
A dragon roar came from high in the sky.

Then the heavy fog in the sky quickly condensed into ice slag and fell to the ground.

The temperature on the ground also dropped a lot.

The song of the human-faced night owl also turned into a shrill cry at this time.

Everyone looked up and saw that because the heavy fog in this area had condensed into ice slag, their field of vision became much wider.

I saw that the sky was densely filled with night owls with human faces flying with their wings spread out.


A night owl with a human face frozen into ice fell down.

"Bah bang bang!"

Then it rained ice cubes from the sky.

Thousands of human-faced night owls kept smashing to the ground. Yan Kuan and others had to put away their weapons and take out shields to surround Su Ren and start to resist these human-faced night owls that were frozen into ice.

In fact, ice cubes falling from such a height would not cause any harm to them, but Su Ren was sitting there without any protection, and they did not dare to let Su Ren be disturbed.

At this time, the only sound left between heaven and earth was the sound of the corpse of a human-faced night owl falling to the ground.

Some were frozen into ice blocks, some were poisoned to death, and some fell to the ground with only debris left on the ground.

Su Ren reached out and picked up the body of a night owl with a human face that was still intact and took a look at it.

This thing was about the size of an eagle, covered in jet black feathers, and had a pair of sharp claws, but it had a human female face on its head.

The two combined look very weird.

No wonder it is called a night owl with a human face.

Looking at the faces being smashed around Ye Xiaoyu, Yan Kuan and others were already numb.

Originally they thought they were going to be confessed here today, and they were already prepared to fight to the death, but it turned out that their worries were unnecessary.

There is no danger at all. If your mobile phone has a signal, you can even take out two photos and send them to Moments.

A few minutes later, the mountain col where they were was already filled with corpses of human-faced night owls.

Even the way out was blocked by water, and they were surrounded in the middle.

At this time, the crowd of human-faced night owls in the sky were almost dead.

The remaining ones were still charging at the three pet beasts without fear of death.

It can be seen that these things really will not give up until they die. It is estimated that there is no word of fear in their minds.

No wonder professionals walking in the abyss are afraid of this thing.

Most people really can't stand this kind of lifeless attack method.

"The knot...is over..."

Yan Kuan and others glanced at the piles of corpses around them, and the shock in their eyes never stopped.

Tens of thousands of night owls with human faces were all killed in less than ten minutes.

"Master, fortunately, I have fulfilled my destiny and killed them all."

"The one you wanted to catch alive was also caught."

The Ice Dragon King shrank in size and returned to Su Ren.

The dragon's claws also held a night owl with a human face that kept screaming and flapping.

Yan Kuan and others looked at the human-faced night owl in astonishment, and then looked at Su Ren, with an inexplicable meaning flashing in their eyes.

"How are you doing, Mr. Su?"

"Although this monster has a human face, it doesn't look like that, right?"

"With Mr. Su's strength, what kind of woman doesn't have him?"

Several people were thinking crazily in their minds.

Of course, they dare not express these thoughts.

Seeing the strange looks in their eyes, Su Ren had a black line across his forehead, and he knew they were thinking wrongly.

He originally wanted to catch one and use it as a walkie-talkie, but now, apart from howling and roaring, this thing has long lost the moving singing voice just now.

"Forget it, kill them and let their family go away neatly."

"Master Su, actually..."


Su Ren raised his hand to stop him and said, "You are wrong. I just think its singing is good."

After hearing this, several people showed expressions that said, "We are all men, we understand."

Su Ren didn't bother to explain when he saw this. After all, everyone tends to their first impression.

Once they figure it out, explanations are useless.

Su Ren took back the three pet beasts, and then looked at the corpses of night owls with human faces piled nearby.

"If you have time, pick up all the equipment and materials they exploded."

"I asked you to lead the way this time, and I didn't give you any guide fees. These things will be used as your guide fees."

"Huh? Really?"

Several people couldn't believe it. They didn't think about this at first, because they were all killed by Su Ren's pet beast.

Being able to save their lives is pretty good for them.

Su Ren actually wanted to give them all the materials and equipment, which were tens of thousands of night owls with human faces.

Although the drop rate of equipment materials is low, they cannot support such a large quantity.

The equipment and materials around here add up to at least a thousand copies.

This is definitely a huge wealth income for them.

"I'm not short of money."

"Call me if you need anything. I'm going to bed."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he looked at the tent. Fortunately, the quality was good and it was not damaged.

After Su Ren entered the tent, excitement shone in the eyes of Yan Kuan and others.

"Brother Kuan, are we getting rich?"

"Haha, I'm going to pick it up, it's all money!"

"Brother Kuan, I even... rose to level ten!"

Upon hearing this, Yan Kuan hurriedly looked at his level, and then exclaimed.

"Oh my God, I didn't notice just now. I seem to have been promoted to level ten. I was lucky enough to be promoted to level ten after a year of hard work. I didn't expect that I was promoted to level ten in just a few minutes."

"The city lord is right, it is our opportunity to follow Mr. Su on this trip!"

Several people were immersed in joy, but they never thought about why they could gain experience by teaming up with Su Ren.

Because high-level professionals kill monsters, low-level professionals cannot gain experience.

This shows that Su Ren's level is lower than them, but they don't think about it specifically.

Several people quickly cleaned up the corpses of human-faced night owls around them, and then began to pick up equipment and materials.

This is basically no different from picking up money.

It took almost two hours for a few people to pick up all the equipment and materials.

"Brother Kuan!"

The excitement on Xiaodao's face has not faded yet.

Yan Kuan knew what he wanted to say. They had never seen so much money before.

"Jingsheng, don't disturb Mr. Su's rest. Let's sort things out after we return to the city."

"Okay, hehe!"

"Xiao Dao, you and I will watch the night before, and the three of you will watch the night after."

"Okay Brother Kuan."

A few people had just made a lot of money, so naturally they wouldn't have any complaints.

Yan Kuan finished arranging the order of taking turns to watch tonight, and then let a few people go to sleep and rest.

It is dozens of kilometers away from the camp of Su Ren and his party.

Zhu Dayong stood on a bare rock and looked ahead.

"It's been more than two hours. Yan Kuan and the others should have been eaten by the human-faced night owl, right?"

"Brother Yong, can't we find out if we go and see it tomorrow?"


Zhu Dayong looked ahead and sneered again.

"Hmph, if you fight with me, you deserve to die here. I didn't do it myself, so I took advantage of you!"

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