing him!"

After hearing this, Mr. Su fell silent.

Then he silently stepped aside and stopped trying.

Strength is respected, even if they don't want to, they can only do this.

"Hahaha, do you really want to kill me?"

The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom broke away from the crowd, pulled out the sword symbolizing imperial power from his waist and pointed it at the sky.

"Come on, kill me!"

"Kill me, and your names will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever!"

"Shut up!"

The old man suddenly slapped his palm.

The powerful palm force came in an instant and went straight to the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom.


The Emperor of Sakura Kingdom couldn't bear such a terrifying palm print, and his whole body was directly crushed into a meat pie.

When the people around saw this scene, they backed away in shock.

"His Majesty!!"

A group of ministers quickly ran over and looked at the corpse of the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom, kneeling down and crying bitterly.

Whether it was true or false, all the ministers knelt down and cried bitterly.

Even if you don't feel happy in your heart, you still have to do it.

No one present could have imagined that things would develop to this point.

"Tian Cheng has made the world angry and resentful. Death is not a pity. Starting today, the emperor's position will change hands!"

As the old man's voice sounded, the emperor's position was completely changed.

Su Ren just watched there from beginning to end, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

The royal family is ruthless, but these powerful people are even more ruthless.

Sometimes, they can even be called the rules of the world themselves.

They make the rules and the weak have no room to bargain.

All you have to do is follow the rules they set.

After doing all this, the two elders of Sakura Kingdom looked at Su Ren and said:

"My friend, how do you think this matter was handled?"

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