After a few people figured out the direction, they set off again.

This time, Su Ren asked Yan Kuan and others to feel the change in direction.

Another flight lasting more than an hour.

As a result, they came to an endless sea.

"Uh... Captain Yan, is this the northernmost point of the Abyss?"

Yan Kuan glanced at the sea below, shook his head and said:

"Probably not. I've never heard of a sea in the Abyss."

"Master Su, I probably know where this is."

At this time, Xiao Dao on the side spoke.

"tell me the story."

After Xiaodao sorted out his thoughts, he said:

"I heard that in the inner layer of the abyss, in the northeast of the Extreme Abyss, there is a black ocean, which breeds endless abyss monsters."

"The monsters currently in the abyss are all bred from this black ocean."

"This black ocean is called the Endless Sea. It is truly boundless and has no end."

A person next to Xiao Dao heard this and asked:

"Hey, Xiao Knife, you said it is endless and has no end, so how do you know it is endless?"

"Huh? This..."

Xiaodao touched the back of his head, not knowing how to answer this question.

This seems to be a paradox.

"Okay, don't worry about whether it's boundless or not. Since it's not the northernmost point of the Abyss, then go back."

Su Ren once again drew a space wormhole.

Everyone returned to their original place again.

The ice on the surface below has not yet melted, and probably won't for a long time.

The coldness of the Ice Dragon King is not easy to melt away.

"Forget it, just keep walking."

After struggling for a few hours, Su Ren also understood that even if he had great abilities.

When you encounter some things, you still can't do what you want.

Just like Ling Qingxue was kidnapped, all he can do now is to quickly upgrade and change jobs. Only after upgrading his skills can he rescue her.

Everyone came to the ground, and Su Ren took the Ice Dragon King back into the pet space.

Yan Kuan took out the map at this time and said:

"Mr. Su, there is only one route marked on this map. If we follow this route, it will probably take us six hours to get there if we go all out."

"It's almost night time now, should we find a place to rest for the night?"

"Well, you can find a place to camp."

Yan Kuan led a few people to find a place to camp on higher ground with its back against the cliff.

However, no one noticed that in the dark corner, a pair of scarlet eyes glanced at a few people and then disappeared there.


In the inner layer of the abyss, after Zhu Dayong and his group of more than a dozen people chased them, they were surrounded before they could take a few steps.

"People from the Dragon Kingdom?"

Zhu Dayong glanced nervously at the hundreds of people wearing uniforms around him, and replied anxiously:

"Yes, we are from the Dragon Kingdom. We have something to discuss, so don't do anything."

He has already recognized that these people are all members of the feared Michel Legion in the abyss.

"Fuck, why am I so unlucky that I met people from Michel's Legion as soon as I came in?"

Zhu Dayong cursed angrily in his heart, but had to put on a smile on the surface.

Logically speaking, as a member of the Dragon Kingdom, the people of the Michel Legion would not dare to attack them easily.

As long as you behave cooperatively, you should be fine.

"As long as he's from the Dragon Kingdom, huh, take him away!"

The leader didn't talk nonsense and directly ordered Zhu Dayong and his group of more than a dozen people to be arrested.

"Misunderstanding, brother, we didn't do anything!"

Zhu Dayong didn't understand what happened, so he stretched out his hands and shouted for injustice.

He wanted to resist, but there were hundreds of people on the other side at this time. If he dared to take action, he would be beaten to death immediately.

"Be honest with me!"

The leader kicked Zhu Dayong on the waist, causing him to stagger forward a few steps.

"If you dare to fucking bully my brother, I will let you know tonight that our Michel Legion is not that easy to mess with!"

Although Michelle did not issue a wanted order for those Longguo people who robbed his brother of his prey.

But that doesn’t mean they won’t do it themselves.

Even if his captain finds out, he won't do anything to him.

Moreover, my team leader usually turns a blind eye to this kind of thing.

Zhu Dayong and others were arrested by them without even knowing that they were actually taking the blame for their enemies.

Su Ren and the others left early, but they were the unlucky ones.


Michel's Corps is stationed in the camp.

Zhu Dayong and more than a dozen people were tied to wooden stakes, and their bodies had been beaten to pieces.

At this time, more than a dozen people screamed in agony, and all possible tortures were used on them.

Although they are professionals, they cannot withstand so many tortures.

Among the people who were beaten, the squad leader who had his prey stolen by Su Ren was the one who hit the hardest.


As the last whip hit Zhu Dayong's face, the squad leader threw away the whip, looked at him, and asked:

"I ask, you answer!"

"If you dare to lie to me, I won't mind beating you to death!"

Zhu Dayong nodded hurriedly, his face now swollen and not human-like.

"Stop fighting. If you ask, I will definitely tell you. I will tell you everything I know."

Zhu Dayong is a typical bastard. When he meets these people, he has been tortured for a long time and does not dare to say a word of resistance.

Now he just hopes these people won't hit him again.

"Which city are you from?"

"Wufeng City, I am from Wufeng City, and our city lord is Zhao Chuandong."

"I didn't ask you anything else."

"Yes, yes, you say."

The team leader continued to ask:

"Do you recognize this group of people? They consist of five middle-aged people and a young man."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Dayong immediately thought of Su Ren and Yan Kuan.

"Yes, I know them, they are also from Windless City!"

"Oh? Do you know them? What are their names? What are you doing in the abyss?"

The squad leader picked up the whip on the ground again. If Zhu Dayong dared to hesitate, he would whip it down without hesitation.

"Their leader is Yan Kuan, and the young man is Su Ren. They came to the abyss to help Su Ren with his mission."

The squad leader's expression turned cold when he heard this.

"Yan Kuan? Su Ren? If you dare to snatch my prey or kill my pet beast, I will never let you go!"

When Zhu Dayong heard this, he couldn't help feeling angry.

"Fuck, it turns out it was these idiots who ruined these people's good deeds, and now I've been caught and beaten."

"Ahhh! Don't let me touch you!"

Zhu Dayong finished his inner roar, and then said to the team leader with a respectful expression:

"Sir, to be honest, we entered the bottom of the abyss to hunt down those dogs. This is a misunderstanding!"


"Sir, if you don't believe it, you can ask my dozen or so brothers. You can send someone to Windless City to verify it."

The squad leader smiled slightly when he heard this.

"I see. It seems that there was indeed a misunderstanding. I'm really sorry."

"Come here, untie them and send them to have something to eat as an apology."

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!"

Zhu Dayong didn't expect that the other party was so easy to talk to, so he quickly thanked him. He had long forgotten who had beaten him like this just now.

After more than a dozen people from Zhu Dayong were sent to another camp.

"Brother, do you really want to let these people from the Dragon Kingdom go?"

The squad leader shook his head.

"Brother, we are going to the Abyss tomorrow. You and I both know the dangers inside."

"Keep these people from the Dragon Kingdom and let them go ahead to explore the way for us tomorrow!"

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