The next day, the group was ready to set off.

Although there is no distinction between day and night in this abyss, everyone still needs to sleep at night.

And the time they chose to set off was not at this time in the evening.

According to captain Yan Kuan, there is a relatively safe time to travel in the abyss, which is similar to the day and night in the outside world.

It is safer to travel during the day, and the chance of encountering large-scale abyss monsters is relatively small.

The time at night is relatively dangerous. This is when abyss monsters are active, and wandering around may lead to attacks by a large number of abyss monsters.

When Su Ren and his party arrived at the east city gate, the gate had not yet opened and they had to wait for a while.

Dozens of teams have already gathered at the city gate, and it seems that they are all preparing to go out to kill monsters and upgrade.

When they saw Yan Kuan and the others, several teams took the initiative to say hello. After all, Yan Kuan and the others followed Zhao Chuandong, and Yan Kuan seemed to be one of the captains of Wufeng City's law enforcement team.

It's normal for these people to know them.

"Captain Yan, are you going out of the city to hunt today?"

Hunting is the term here, which means going out to kill monsters.

"Well, the city lord has given some tasks."

Yan Kuan nodded and said nothing in detail.

"Who is this little brother? Do you want to take him out hunting?"

The people waiting here looked at Su Ren in Yan Kuan's team with somewhat stunned expressions.

Even if you dare to come to the abyss at this age, if you still dare to leave the city, isn't this looking for death?

"Sorry, no comment."

Yan Kuan did not explain, but raised his wrist and looked at the time on his watch.

"Hahaha, if someone wants to die, you don't care who they take out to die?"

A man with a cut on his face walked over with a dozen people.

This man first glanced at Su Ren, then looked past Su Ren and looked at Yan Kuan. Everyone could see that the other person's eyes were full of hostility.

"Are Zhu Dayong and the others also leaving the city?"

"Hey, maybe they followed Yan Kuan on purpose because they knew they were leaving the city."

"I think these two are enemies who are extremely jealous when they meet."

The others looked at the two teams and talked in low voices as if they were watching a good show.

In this abyss, for them, watching theater is also a way to relieve stress.

It would be best if both sides could fight immediately.

Anyway, it's not a big deal for them to watch the fun.

"Zhu Dayong, are you not convinced when I punish you?"

Yan Kuan looked at this person with disgust in his eyes.

If Zhao Chuandong hadn't punished him too severely, he would have driven such people out of Windless City long ago.

Zhao Chuandong is a good person in all aspects, but he is too kind, which makes some people who are ungrateful become even worse.

Zhu Dayong led some people to cause trouble in the street and injured five or six people. After Yan Kuan sent people to capture them, he was punished with a hundred canes.

Yan Kuan couldn't stand it, so he added one hundred more privately, which led to the enmity between the two.

"Tsk tsk, your Captain Yan is one of the law enforcement captains. How dare I look down on you?"

"If you give me more punishment next time, I'm afraid I, Zhu Dayong, will be beaten to death by you."

"I see, you are more majestic than City Lord Zhao, but I don't know when you will become the City Lord of Wufeng City?"

Zhu Dayong got angry after a while, and everyone saw that he was serious.

But what disappointed them was that Yan Kuan was not angry, but replied calmly:

"I don't have to worry about whether I am worthy of being a city lord or not, but if I catch you breaking the law again next time, I will definitely punish you severely!"

"Yan Kuan, let's wait and see!"

Zhu Dayong squinted his eyes and glanced at Yan Kuan and his group. When he saw Su Ren in the team looking at him without any scruples, he said angrily for no reason:

"Little brat, what are you looking at?"

Yan Kuan has Zhao Chuandong behind him, and his own strength is not bad, so he is a little afraid that a little kid dares to stare at him like this.

It made him feel underestimated.

As soon as these words came out, Su Ren looked confused.

"You have eyes on me, why do you care where I look? I'm crazy."

The typical thing about this guy is that he has nothing to do with Yan Kuan and wants to take his anger out on himself, who seems so weak.

But he betrayed the wrong person. Su Ren was not afraid of anyone.

If Zhao Chuandong hadn't told him to value peace as much as possible in the city, Su Ren could have slapped him to death.

"Hehe, okay, okay, it seems like everyone in Wufeng City dares to talk to me like this."

Zhu Dayong's face was gloomy at this time, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Just when the two sides were at war, the sound of chains twisting the wheel was heard, and the huge city gate began to rise upward with a rattling sound.

"The city gate is open!"

Someone shouted, and the dozens of waiting teams gathered here saw that there was no good show, and they all walked outside, and soon disappeared into the haze.

"Master Su, let's go."

Yan Kuan said to Su Ren.

Su Ren nodded, and a group of six people walked outside.

"Brother Yong, they are gone."

One of Zhu Dayong's men whispered.

"I'm not blind."

"Do you know who that little brat is? I will make him regret coming to Windless City!"

Zhu Dayong glanced coldly at the backs of Su Ren and others leaving, and then asked the younger brother behind him.

"We don't know him either. We only know that this person came yesterday, and that City Lord Zhao personally received him."

"Huh? Zhao Chuandong received it personally?"

Zhu Dayong was a little surprised.

"It seems that this kid's identity is not simple. No wonder this bitch Yan Kuan wants to lead the team out in person."

"Brother Yong, what do you think they are doing out there? That boy is only twenty or so. Is there anything that he needs to come to the abyss to collect in person?"

"You ask me? Who the hell am I going to ask?"

"I don't care what he does or what his identity is. When he comes to the abyss, he has to be coiled up by me even if he is a dragon, and he has to be laid down by me even if he is a tiger!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Dayong felt cruel.

"Follow them and find an opportunity to kill them!"

In the abyss, there are many people who will never return, and no one will investigate anything.

Went and didn't come back.

That means you can't come back in this life.

Therefore, it is normal for so many people to die in the abyss.

When the dozen or so people following Zhu Dayong heard this, they didn't show much abnormality.

Obviously, they had done this kind of thing before, but no one knew about it.

Su Ren and others still don't know that they are being targeted.

On the way, Yan Kuan explained to Su Ren the grudge between him and Zhu Dayong.

He said that Zhu Dayong was very vindictive and asked Su Ren to be careful about him.

Su Ren didn't take it seriously to such a small person.

Looking at the heavy fog in the sky, Su Ren was more concerned about how long it would take to complete the job transfer task.

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