There were no more accidents throughout the night.

Su Ren got up and walked out of the tent. The corpses of human-faced night owls blocking the area had been cleared away.

Unlike in the outside world, these corpses were not refreshed and still existed after one night.

"Good morning, Mr. Su!"

Yan Kuan saw Su Ren looking at those people in a daze, and took the initiative to explain:

"All the monsters in the abyss are different from the outside world. They will not be refreshed even if they die. No one knows why."

Su Ren nodded slightly, he knew a little bit.

It is estimated that this abyss is not on the Blue Star at all, and these monsters are not digitized by the Sky and Sky Empire.

"Brothers, pack your things and get ready to go!"

Yan Kuan greeted a few people and began to collect tents and other things.

There is no heavy fog today and the view is much clearer.

But the sky was still gray, and it was still day and night.

Half an hour later, the group of people who had packed their things continued on their way.

Another hour later, Zhu Dayong and others slowly appeared here.

Looking at the mountains of corpses in front of him, Zhu Dayong sneered:

"I didn't realize that those guys still had some strength and were able to kill so many Night Owls with many faces, but whatever they dropped belongs to us."

"Speaking of which, I really have to thank them."

But before he finished laughing, the younger brother who went to explore the road ran out in a panic.

"Brother Yong, we didn't see the bodies of Yan Kuan and the others inside!"

"Nonsense, how could a human-faced night owl attack leave a body behind?"

"No, Brother Yong, it's impossible for the human-faced night owl to eat their tents and everything else, right? There's nothing in their camp, and with so many monsters dead, not a single piece of equipment or materials has been seen."

Hearing this, Zhu Dayong, who was still gloating about his misfortune, his face darkened.

"Come on, follow me in and take a look."

After Zhu Dayong led people to the mountain col, his face turned livid when he looked at the traces on the ground.

From this look, it seems that he packed up carefully and then left calmly.

Looking at the mountains of corpses of night owls with human faces piled up around him, Zhu Dayong's face turned even darker.

Not only did Yan Kuan and the others survive, but they also seemed to have made a fortune.

There are so many human-faced night owls, and the things they explode will be enough for them to work hard for at least a year or two.

When his opponent is happy, he will naturally become unhappy.

"Damn it, how could that bitch Yan Kuan kill so many human-faced night owls? There are tens of thousands of them!"

"Brother Yong, was it possible that an 8th-level professional passed by last night and helped them?"

A younger brother guessed.

If you want to kill so many Night Owls with so many faces, only professionals above level 8 can do it.

And it won't be easy.

"8th professional?"

"Other than Yan Kuan, who knows Zhao Chuandong, which level 8 professional would help him?"

"But it's better to let him save his life this time. I'll kill him myself!"

Zhu Dayong looked towards the direction entering the inner layer of the abyss and said sternly:

"Chase me!"


the other side.

After Su Ren and his party walked for several more hours, they finally came to what looked like a huge black wall.

The entire wall towers into the sky, with no end in sight.

Moreover, the left and right directions are all extensions of this black wall, and there is no end in sight.

"Master Su, we are here. We can reach the inner layer of the abyss through this teleportation array."

Su Ren looked at the black wall in front of him and said doubtfully:

"You call this a teleportation array?"

This is too big, and whose teleportation array is standing?

"Of course, you don't think it looks like a wall. It's actually a teleportation array. Of course, you can call it a teleportation wall."

"How tall and long is this thing?"

Su Ren asked after looking up.

Yan Kuan shook his head and said he was unclear.

"No one knows how tall or long it is. It seems to extend infinitely and has no end."

"We don't know much about many things about the abyss. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to passively defend the city."

"Let's go, you have to follow us closely. If you go to the wrong place, you will be teleported to a different area."

A group of six people lined up and walked in from the same position in the wall.

The moment he stepped into the wall, Su Ren immediately felt dizzy.

This is the feeling you get when riding a teleportation array. No wonder they call this thing a teleportation array.

Countless rays of light quickly retreated, and six people stood motionless inside.

After about three minutes, Su Ren's feet successfully stepped on the ground.

"I didn't expect that the distance between the inner and outer layers of the abyss is so far. Even the teleportation array takes three minutes to teleport."

Su Ren glanced behind him, and there was an identical wall here.

No longer looking at it, Su Ren looked forward.

There seems to be no difference between the inner and outer layers of the abyss.

But the sky here is darker and the atmosphere is more depressing.

Humans obviously can't stay in it for long.

If you stay here for a long time, you may have a mental breakdown.

"Master Su, let's go, let's go to the location of the first monster closest to here."

The journey was uneventful. After about half an hour, a few people came to a valley.

The valley was so wet and dark that nothing could be seen clearly.

However, Yan Kuan took out a marked map and looked at it. After confirming it, he said to Su Ren:

"Master Su, there are two abyss scorpions in this valley. Their bodies contain the evil hearts you need."

"Let's go down there. Monsters like this usually hide in caves. We can't find them unless we go down."

"Okay, just lead the way. I'll take action myself later."

Yan Kuan nodded, led a few people to find a path going down the valley, and then walked down the road.

The fog in the valley is thick and poisonous.

Yan Kuan bought poison-proof pills before setting off. At this time, everyone had one in their mouths, and they were not afraid of the poisonous mist.


At this time, a roar sounded from the depths of the poisonous mist.

Everyone was shocked. Yan Kuan frowned and said after hearing the roar:

"This is not the cry of the abyss scorpion, other monsters have entered the valley."


Another loud noise came, and a lot of the poisonous fog in the entire valley was dispersed.

The echo kept reverberating in the valley.

"Go over and have a look!"

After Su Ren finished speaking, he rushed in immediately.

This is related to his career change materials. If they are snatched away by other things, then I don't know how long it will take to collect them all.

When Yan Kuan and others saw this, they also hurriedly followed. In their opinion, no matter what danger they encountered, they were definitely safest by Su Ren's side.

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