In the southern part of the Dragon Kingdom, on the outskirts of Sui City.

At this time, Sin City was no longer called Sin City, but was renamed Hope City.

This is no longer a gathering place for criminals.

At the foot of a hill on the outskirts of Hope City, a young man was sitting on his knees in front of a pile of graves made of stones, muttering something to himself.

"Father, my child is unfilial. I'm afraid I won't be able to avenge you in this life. I believe you can understand me down there."

"It's not that I don't want to avenge you, but that Su Ren is too strong. Killing him for nine rounds is like killing a dog. Even if I practice for another two hundred years, I won't be his opponent."

"If I insist on avenging you, I'm afraid I will have to go down and accompany you."

Dongfang Yue took out a small wine bottle, raised his head and took a sip, then sprinkled it all on the grave of his father Dongfang Qinglong.

"Father, I will come see you when I have time. I will leave first."

After Dongfang Yue finished speaking, he stood up and left.

All that was left was an empty wine bottle and a solitary grave of rubble.

Dragon Kingdom Kyoto.

After hearing the news about Su Ren, many senior officials of Dragon Kingdom behaved calmly.

It's not that what Su Ren did wasn't sensational enough, but that they were used to it.

So there is no surprise at all.

On the contrary, here in the Su family, Mr. Su, Su Beifeng, looked at the Li Muzi who succeeded the queen in the video with a blank expression.

"Like, so similar!"

"Why does this girl look so much like Qinghua?"

"Could it be..."

Su Beifeng hurriedly looked it up. After dozens of minutes, a drop of sweat fell from his forehead.

"Li Qinghua, it's really her, she actually went to Sakura Country!"

"How did she meet Su Ren?"

The more Su Beifeng thought about it, the more frightened he became. He naturally remembered how he dumped Li Qinghua back then.

He knew how much Li Qinghua hated him.

Now Li Qinghua is secretly in charge of a country's power, which makes him a little worried.

He was not worried about himself, but worried about the Su family.

He has lived for so many years and that is enough.

"Can it be that our Su family can't save the last bit of their family fortune?"

"Haha, what an injustice. I planted the cause myself, and I will eventually taste the consequences."

Su Beifeng shook his head helplessly, as if he had become much older again.

"Forget it, if she comes to seek revenge from me, I will leave my life to her."


Inside the Imperial Palace of East Pole City in Sakura Kingdom.

Li Muzi looked at Su Ren reluctantly.

"Brother, please remember to come see me."

"Don't worry, I can come over at any time when I'm free, and let you meet your future sister-in-law."

Su Ren thought of Ling Qingxue's appearance, and for some reason suddenly missed her.

"Ah? Is sister-in-law good-looking?"

Li Muzi asked curiously.

Su Ren nodded.

"Of course, she is the most beautiful in my heart!"

"Okay, I'm going back. If you have anything you don't understand, ask your grandma and she will help you."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he stopped chatting with them and immediately opened a wormhole to the entrance of Longwu Guild.

When Su Ren walked out of the wormhole, he found that more than a dozen people were already waiting here.

Wu Zhengyang, president of the Longwu Guild, and Wang Changjun, Minister of Defense, among others.

"This is what you are doing?"

Su Ren gave them a strange look.

Even if they knew they were coming back today, they wouldn't have to wait here, right?

I am not a big shot who needs to be greeted by others.

After just one glance, Su Ren became even more confused.

These people all had heavy expressions on their faces, and seemed to be looking at themselves a little guiltily.

At this time, Su Ren naturally realized that something was wrong in the atmosphere and couldn't help but ask:

"What happened? Why are you hanging your heads?"

Several people looked at each other, and finally Wang Changjun stood up and said:

"Sorry Su Ren, we failed to protect your girlfriend Ling Qingxue and she was taken away."

"Qingxue was taken away?"

Su Ren frowned and called out. After a while, two figures walked out of the small world of Longwu Guild.

It was the Poison Dragon King and Forest Queen Shika sent by Su Ren to protect Ling Qingxue.

"what happened?"

Su Ren looked at the two pet beasts.

They would not lie to themselves, so Su Ren wanted to learn the truth from them.

"Master, within a few days after you left, an extremely powerful being came from outside. We didn't even see him and took away the mistress and another of the master's beauties, Mu Hongxia."

"It's not that we don't resist, it's that we can't move at all."

After speaking, Shika lowered her head and did not dare to look at Su Ren.

This was the first time she was so scared in front of Su Ren.

"Su Ren, we can prove what she said. At that time, a mysterious flying boat appeared in the sky above Kyoto, and the people on it were incredibly powerful."

"Everyone in Kyoto was so pressed by them that they couldn't move at all, so..."

Speaking of this, Wang Changjun did not continue.

This is the cause and effect of the matter.

Su Ren was still calm at this time, because there was a 100% chance that he would be hit with bare hands.

Ling Qingxue and Mu Hongxia were both familiar to him, so as long as he slashed twice, he could recall them no matter where they were.

Su Ren no longer cared about the others, silently chanting Ling Qingxue's name in his heart, then took out his knife and slashed it out.

"how so?"

Looking at the unfluctuated space, Su Ren's face became a little ugly.

"Mu Hongxia!"

Su Ren slashed out again.

But Mu Hongxia was still nowhere to be seen.

After two cuts, there was no sign of the two of them, which could only mean that the two of them were dead and their bodies had been reduced to ashes.


Su Ren roared angrily.

Then he slashed out with several knives, but there was still no change in the result.

In fact, it is 100% that the knife is taken with bare hands. The fact that no one can be seen after one blow can already explain the problem.

It's just that Su Ren doesn't want to believe this fact.

"Su Ren, please calm down. We can understand your mood, but things have happened."

Although Wang Changjun and others didn't know why Su Ren was swinging his sword wildly, Su Ren's current state looked scary.

If this sword exerts his power, the entire Kyoto will be destroyed by Su Ren's sword.

And no one can stop it.

This is also what worries them.

This is also the reason why the king summoned the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom to discuss the matter.

Su Ren's power has frightened them.

"I'm fine."

After swinging dozens of knives in succession, Su Ren shook his head in despair.

"Hey, how about we make a deal? I know who captured your girlfriend, and they are definitely not dead."

At this moment, a voice sounded in Su Ren's ear.

It is the phantom that is known as the innate treasure in the dream city.

It said that it could follow Su Ren if it could follow Su Ren, so it followed invisibly all the way.

"What did you say? Whatever you want, as long as I can get it, I will definitely help you get it!"

"Hey, that's easy to talk about!"

Xuying thought for a while and originally wanted to take back the sky-supporting pillar that Su Ren had taken away, but then he thought about it.

This guy is so powerful, why not let him help me collect my body fragments.

"Listen carefully, I want you to help me collect my body fragments and help me regain my strength. If you agree, I will tell you who kidnapped your girlfriend."


Su Ren agreed to it without thinking.

Seeing Su Ren agreeing, Xuying said happily:

"Listen carefully, the person who captured your girlfriend is the palace master of Wuqingjue Palace, Luo Yuexian!"

Su Ren was shocked when he heard this name.

"is her?"

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