In the drowsy and depressing abyss.

Monsters from various regions and professionals from various countries are heading in the same direction.

The relationship between humans and monsters of the abyss has always been one of eternal hostility.

When they met on the road, the two sides naturally fought to the death.

The further you go towards the abyss, the more oppressive the atmosphere becomes, and those who are already stressed can no longer breathe.

"Mr. Su, aren't you going to kill those monsters on the road? I think there are quite a few of them that are your targets on this trip."

Yan Kuan asked, looking at the young man standing on the dragon's head in front of him.

Su Ren looked forward, his eyes a little blurry.

He missed Ling Qingxue a little.

He didn't know when he would be able to save her.

After hearing Yan Kuan's words, Su Ren shook his head.

"We will solve it together then. Now let's go to the Abyss to see what happened."

The Ice Dragon King roared past in the high sky, leaving only a faint trace of ice crystals.

After a long flight, everyone finally arrived at the boundary of the Abyss.

In the land of Ji Abyss, the sky is already dark, and humans and animals cannot be distinguished within three meters.

When they entered the land of the abyss, they were like a few fish suddenly diving into a mass of muddy water from a mass of clear water.


As soon as he entered, there was the sound of several sharp arrows piercing the air.

Five purple tentacles cut through the night sky and headed straight for the Ice Dragon King.

A giant beast thousands of meters high suddenly appeared in front of Su Ren and the others.

This giant beast is hundreds of meters tall with four legs, and its body is covered with hundreds of purple tentacles, each of which is swaying and flying.

Su Ren and the others were as big as ants in front of it.

【Hilmons (leader)】

[Level: 820]

Su Ren glanced at its information briefly, but did not take action.

Although such a monster looks very strong, the Ice Dragon King can easily deal with it.

In fact, the Ice Dragon King can already deal with 99% of the monsters in this world, and Su Ren no longer needs to do it himself.

"There are still humans? Die!"

The giant beast Hilmons saw a few people standing behind the Ice Dragon King at this time, and suddenly became furious. Its size was already huge, and its roar was like thunder exploding in the ears.

It originally only released five tentacles to tentatively attack the Ice Dragon King, but now it directly launched hundreds of tentacles to pierce Su Ren and the others.

"Hey, little trash, do you dare to attack your Brother Long?"

The Ice Dragon King was not a vegetarian either. He sprayed out absolute freezing air with his backhand.

When the tentacles touched the cold air, they were instantly frozen into popsicles stuck in the air.

The cold air did not stop after freezing its tentacles, but spread along the tentacles toward its body.


Hilmons was shocked at this time.

It didn't expect the Ice Dragon King to be so powerful. At this time, it couldn't escape even if it wanted to.

A few seconds later, an iceberg thousands of meters high appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at this huge iceberg, Yan Kuan and others swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Could such a big monster be killed with just one move?

The people who hunted the human-faced night owl before could not see the specific strength of the Ice Dragon King, but it was different now.

At this time, they had a higher evaluation of the Ice Dragon King's strength in their hearts.

The Ice Dragon King led everyone to fly to the top of the giant beast, and then gently grabbed it with his claws.


The giant beast that was frozen into an iceberg instantly cracked.

Countless ice cubes fell down, and the roaring sound was endless.

The Ice Dragon King had quick eyes and quick hands, grabbing the materials and equipment it dropped with one claw, and then handed them to Su Ren above his head.

"Master, the materials you want."

Su Ren took it and took a look. This giant beast actually gave four evil hearts.

"The bigger you grow, the more evil your heart will give you?"

Su Ren put away the materials.

"Master Su."

At this time Yan Kuan said hurriedly.

"Master Su, I don't have any relevant maps in the Abyss. I'm afraid I'll get lost in it if I fly like this. Should we go down and walk?"

"No, even if you get lost in there, I can still take you out."

In the outer layer of the abyss, Su Ren was afraid that he would not be able to find the teleportation array to enter the inner layer after losing his way, so he did not call out the Ice Dragon King to rush on.

As for the inner layer, he already knows the coordinates here, and he only needs a wormhole to travel in the future.

Even if you get lost in it, you'll end up going through a wormhole and go back to where you came in all over again.

You will know the correct route after trying it a few times.

Just like game saves, if you fail, try again. Try again and again, and you will always succeed one day.

Although Yan Kuan didn't know why Su Ren was so confident, he could tell that Su Ren wasn't talking nonsense, so he didn't say anything more.

The Ice Dragon King carried several people and flew north again.

There were no more monster attacks along the way, but the originally dark sky became brighter and brighter as we flew.


Su Ren asked the Ice Dragon King to stop, then turned to look at Yan Kuan and asked.

"Can you tell where this place is?"

Yan Kuan quickly took out the map, observed it carefully, and then looked at the distribution of mountains and rivers on the ground below.

Then he shook his head.

"Mr. Su, this...there is no relevant place found on the map."

"Well, it seems that this abyss is indeed not simple."

Don't think about it, it must have deviated from the route and flown to somewhere.

"Master, I have been flying north and never turned a corner!"

The Ice Dragon King shrank his head, a little afraid of being punished.

"I know."

Su Ren had also observed just now that the Ice Dragon King had been flying rapidly towards the north without changing its path midway.

But they still went off course.

However, Su Ren was not in a hurry and first asked Steele in the beast space.

"Master, I have been to the Land of the Abyss, but I didn't dare to fly in in the air. We can easily get lost by flying."

"Oh? You will also get lost in this?"

Su Ren became a little curious.

Unexpectedly, monsters in the abyss can also get lost in the abyss.

"Forget it, let's go back to where we were and try again."

Su Ren stretched out his right hand and drew an imaginary circle in front of him.

Then a space wormhole tens of meters in size appeared there.

The reason why the painting is so big is because the size of the Ice Dragon King is here. Su Ren does not need to draw such a large space wormhole for his own use.

The Ice Dragon King had also seen Su Ren use this space wormhole, and he led everyone in without saying a word.

When everyone came out again, they had returned to the place where the giant beast died.

There are still large and small ice cubes lying on the ground.

"Back... back!?"

"Is this? Space skill??"

"And it also has the space skills to bring so many people together!"

Not only can ordinary space skills not reach such a distance, but they can't bring people with them either.

Not to mention bringing so many people and a huge dragon.

Yan Kuan and others no longer know what words to use to describe everything they have experienced.

At this time, there was only admiration for Su Ren.

He has several extremely powerful pet beasts, his own strength is astonishing, and he has magical means, plus this powerful and unheard of space skill.

This young man holds more and more secrets.

It also makes them less and less able to see through it.

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