Along the way, in addition to heavy fog, the roads were also bumpy and muddy.

Therefore, everyone's traveling speed was much slower.

Yan Kuan took out a map from time to time to look at something, and only continued to set off after confirming that the route was correct.

Yan Kuan explained as he walked:

"Our place is called the peripheral area of ​​the abyss. As for the specific size, no one knows at all."

"There was once a rank-9 expert who had mastered extreme speed. He left the city and flew eastward for seven days and seven nights without seeing the end of the abyss."

"So, the abyss is also called the endless abyss."

"If someone who doesn't know the route here wanders in randomly, 90% of the time he will get lost here and never get out."

Su Ren said a little strangely:

"Seven days and seven nights? Isn't this abyss much larger than Blue Star?"

Yan Kuan nodded.

"That's right. It's better to say it's underground. It's an independent world. It's a world many times larger than Blue Star."

"I believe you also noticed it when you came from the outside world via the teleportation array. You stayed in the teleportation space for at least three minutes, right?"

Su Ren also nodded when he heard this.

He has sat in the teleportation array between cities and arrived almost instantly.

He even thought that the teleportation array from the outside world to Windless City was broken for so long.

Now it seems that it is because the distance between the two places is too far.

Several people walked while chatting, because the routes they took were all familiar roads.

So there are very few abyss monsters on the road.

Occasionally, one or two will be quickly eliminated by a few people.

It can be seen that they cooperate very well, and their movements are not sloppy at all, and they are completed in one go.

"By the way, Mr. Su, can you really kill a rank 9 expert with one sword?"

"I'm not doubting what you mean, I'm just curious."

Xiao Dao, who took Su Ren to visit Windless City yesterday, suddenly asked.

"Xiao Dao, what are you talking about? Be on your guard!"

Yan Kuan shouted angrily.

"Captain, I, I'm just curious. You know I also use a knife. I just want to learn something."

"Shut up! Don't you, the city lord, know Mr. Su's strength? Do you need to question it?"

Yan Kuan was afraid that Su Ren would be angry, so he got angry.

Because it is disrespectful to question such a strong man in public.

And every strong person has his own temper. If you, a rank 7 person, dare to question others, it will not be unfair if others slap you to death.

Yan Kuan wanted to say more, but Su Ren stopped him and said:

"It's okay, Captain Yan, just calm down and watch the road."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he looked at the knife and said with a smile:

"I can indeed kill a 9th-level professional with one sword, but I can't teach you anything about sword skills, because I only need one sword to kill."

This is not because Su Ren is pretending, because it is the fact.

No one can catch his blow.

He couldn't teach others sword skills or anything like that.

In terms of skills alone, Xiao Dao may be better than Su Ren in this aspect.

After all, people really rely on knives to survive.

Several others craned their necks, expecting to hear some valuable lessons, but were disappointed.

However, they were relieved to hear Su Ren admit it personally and see his confident words.

After all, their source of information was through the city lord, and they had never seen Su Ren use his sword.

They didn't have much confidence to lead such a teenage boy into the abyss.

Xiao Dao's question was actually a doubt in their minds.

After temporarily eliminating the doubts in their hearts, the group of people hurried on a lot faster.

The day passed quickly.

Since there is no distinction between day and night, several people can only check the time through their watches.

Yan Kuan glanced at the surrounding environment. They were now in a mountain col, surrounded by two black peaks, and could not see what was on the mountain.

"Let's rest here for the night. According to this process, we will reach the entrance of the teleportation array in another three hours tomorrow."


Yan Kuan serves as a guide, so Su Ren naturally listens to him on all aspects of the journey.

Seeing this, Yan Kuan's affection for Su Ren deepened.

If Su Ren didn't obey his arrangements because of his strength, he really didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Su Ren didn't express any other opinions along the way and just followed them quietly.

Several people quickly set up tents, and Yan Kuan sent people to patrol the surroundings to make sure there was no danger before returning.

This place is very quiet, except for the sound of a few people walking around and talking, there is no other sound.

It’s not like camping outside where you need to make a fire.

Yan Kuan said that the bright light of the fire would attract nearby abyss monsters. Although Su Ren was not afraid of monsters, it was still troublesome. After all, everyone needed to take turns sleeping.

Lying in the tent, Su Ren seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, but he was actually communicating with Steele in the pet space.

This guy is an abyss demon, and he was once ordered by the King of Evil to hunt down Su Ren.

Now it can finally come in handy.

Although it seems that Yan Kuan and others will not harm him, Su Ren cannot completely trust them and must be on guard against others.

In a place like this, it is possible for brothers to turn against each other, let alone people they have just met for a day.

Compared to them, Steele is obviously more reliable. As his pet, it is impossible for him to lie to him.

"Master, what they said is almost all correct and they did not lie to you."

"But it will be a little troublesome for you to find the King of Evil. I don't even know how big the entire abyss is, and I haven't been to many areas."

"The King of Evil has no fixed abode, and no one knows where it is unless it shows up on its own initiative."

"But when you reach the inner layer of the abyss, you can take the initiative to release the news of your arrival. The evil king originally issued a pursuit order for you. If it knows that you are in the abyss, it might take the initiative to kill you."

"How to send a message?"

Su Ren didn't understand. Is there still a media organization in this abyss?

"My master doesn't know. Except for some low-level monsters, most of the monsters in the abyss have very high IQs. You just need to walk all the way, don't kill the monsters you meet, leave them alive, and let them tell you a message. "

"Just say that you are the person who was ordered to be hunted down by the King of Evil. After hearing this, they will take the initiative to help pass on the message."

"As long as the evil king's subordinates know this, they can be attracted."

"But you can't show too much strength when the time comes, otherwise I'm afraid it won't dare to come."

After Steel finished speaking, he looked at Su Ren expectantly.

In order to express itself, it thought of this method after a lot of thinking.

"Well, that's right. If it succeeds this time, I'll give you a big credit."

Hearing this, Steele was ecstatic.

"Thank you, master. Steele will do his best to help master kill the evil king."

Just as Su Ren and Steele were discussing their plan, a beautiful song came from not far from where the group of people were camping.

Yan Kuan and others in another tent couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard the singing.

"It's broken. Why is this thing here?"

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