There were quite a lot of people in the restaurant. The first floor was full of people, and everyone looked like they were not ordinary people.

Of course, those who can come to the Abyss to level up and gain experience need at least level 6 or above, so this can be said to be the place with the most powerful people besides Tianguan.

When Zhao Chuandong came in with Su Ren, the originally noisy first floor suddenly became quiet. Everyone stopped their chopsticks and raised their hands to Zhao Chuandong.

"Hello, City Lord Zhao!"

"Why is City Lord Zhao free to go out to eat today?"

"City Lord Zhao, we still have room here, would you like to come over and have something to eat together?"

Su Ren tilted his head and glanced at Zhao Chuandong. He didn't expect that he, the city lord, would be so popular with the people here.

It is probably also related to his generous personality.

Zhao Chuandong cupped his hands and smiled:

"Haha, don't worry about me, you can eat your own food."

"I'll bring a friend here to try our specialties."

After Zhao Chuandong finished speaking, he said to Su Ren: "Let's go, let's go to the second floor. I've asked the boss to leave a private room for us."


Su Ren nodded and followed.

"Hey, who is that kid behind City Lord Zhao? Do you know him? Why do you dare to come to the underground city at this age?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it."

"Maybe it's the child of a certain big boss who comes to see the world in advance? I don't think our City Lord Zhao will receive him personally."

"Forget it, leave him alone, eat quickly, and go to Ruyifang later to bet on two."

On the second floor of the restaurant, the decoration here is much more elegant than that on the first floor. It is not full and there are a few empty tables.

The people here saw Zhao Chuandong saying hello before continuing to eat.

Zhao Chuandong skillfully led Su Ren into a private room and sat down. Soon a waiter came in with a menu.

"No need to order, just have one of the three special items, and the rest can be what I usually eat."

"Okay, City Master Zhao, I will make arrangements for you immediately!"

After the waiter left, Zhao Chuandong ordered the people who followed him to sit down together, then looked at Su Ren and said:

"Are you curious why people here don't seem to recognize you?"

"No, I'm not a famous person. Isn't it normal that they don't know me?"

Zhao Chuandong was surprised when he heard Su Ren's words.

Originally, he thought that someone like Su Ren, who became famous at a young age, would be somewhat arrogant.

But judging from Su Ren's performance, he really didn't care about these things.

"You are indeed different from others!"

After Zhao Chuandong praised him, he continued:

"Actually, in our underground city, we know very little information about the outside world."

"It's not like there is internet or signal outside. Communication of information is basically by mouth. In addition, it is not easy for people who come here to upgrade, so many people stay here for several years."

"Most of the information you want to know about the outside world depends on word of mouth from outsiders."

"No, then I just told President Wu this morning that I was coming to the dungeon. How did you receive his message so quickly?"

Su Ren was a little confused.

It was impossible for Wu Zhengyang to come to the abyss before him, right?

"Haha, you said this, there is actually a way to quickly send messages, but this method will not be used when encountering major events, because it is too expensive and ordinary people cannot afford it."

Su Ren nodded.

"One more thing, although you are powerful, everyone in the city should still try to value peace."

"As you can see in this abyss, the environment here is a bit depressing. If people stay in this environment for a long time, if the pressure is not released, they will become irritable and irritable."

"So people here are actually emotionally unstable."

"If they accidentally bump into you, please be lenient and teach them a lesson."

"Don't worry, as long as it's not too much, I won't kill you."

"Thank you so much, Brother Su Ren!"

Zhao Chuandong bowed his hand towards Su Ren.

It can be seen that he, the city lord, cares about the people in the city. It is no wonder that he is so respected.

"You may be wondering, why don't they go back outside to recuperate for a while before coming back because they are so stressed?"

"Actually, the main issue is cost. The teleportation arrays that go back and forth here cost tens of millions of money each time. How can ordinary people be willing to spend this money?"

"So few people travel between the two places frequently, and there are few entertainment venues in the city."

"Eating, drinking and gambling have become the only way to relieve stress here."

"As for prostitution, it's strictly prohibited here. I won't care about the other three."

After hearing this, Su Ren roughly understood the basic layout of the abyss dungeon.

But there are still some things that I don't understand, and I don't understand why Zhao Chuandong wants to protect them.

After all, we are not relatives, so he, a city lord, doesn’t need to be so lenient, right?

"City Lord Zhao, if you let them go like this, aren't you afraid of them getting into trouble?"

Upon hearing Su Ren's question, Zhao Chuandong's eyes were empty, as if he was lost in memories.

"It has been five years since I took over Windless City. In these five years, as many as 11,237 people have died under the city wall in order to protect Windless City."

"They are all warriors who died to protect Windless City and our Dragon Kingdom from being invaded by monsters in the abyss."

"In my heart, every one of them is a hero."

"I can't do anything for them after they die except mourning, but while they are still alive, I can at least make them live a little happier, and that's enough."

"As long as they don't cause a huge disaster, I will try my best to help them and prevent them from suffering too much."

Speaking of this, Zhao Chuandong sighed slightly.

Seeing so many fresh lives passing away in front of him, but he was helpless. No one could understand the pain.

This is the only way he can repay them who are still alive.

Looking at the person in front of him, Su Ren was in awe.

He can clearly remember how many people died, which shows that he really feels sorry for those who died.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore."

Zhao Chuandong forced a smile, looked at Su Ren and said:

"If it doesn't affect your mission this time, I hope Brother Su you can kill more abyss monsters, so that maybe a few fewer people will die this year."

"Just think of me, Zhao Chuandong, as begging you."

After Zhao Chuandong finished speaking, he stood up and bowed to Su Ren.

"City Lord!"

The few people who followed him quickly got up when they saw this.

When had they ever seen their city lord begging for help like this? They knew it was for their own good.

But they always feel very uncomfortable.

Looking at the man in front of him, Su Ren was a little moved.

Zhao Chuandong is the person who cares most about his subordinates among the people he has ever met.

It is indeed admirable that he can let go of an eighth-level professional and a city lord to seek help from a young man like him.

"Brother Zhao, we are all from the Dragon Kingdom. As long as I can help you, I will never refuse. You don't have to do this."

"Thank you Brother Su!"

"If you have any use for my place in the future, just give me your orders."

Hearing Su Ren's call, Zhao Chuandong felt much relieved.

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