
Another roar came, followed by the excited sounds of a group of people.

"Hey guys, work harder, these two monsters can't hold it anymore!"

"Hahaha, I'm going to make a fortune now. A monster close to level 800 is still at the leader level!"

"Damn, someone's coming!"

At this time, the figures of Su Ren and his party appeared outside the mist.

In front of him, a huge tiger-like beast was entangled with two abyss scorpions.

Both sides were several meters tall, and the entire valley seemed to be shaking when they were fighting.

Behind the tiger, more than a dozen people wearing uniforms were assisting the tiger in attacking the two abyssal scorpions.

These people are all blond and have pale skin.

Yan Kuan and the others said that this abyss connects all countries. Unexpectedly, they met this group of beautiful Chinese people just after they arrived.

This group of beautiful Chinese people naturally discovered Su Ren and the others.

However, the two Abyss Poison Scorpions were about to die. They could not take care of Su Ren and the others for the time being, so they had to shout back:

"People from the Dragon Kingdom, we are hunting, you'd better get as far away from me as possible!"

The two Abyss Scorpions only had less than a third of their health left. They didn't want the monsters they had worked hard to defeat for a long time to be snatched away.

"Hey, this place is your home? If you tell us to leave, we will leave?"

"Your young master, I still don't want to get out."

Xiao Dao took out his long knife, obviously ready to take action.

The same is true for the other people. This is Su Ren's prey, and they will not let these white-skinned guys snatch it away.

"Master Su, you don't have to feel guilty. There is no first-come, first-served rule in this abyss. Here, fists are the rule!"

"Whoever has the bigger fist will have the right to own the monster."

"Besides, these white-skinned guys are not good people. They just robbed them."

Yan Kuan was afraid that Su Ren would feel guilty, so he reminded him.

However, he still didn't understand Su Ren very well.

When they took out their weapons and prepared to snatch it, Su Ren had already taken action.

Su Ren grabbed the air with his right hand, and two abyss scorpions that were about to die flew towards them in the air.

"Bang bang!!"

Two explosions sounded.

Two Abyss Scorpions exploded, and immediately there was a piece of equipment and some materials on the ground.

Su Ren grabbed his hand again, and two black hearts appeared in his hand.

【Evil Heart×2】

Su Ren quickly put the two mission materials into the system backpack.

The whole process went smoothly without any delay.

It was completed without even the people on both sides reacting.

Are you kidding? How could Su Ren give up what he wanted to others?

Even if the King of Heaven comes today, Su Ren has already secured the task material.

Seeing that the beak flew away, the group of beautiful Chinese people all glared at Su Ren and the others.

They fought hard for nearly an hour, but these people from the Dragon Kingdom stole the chicken.

How can you keep them from being angry?

Yan Kuan and others were still in a daze at this time, and Su Ren's movements were so fast that they did not react.

"Fuck, I was afraid Mr. Su would feel guilty and remind him, but I didn't expect that he would strike faster than us!"

"But what kind of method was that just now? The two abyss scorpions still have at least a few million blood, right? Why did they die without saying a word?"

Yan Kuan and others couldn't figure it out and stopped thinking about it.

As for the boss, the method of taking action is naturally not something that people like them can understand.

"Sam, kill them!"

The captain of the beautiful country team roared.

Then the tiger-like beast jumped up and headed straight for Su Ren.

If the prey is robbed, he will never let these Dragon Kingdom people go.

"court death!"

Su Ren shook his hand again.


The tiger's body exploded in the air, and blood splattered from the remaining limbs.

The whole valley suddenly fell silent.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment.

A group of beautiful Chinese people stared with horror in their eyes.

The fighting beast trained by their legion died like this?

This is a beast that can entangle two close to level 800 boss monsters on its own.

In less than a second, he was killed by the Dragon Kingdom man.

"Damn it, this...is this Mr. Su's true strength?"

"As expected of a person who can instantly kill a rank 9 expert with one strike. The city lord's news is indeed reliable!"

"Is that pet beast almost level 800? It can't even take one of Mr. Su's moves!"

Yan Kuan and others were already stunned with shock.

If Su Ren takes action against them, their fate may be no different from that of the pet tiger.


"I've given you the stuff, we'll leave right away!"

The captain of the beautiful country is also a smart man.

He didn't have the guts to provoke such a strong person.

Without waiting for Su Ren to reply, the team leader ran away with his men.

Looking at the group of people escaping, Yan Kuan asked:

"Master Su, are you just going to let them go like this? Do you want to..."

Yan Kuan made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Although Su Ren relied on his strength to scare these people away, he had completely offended them by stealing their prey and killing their pet beasts.

There may be trouble if you don't silence yourself.

The most important thing was that he recognized the clothing of this group of people.

The uniform of the Michelle Regiment of the Beautiful Country.

The Michel Legion is stationed in the abyss all year round and is also known as the Devil's Legion.

There are tens of thousands of people in the entire legion, and everyone is above rank 7.

It is considered one of the most powerful legions on Blue Star.

And the leader of the legion, Michelle himself, is a five-star general of the Beautiful Country and a professional at the pinnacle of rank 8.

The reason why he has been staying in the abyss is to collect job transfer materials for him to advance to the ninth rank.

It’s just that no one knows how much career transfer materials Michelle has collected.

"Forget it, it's just a small role."

Su Ren didn't pay attention to him at the 9th turn. He had no interest in chasing after someone who couldn't reach the 8th turn.

If you have this time, it is better to rush to the next monster location as soon as possible.

Yan Kuan nodded after hearing this.

But he was still a little worried, after all, the Michel Legion had a good reputation.

Although Su Ren was extremely powerful, there were too many people on the other side.

With tens of thousands of well-trained seventh-level professionals gathered together, this is definitely a terrifying force.

It is precisely because of this that the Michel Legion dares to run rampant in the inner layer of the abyss.

Wherever the army goes, there will be no grass growing.

"Well, maybe I'm overthinking it. Maybe the other party is just a small team coming to hunt this time, and the legion probably didn't come."

Yan Kuan shook his head, took out the map and started looking for the location of the next monster.


"Captain, is that all?"

"That dragon countryman killed Sam and stole our prey!"

The beautiful country team that escaped looked behind them with lingering fear, but the other party was not chasing them.

However, they were still unwilling to do so.

If this bad breath doesn't come out, they may not be able to sleep well in the past few days.

The team leader's face turned cold and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Forget it? Huh, how could it be possible?"

"Go back to the garrison immediately and ask Captain Michel to make the decision for us!"

"I don't believe those people from the Dragon Kingdom can fight against our Michel Legion!"

"Steal my prey and kill my pet beasts. I will make them pay with their blood!"

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