"Brother Zhao, please sit down and talk. I'm embarrassed even if you are standing."

"Yes Yes Yes."

After several people sat down, Su Ren asked:

"You should know what materials I need, right?"

Wu Zhengyang could inform them that he was coming, and Wu Zhengyang would probably tell them what Su Ren needed in advance.

"This is natural."

Zhao Chuandong nodded and said:

"The evil heart usually only explodes in the boss-level monsters in the area ruled by the Evil King. However, each of these monsters is around level 800 and is extremely difficult to kill."

"Well...but it's certainly not a big problem for you."

"But these boss-level monsters are generally scattered. There may only be one for hundreds of kilometers. If you want to collect 80 of them, it will probably take a long time."

"Do you have their specific locations?"

Suren is not afraid to spend time, as long as there are enough quantities and locations.

"According to the information we have, I can help you provide you with the locations of sixty monsters. You can only find the remaining twenty monsters by yourself."

"But these men of mine are relatively familiar with the areas ruled by the Evil King, and they can guide you."

The people who followed Zhao Chuandong nodded towards Su Ren.

As the city lord, Zhao Chuandong needs to stay in the city to take charge of the overall situation, so naturally he cannot take Su Ren to do the task.

"You should be careful not to step into other areas. What we in Windless City mainly explore and deal with are the territories ruled by the evil king."

"We don't know much about the areas where the other King of Pain, King of Desire and King of Destruction are located. If you enter by mistake, you may get lost in them."

"What levels are these four kings of the abyss?"

Although Su Ren came to the abyss for the first time, he had heard about their reputation in books.

But I’ve never heard of levels or anything like that.

"The King of Evil was at level 880 a few years ago. He has rarely been out and about in recent years. I don't know the specific level."

"If you encounter it, you have to be small..."

Halfway through Zhao Chuandong's words, he suddenly remembered that Su Ren could kill a ninth-level professional with one blow, and that the King of Evil was among the targets of this mission.

Maybe Suren would be eager to meet the evil king so as not to have to find it himself.

"Um...it's okay. If it encounters you, there will only be three kings left in the abyss."

"In addition to paying attention to monsters and complex environments, you also have to guard against other professionals."

Perhaps because he was afraid that Su Reng would not understand it when he first arrived, Zhao Chuandong explained it in detail.

"Strictly speaking, we haven't really entered the abyss here. To get to the abyss, we still need to travel for a day and pass through a teleportation array before we can enter."

"And in the abyss, every country has a teleportation array connection, so you will enter the same abyss area."

"In the abyss, even if you die in it, as long as no one sees it, no one will know who killed you. Therefore, your relatives will have no chance to avenge you because they don't know whether the murderer is a human or a human being. monster."

"In the abyss, there is no difference between humans and monsters. Sometimes for the sake of profit, the people you meet may be scarier than the monsters."

"Although you are not afraid of those people because of your strength, it is easy to hide from open guns and hard to defend against hidden arrows. You must be extra careful when meeting other people and don't be careless."

"These brothers of mine are the people I trust the most. You can trust them completely. With them leading the way, and with your strength, there should be no danger along the way."

At this time, there was a knock on the private room door.

"City Lord Zhao, your meals are ready."

Several waiters came in carrying plates of exquisite dishes.

"City Lord Zhao, if you need anything, please tell us."

"Okay, you go down, thank you for your hard work."

After several waiters left, Zhao Chuandong pointed to the three plates of dark-looking things placed in the middle and said:

"This is a delicacy unique to the abyss. It is called the Three Treasures of the Abyss. Each portion is valuable."

"And you can gain a little experience after eating it."

"Brother Su Ren, please try it quickly."

Su Ren nodded, picked up a chopstick and tasted it casually.

It tastes a bit like black fungus, very crispy, but much more fragrant than black fungus.

As for the increase in experience, Su Ren didn't feel it, probably because he had full experience and didn't change jobs.

However, something that can provide experience to them at 6th, 7th or even 8th rotation is indeed not an ordinary thing.

This also shows that Zhao Chuandong is very sincere about Su Ren's arrival.

Within the next half hour, several people chatted while eating, most of them talking about things in the abyss.

After eating and drinking, Zhao Chuandong stood up and cupped his hands and said:

"Brother Su, I still have things to do. My brothers will help you on your behalf for the rest of the journey."

"You five, after you enter the abyss, everything will follow the command of Brother Su Ren. You only need to be responsible for leading the way to find those monsters. Do you understand?"

"I understand, City Lord, don't worry!"

"Well, I'll go check out. You take Brother Su around the city and buy all the things you need to buy. Don't miss anything."

After Zhao Chuandong finished speaking, he nodded to Su Ren again and stood up to leave.

From the conversation just now, Su Ren also knew the names of these people. The leader of the team was Yan Kuan, who was level 7 to 55.

The other four people are also around level 7 to 50.

In this windless city, he is considered a master.

Their goal is naturally to upgrade to level 7 to level 100, and then transfer to level 8 to complete their life transformation.

However, the abyss is full of dangers, and their level does not rise quickly.

After one year, Yan Kuan, who had been upgraded the fastest, had only reached level 10.

And this is already the fastest upgrade in the city.

"Xiao Dao, you go take Mr. Su around the city, and we will buy the necessary supplies."

Yan Kuan ordered the one who seemed to be the smartest among them.

"Okay Brother Kuan."

Several people still dare not call Su Ren brothers like Zhao Chuandong. After all, this is a terrifying existence that can kill a rank 9 expert with one sword.

Despite their young age, how dare they be rude in words.

"Master Su, I will take you to see the magnificent scenery of our Windless City. You come with me."

As Xiao Dao left the restaurant, the sky outside was still gray, neither hot nor cold.

If it weren't for the lack of sunlight, it would be a good place to escape the heat and cold.

Windless City, as its name suggests, is really windless.

There were not many people on the street, and most people seemed to be in a hurry.

Unlike the outside world, almost everyone here carries weapons on their backs.

When these people saw Su Ren, most of them would look at him in surprise, but no one would take the initiative to talk to him.

Xiao Dao took Su Ren around the city.

Su Ren also had a general understanding of the city, or the city to be precise.

The entire city is surrounded by strong and tall walls. Standing on the wall and looking around, there is endless darkness at the end.

It's like a beast opening its mouth and waiting for its prey to come to you.

If you stay in this place for a long time, you may really have mental problems.

I just don’t know how Zhao Chuandong persisted, and it seemed that his mentality was not affected in any way.

"Mr. Su, we can set off at this time tomorrow. If you need anything, please tell me and I will take you to buy it."

Xiao Dao asked from the side.

Su Ren shook his head.

He has nothing to buy, and the only thing he has to do now is to complete the job transfer as soon as possible.

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