Yan Kuan and others quickly walked out of the tent, first glanced in the direction of the singing, then came outside the tent where Su Ren was, and lowered their voices:

"Master Su, are you asleep?"

Su Ren heard the noise, stood up and walked out of the tent, wondering:

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Master Su, there may be trouble now."

Before Yan Kuan could explain, Su Ren also heard the singing.

Seeing their solemn expressions, Su Ren knew that they had most likely encountered some kind of monster.

Otherwise, who would be able to sing here without being sick?

"Master Su, this song is made by a monster called a human-faced night owl. They must have discovered that we are gathering our companions through singing to besiege us."

"Human-faced night owl? Is it very powerful?"

Yan Kuan's face was solemn.

"One or two is nothing. These things are only less than level 600. We can kill them at will."

"But as soon as these things appear, they appear in groups. There are at least tens of thousands of them in one group, and they are not afraid of death. There is no way to drive them away except killing them all."

"Human-faced night owls are the monsters we least want to encounter when walking in the abyss. If most people encounter them, they will basically be eaten alive."

"Originally, such monsters are not seen outside the abyss. I don't know why they came out of the inner layer of the abyss today."

Su Ren looked very calm after hearing this.

"It's okay, I'm here."

"Then Mr. Su, what should we do now? Should we pack up and evacuate first?"

Yan Kuan and others were afraid of this kind of monster from the bottom of their hearts, so they were a little undecided for a while.

Once a group of several hundred people encountered a group of night owls with human faces, and in the end only a dozen people were left alive.

This also made the people in Windless City intensify their fear of this monster.

"Wait a minute. Didn't you say they are gathering their companions? Just let them finish gathering and kill them together, lest they come one by one to disturb our rest."

Hearing Su Ren's words, Yan Kuan and others looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

To be able to say this is either ignorance or absolute self-confidence.

In their opinion, Su Ren should be the latter.

They also hope that Su Ren is the latter, otherwise when the human-faced night owls are assembled, no one will be able to leave today.

It was a few kilometers away from where Su Ren and his party were camping.

A thin figure flashed quickly in the heavy fog, and after a while, it arrived at a camp.

"Brother Yong, good news! Great news!"

When Zhu Dayong heard the shouting, he walked out of the tent and frowned:

"What's the good news? Did your kid pick up an artifact?"

"No, it's about Yan Kuan and the others."

The thin figure took a breath and said:

"Brother Yong, didn't you ask me to investigate their movements? What do you think I found?"

"If you have something to say, speak it quickly, and if you have any farts, say it quickly."

Zhu Dayong kicked him impatiently.

This person didn't care, but smiled and said:

"Yan Kuan and the others encountered a human-faced night owl. I was hiding in the dark and heard the song of the human-faced night owl, which almost scared me to death."

"So I ran back and told you as soon as possible."

"Human-faced night owl? Are you sure?"

Zhu Dayong was a little surprised.

He still knows the range of activities of this thing, and it is basically impossible for it to appear outside the abyss.

Unless something big happens.

"I'm 100% sure, it's definitely a night owl with a human face!"

After hearing what his younger brother said, Zhu Dayong squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then sneered twice.

"Haha, that's good news indeed!"

"That's good. I don't have to kill them personally. Those human-faced night owls will eat them till their bones are left."

After sneering, Zhu Dayong ordered everyone: "Bring out the camp and retreat twenty kilometers. Don't let that ghost get to us."

They are still afraid of night owls with human faces.

Even if it is not the time for safe activities, others have no objection to Zhu Dayong's order.

They can still deal with other monsters if they encounter them. At worst, they will have to spend some energy to deal with them.

If you encounter a night owl with a human face, you can basically wait for death.


Around the camp of Su Ren and his party, there were more and more singing, and they became louder and louder.

The entire camp was now surrounded, and they couldn't leave now even if they wanted to.

Yan Kuan and others looked nervously at the foggy sky with their weapons on guard.

Su Ren calmly brought a stone and sat down on it.

"Mr. Su, in addition to summoning companions, this thing's singing can also cause hallucinations. Be careful!"

Listening to the continuous singing around him, Su Ren also found it a bit annoying. The singing was actually pretty good. Su Ren was originally going to enjoy it, but it was just too noisy.

"Ice Dragon King, Poison Dragon King, Nightmare, go and shut them up. Don't kill them all, just keep one."

It was so boring on the road that Su Ren thought it would be good to catch one and use it as a music player.

After Su Ren finished speaking, three pet beasts appeared from the sky.

The sudden appearance of three pet beasts startled Yan Kuan and others who were on guard.

One person even shook his hand and threw a big fireball directly on the huge body of the Ice Dragon King.

However, it was just a burst of white smoke and did not cause much damage.

“This, this, this… what are these two things??”

"Are these two dragons!?"

Several people screamed, their eyes full of horror.

It popped out suddenly, and its size was a bit too scary.

As for the nightmare, it was too dark and due to the heavy fog, they didn't see it.

"Boy, what are you yelling about? You hit your Brother Long. Do you believe it or not, Brother Long, I will blow you to death with a breath of cold air?"

The Ice Dragon King glanced dissatisfied at the man who had just hit it.

Su Ren glanced at it and said calmly:

"Stop talking nonsense, these night owls with human faces have almost gathered. Kill them quickly."

"Yes, Master, I'll go right away!"

The Ice Dragon King changed his posture, nodded respectfully towards Su Ren and then flew high into the sky.


The few people who were still in panic looked down at Su Ren who was sitting there.

"Master Su, these two dragon-like monsters are your pet beasts?"

Su Ren nodded.

"Well, that ice dragon likes to joke, don't mind it."

"No...it's okay."

How dare they mind, this is too scary.

They clearly saw that a big fireball thrown by their brother only emitted white smoke on the dragon.

After all, they are also professionals who are around level 7 to 50. I am afraid that they are not able to break through the defense.

They really couldn't imagine what level of pet the ice dragon was.

And there is more than one such pet beast, and there is a dragon with a green light next to it.

"No wonder the city lord said that Mr. Su can kill a rank 9 expert with one sword."

"Such a terrifying giant dragon is his pet beast. It seems that it is not incomprehensible that he can kill a strong person of rank 9 with one sword."

Now, Yan Kuan and others show more respect for Su Ren.

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