Deep within the abyss, countless high-level abyss monsters are pouring into it.

"Why did the king call us to the land of the abyss?"

A monster with a bull's head and human body asked the surrounding monsters in confusion.

"I don't know. I just received the summons notice."

At this time, a monster with three dog heads and a body covered in flames spoke with the middle head:

"I do know why."

"Why? Why didn't I know?"

The head on the left looks angry.

"tell me the story."

The head on the right has a kind face.

The emotions shown by the three heads are different.

The head in the middle said calmly:

"The four kings are about to join forces to break through to level 900. It summoned us first so that we can protect the law and not be disturbed by humans."

"The second is to hold a celebration ceremony."

"The third is to unite all the people in the four major regions to attack human territory!"

"Now, not only our evil land, but the people from the other three major regions are also rushing to the Abyss."

Hearing this, the other monsters looked shocked.

"I didn't expect that the four kings would break through level 900 at the same time?"

"Did they get any chance? How could they break through at the same time?"

"I don't know about this. It is said that there is a trace of inexplicable energy leaking from the unknown land deeper in the abyss. It was because of this energy that the four kings were able to break through."

"Oh? Can you elaborate?"

Hearing this, a look of greed flashed in the eyes of all the monsters.

It can make four kings of more than 800 levels break through to level 900 at the same time. If they can get this energy.

Then wouldn’t they also have a chance to break through to level 900?

If you can be a king, no one wants to be a minister.

The reason why they surrender to the four kings now is just because their strength is not as good as theirs.

Once you have strong strength, it is not certain who will be the king.

The three-headed dog looked at the looks of the monsters and said disdainfully:

"I know what you are thinking, but do you think the kings can let you get this thing?"

"I advise you not to dream, otherwise you will be killed."

"Hey, just asking. Who said we were going to grab that thing?"

"You better be."

The monsters stopped talking and just went their separate ways.

But only they themselves know what they are thinking.


Su Ren and his party set off again and came to the location of the second monster, a huge cave.

Yan Kuan looked at the map and pointed to the cave.

"According to the map, there is a violent bear here."

Upon hearing this, Su Ren walked in without saying a word, and several others hurriedly followed.

A few minutes later, several people walked out of the cave.

"Strange, why didn't I see that violent bear?"

Yan Kuan looked at the map again to confirm that he was in the right place.

"Brother Kuan, will you be killed?"

Yan Kuan shook his head.

"Impossible, there are no signs of fighting around."

"Brother Kuan, could it be that the violent bear went out to look for food? I touched its nest just now, and there is still some residual heat."

Xiao Dao said.

"It shouldn't be. It should be staying in the nest at this time."

Everyone couldn't make up their mind, so they looked at Su Ren.

"Master Su, should we wait or what should we do?"

Su Ren thought for a while and asked:

"How far is the next monster from here?"

Yan Kuan looked at the map again and said:

"If we go all out, it will take about two hours."

"What if you take a flying pet?"

"This... we don't dare to ride flying beasts in the abyss. The target is too obvious and it is easy to be chased by abyss monsters."

"No need for yours, sit on mine."

After hearing this, Yan Kuan and others remembered Su Ren's powerful pet beasts.

That kind of pet beast flying in the air is indeed not afraid of being chased by abyss monsters.

"If you take a flying pet, it will take up to 20 minutes. If you go fast enough, it may take less than ten minutes."

Su Ren nodded and immediately summoned the Ice Dragon King.

"Everyone, stand up. Captain Yan, you can show us the way."

Several people looked at the majestic and domineering Ice Dragon King in front of them, and then jumped up after taking a careful look.

Just standing on the Ice Dragon King's back made their hearts pound.

The cold air that emitted from time to time made several people tremble with fear.

"Flying straight northwest from here, Ma... it's going to be troublesome."

Yan Kuan bowed to the Ice Dragon King and said.

After seeing it, Su Ren smiled and said, "You don't have to be so afraid of it, it won't hurt you."

After hearing this, the Ice Dragon King burst into laughter.

"Sit tight, Brother Long will take you to travel into the abyss."

The Ice Dragon King soared into the sky as fast as lightning.

Along the way, Yan Kuan and the others didn't see the monsters they were talking about. Instead, they saw many beautiful Chinese people wearing uniforms.

"Master Su, these are all members of the Michel Legion. It seems that their legion is hunting in the inner depths of the abyss."

"The group of people we just robbed are also members of the Michel Legion."

"Michel Legion? Is it very strong?"

Su Ren casually glanced at the people below.

The Ice Dragon King was very fast, and after a while he could no longer see the figures of those people.

Yan Kuan explained to Su Ren the structure and general strength of the Michel Legion.

After hearing this, Su Ren didn't care.

Tens of thousands of 7-level career changers? so what?

It's just a matter of one knife.

Seeing that Su Ren still looked calm, Yan Kuan had to sigh.

Sure enough, powerful people think differently from them.

Perhaps the enemies that they thought were too powerful to be provoked were probably no different from ants in Su Ren's eyes.

I have to admit that sometimes the gap between people is wider than the gap between people and dogs.

The Ice Dragon King flew everyone all the way, and it only took about five minutes to reach the destination.

This was twice as fast as Yan Kuan expected.

"Master Su, there are two abyssal crocodiles in the small lake below. They usually hide at the bottom of the lake. It is difficult for ordinary people to kill them."

Su Ren didn't talk nonsense when he heard what he said. He activated the River God skill and the entire lake rose into the sky, leaving only a dry pit on the ground.

Several people were shocked again when they saw this.

What kind of method is this?

They discovered that the more they knew about Su Ren, the more mysterious he seemed to be.

This may sound contradictory, but this is the doubt in their minds now.

"There are none in the lake, only some low-level abyssal fish."

"What? How is that possible?"

"It shouldn't be, the map won't be wrong."

Yan Kuan looked at the map in disbelief. This was indeed one of the points marked on the map.

As a guide this time, if he fails to complete the task, he will definitely be scolded by the city lord.

Being scolded by the city lord is actually nothing. If this offends Su Ren and leaves a bad impression in the other party's mind, it will be really bad.

I and others collected so much equipment and materials last night, it would be a bad thing.

Don’t hang around in the abyss anymore.

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