Zhu Dayong naturally didn't know what the people from the Michel Legion were planning.

At this time, they were huddled together with wounds all over their bodies, their eyes filled with anger.

"Brother Yong, I was almost beaten to death by them, you have to avenge us!"

"Don't worry, don't let me catch Yan Kuan and the others!"

Zhu Dayong said fiercely.

"What they did made our brothers take the blame. There is no way I will spare them."

Looking at the injuries on his body, Zhu Dayong became angrier as he thought about it, wishing he could kill Yan Kuan and the others right now.

"Brother Yong, since they asked clearly, why don't they let us go?"

"What are they doing keeping us here?"

Zhu Dayong shook his head when he heard this and said he didn't know.

Logically speaking, since it is none of their business, the other party should let him go.

Even if you are afraid of their revenge, you should still keep silent.

But now I have no intention of releasing them or killing them.

This thing is weird.

But now they were in their camp, surrounded by tens of thousands of people, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

"No matter what they want to do, let's try our best to cooperate. Maybe we can survive."

"Now everyone, let's take a nap and save some energy."


The northernmost part of the Land of the Abyss is different from the Land of the Abyss. There is plenty of light here and there are different types of plants on the ground.

There are endless stretches of grassland and mountains.

Flowers of various colors compete with each other, completely different from the pure black sky and earth in the Abyss.

This place is where living things should stay.

In the center surrounded by mountains, a clear lake ripples here.

In the center of the lake, a five-color altar tens of meters in size sits quietly out of the water.

On the altar, four humanoid figures each occupied a corner.

At this moment, I closed my eyes and crossed my legs, feeling something.

Surrounded by four figures, a purple energy light group was suspended in a small copper tripod on the altar.

"Everyone, have you thought of a way to absorb its energy?"

The figure sitting in the southeast corner opened his eyes and glanced at the purple energy light group in the small cauldron, and then asked the other three figures.

This man's face was distorted, his facial features completely changed, and he looked extremely ugly. When he spoke, he was accompanied by a low roar, as if someone was beating him constantly.

If you look closely, you will find that there are black vertical pupils on his body and palms, giving people a feeling of being full of weirdness and terror.

At this time, the figure sitting in the northeast corner said lightly:

"Brother suffering, don't be anxious. Only when you are calm can you find a way."

The figure who spoke looked even more disgusting, his whole body seemed to be rotten, and his body was even dripping with pus.

The man flicked his hand casually, and a few drops of pus flew towards a large tree several meters thick by the lake.

Wherever the big tree came into contact with the pus, it instantly lost its vitality. The entire tree withered, turned yellow, and then turned black at an extremely fast speed.

Even the area around the big tree became lifeless, showing a dilapidated and depressed look.

The slender figure in red sitting in the northwest corner couldn't help but frown when he saw the figure's movements just now:

"I'm telling you, you toad, can you stop being so disgusting and collect those disgusting liquids on your body? I feel sick to my stomach."

"Also, you have ruined all the beautiful scenery here!"

"If it weren't for you, I might have absorbed this energy long ago!"

When the King of Destruction heard this, not only did he not restrain himself, but he grinned at the King of Desire.

"Slutty fox, I have to do this, what can you do to me?"

"Do you want a fight?"

The King of Desire looked at the other party coldly.

"Hey, come on, who's afraid of whom?"

"Drink, ah, ah, can you stop making noise!!"

The King of Pain roared and looked at the two of them, as if the more they talked, the more painful it became.

"I'll hurt you to death earlier, you piece of shit. I'm also disgusted when I see your face."

The Evil King, who had been sitting silently in the southwest corner, now spoke:

"Okay, stop talking, you three. We are here to absorb this purple energy, not for you to quarrel."

When the three of them heard this, they each shut up and stopped talking.

The King of Evil is actually stronger than any of the three of them, so he can barely be regarded as the person in charge of this event.

And this purple energy was also the first one it discovered.

It's just that it couldn't absorb the energy on its own, so it asked the other three to work together to find a way.

"Where did you find this thing? If you don't tell us, how can we find a way to absorb its energy?"

The problem of the King of Desire is also the doubt of the other two kings.

The three of them looked at the Evil King, wanting to hear its answer.

"Since you want to know, I won't hide it from you."

The Evil King said slowly:

"This purple energy seeps out from the northernmost stone wall that separates the world from the sky."

"When I found it, it was radiating an amazing amount of energy."

"Too bad I can't absorb it."

"I once tried to swallow it into my belly, and it almost exploded. If I hadn't taken it out quickly, I would have died at its hands."

After hearing the description of the Evil King and its somewhat frightened expression, the other three kings felt that what it should have said was true.

It's just that they tried it just now. No matter what method they used, they couldn't absorb any energy from this purple energy group.

If he swallowed it directly, he would probably explode and die just like the evil king described.

Now they are empty treasures but cannot be used.

They can obviously feel a huge energy inside, but they can't get it. This feeling makes them very unhappy.

Therefore, several people were a little grumpy at this time.

"How about we join forces to attack it and stimulate its energy?"

As soon as the King of Desire said this, the other three kings showed hesitation.

They can feel the energy contained in it very clearly. If this causes a backlash and explodes, they may not be able to eat it and carry it around.

But various methods have been tried, and only this violent method has not been tried.

"What are you afraid of? The worst thing is to stay away and attack. Risks and benefits coexist. I will never be willing to have meat in front of me but not eat it."

The other three kings nodded slightly when they heard this.

"Okay, prepare your own life-saving means. If you die, it proves that you have no connection with this energy."

Four figures flew into the air, and then each transformed into their own bodies.

A fiery red fox, a toad covered in pus, and a poisonous snake covered in sores.

Finally, there is the evil king wrapped in black mist.

The four figures looked at each other and then quickly flew high into the sky.

After reaching what they thought was a safe distance, the four figures simultaneously erupted with a powerful energy in their bodies and blasted towards the purple energy group in the small cauldron on the altar in the valley.

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