"Su Ren, are you okay?"

Wang Changjun and the others seemed unable to hear what Xuying said. Seeing Su Ren talking to himself, the worry in their eyes became even greater.

People like Su Ren who are beyond control are like a time bomb that may explode at any time.

Once it is not handled properly, it will be a disaster for both Kyoto and the Dragon Kingdom.

They had to work hard to deal with all the situations about Su Ren.

"I'm fine. You go back first. I'll go back to the guild and rest for a while."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he turned around and walked back to the guild.

Several people outside looked at each other when they saw this.

"Minister Wang, what should we do? Do we need to send someone to watch?"

Wang Changjun thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I think Su Ren's condition is quite stable. Let him stay alone for two days and maybe he can figure it out."

"If we interfere with him too much, we might get bad results."

"Well, that's all."

The others nodded.


Su Ren returned to the apartment and saw that no one was around, so he immediately said:

"Then who is Luo Yuexian?"

"Also, I obviously can't recall Qingxue and the others, why do you dare to be sure that they are not dead?"

Su Ren knew that the shadow had been following him, so he asked into the air.

This scene frightened many pet beasts in the pet space.

"Brothers, have you seen who the master is talking to?"

“Or did I hear the tinnitus wrong?”

The Ice Dragon King screamed and looked at the other beasts.

"No, the master may be too sad."

Shika, who had returned to the beast space, rarely took the initiative to talk to the Ice Dragon King instead of arguing.

"Damn it, Brother Long, there is something dirty!"

Steele also screamed strangely.

"Xiao Heizi, did you see that dirty thing?"

Ice Dragon King asked hurriedly.

"No, I guess..."

"Shut up!"

Su Ren's voice sounded in the pet space, and then isolated the connection between the pet space and the outside world.

At this time, in the apartment, the shadow slowly revealed a blurry figure.

"Luo Yuexian, this is a strange woman with amazing talent and beauty. The ruthless palace she established is also one of the most powerful forces in the heaven."

"It is said that Wuqingjue Palace only accepts women as disciples. They never marry and only practice Taoism. They are a relatively unique sect, so I can remember her."

"Just a few days ago, when you were still in Dream City, I felt her consciousness searching the planet several times. I thought she was looking for me, so I hid from her consciousness. knowledge."

"Heavenly Domain? What is this place? How can I get there?"

Su Ren didn't care how strong Luo Yuexian was, he just wanted to get there quickly.

"Heavenly Domain, this is where the real strong men gather. The power there reaches the sky and can destroy the stars and everything with just a raise of your hand."

"Although I don't know why your current physical realm and strength don't match, but if you can't enter your current realm, even if you do, you will be crushed to death by the rules of the world there."

"As for how to get there, first you have to get out of this planet. The road behind..."

"I can't remember the rest of the journey. My body is damaged. I need you to help me retrieve the body fragments before I can remember other things."

Hearing this, Su Ren frowned and said:

"Then how are you sure Qingxue and the others are not dead yet?"

"This is simple. Everyone in the Heaven Realm knows that Luo Yuexian has practiced the Supreme Forgetting Heavenly Skill, and this skill requires cultivating the mortal clone."

"I guess your two little lovers are her mortal clones scattered in the universe. Now they have been taken back into her body, so you can't use your secret method to find them."

"Otherwise, how could a big boss like her have time to come to such a shabby place to travel in person?"

"Take it back into the body? Then can I still rescue them?"

Su Ren looked at the shadow in front of him seriously.

If not, then he has to rely on himself.

The River God has advanced to perfection, and he can still reverse the flow of time and save the two of them.

Or he could advance the speech method to perfection and forcibly recreate the two of them.

This was Su Ren's confidence, so he only panicked for a moment before regaining his composure.

"It can be saved, but you must get Luo Yuexian's consent first."

"As long as she agrees, everything is easy to discuss."

"Get her to agree? Haha, I'd better rely on myself."

Su Ren didn't need to think about it to know how such a high-ranking figure could change his mind so easily.

Since the two of them were the mortal bodies she had cultivated, there was no way she would agree to hand them over.

"Um...you don't want to go to Tianyu to fight with others, do you?"

"I know you are very powerful, but someone could slap you to death from hundreds of thousands of miles away. Based on my observations in the past few days, you shouldn't be able to attack others from a distance, right?"

"If you fight her, you will definitely die. I advise you to practice for a few more years. The most important thing is not to drag me into it."

Xuying looked down on Su Ren.

"Who said I have to go now? Didn't you say that I can't enter that realm in my current state?"

"Next, I want to upgrade quickly!"

"Upgrade? You're talking about improving your realm, right? By the way, what realm are you at now?"

Xuying was a little curious. She clearly felt that Su Ren's body was very weak, but his strength was unusually terrifying.

This made her already incomplete brain feel a little unable to handle it.

"Realm? What realm is required to enter the Heaven Realm?"

"To enter the Heaven Realm, you must at least go to the next level."

"Oh? How are your realms divided?"

This was the first time Su Ren had heard of this realm.

"You don't even know this?"

Xuying glanced at Su Ren strangely, but after thinking that it was normal not to know this place, he explained:

"The realms are divided into the next realm to the lower ninth realm and the upper realm to the upper ninth realm. The five old men you fought against in this world should be the lower ninth realm."

"I see."

Su Ren understood that the transition from 1 to 9 in this world is from the next level to the next level.

However, at turn 8, you can get a perfect skill to advance to the godhead.

Do these so-called realms still have meaning to you when you get them?

Moreover, it is not even necessary to be perfect in speaking and speaking. As long as you are proficient, you can reverse the rules of heaven and earth.

This means that Su Ren only needs to advance to the proficiency level to enter the heavenly realm.

The rules of the world there are also rules, and you can't do anything to yourself in front of what you say and do.

Therefore, it is meaningless to say anything now. The most important thing at the moment is to change jobs and keep upgrading and changing jobs.

Thinking of this, Su Ren glanced at this fourth mission.

"Task 1: Turn in any epic level equipment above level 500 x 3."

"Task 2, turn in the evil heart x 80."

"Mission Three: Kill the Abyss BOSS, the Evil King!"

Su Ren is not short of money, so he is not short of equipment either.

So what he has to do next is to go to the abyss, get enough materials and kill the evil king.

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