Four powerful rays of energy hit the purple energy at the same time like destroying the world.


At the center of the explosion, purple light flashed, and four more powerful energies pushed back toward the Four Kings.

In an instant, the world shook, and countless monsters in the Abyss looked towards the direction of the explosion.

Where Su Ren and others were camping, the sky and the earth shook, causing several people to look in panic at the direction of the shaking.

"What happened?"

"Is this an earthquake?"

"How can there be any earthquakes in the abyss? Could it be that there are peerless experts fighting against each other?"

"Master Su, can you see what happened?"

Several people looked at Su Ren.

Because Su Ren was the strongest, they thought Su Ren should be able to see something.

"have no idea."

Su Ren doesn't have clairvoyance, so it's strange that he knows.

However, if someone fights with this kind of movement, the strength of both sides is definitely not weak.

A normal 9th ​​turn wouldn't be able to cause such a big movement.

Among the opponents Su Ren encountered, the Vulcan was the only one with this ability.

Seeing that Su Ren didn't know, Yan Kuan had to tell a few people to take turns to watch the night. Be careful.

In fact, Su Ren releases nightmares every night to protect himself.

Yan Kuan's group's strength is still too low. No matter how careful they are in vigil, they may be killed instantly when encountering high-level monsters.

Su Ren still trusts his pet beast more.

This not only protects yourself, but also protects them by the way.

Su Ren requested that they enter the Abyss. If they died here, Su Ren would feel guilty.


After the huge explosion, the lake that was originally surrounded by mountains was evaporated, leaving only a huge deep pit.

Of course, the surrounding peaks were also flattened.

But the strange thing is that the five-color altar is floating on the huge pit intact.

The small copper cauldron that stored purple energy on the altar was missing and was probably vaporized.

The purple energy group was spinning continuously.

After the purple energy group was bombarded, it became a little unstable, and tiny bits of energy would leak out from time to time.


"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The Evil King rushed back immediately, and his figure became much thinner visibly to the naked eye.

But it didn't care, anyway, it was all worth it.

The Evil King began to greedily absorb the leaked purple energy.

Just after taking two puffs, three figures appeared beside it at the same time.

However, the three kings looked a little embarrassed at this time. Not only were they all injured, their faces became paler than the last.

The counter-shock wave just now caused them heavy damage, but this was only if they were prepared to retain their life-saving skills.

One can imagine how terrifying energy this purple energy group contains.

Seeing the three kings appear, the Evil King grabbed the purple energy ball and held it tightly in his hand.

"Huh? King of Evil, do you want to be alone?"

"Hmph, hand it over!"


The Evil King glanced at the three kings, rolled his eyes twice and said calmly:

"I discovered this thing, so I should enjoy it first. Is there any problem?"

"After I absorb it, I will naturally hand it over to you."

The King of Desire smiled disdainfully upon hearing this:

"Haha, King of Evil, don't think that we don't know what you are planning. You want to take this opportunity to absorb energy to recover your injuries, and then kill us and take it all for yourself, right?"

"Don't forget, without our efforts, you wouldn't be able to obtain its energy!"

"Yes, if you don't hand it over for everyone to enjoy together, you won't be able to deal with us three kings joining forces!"

The Ruined King also spoke at the right time.

Seeing the unkind eyes of the three kings, the Evil King looked unwilling.

But they are right. Now everyone is seriously injured. If the three kings join forces, they will be defeated.

It's a pity, if they had come a few minutes later, it would have been able to quickly absorb energy to repair the injury.

If it dares not to hand it over now, it will definitely be the first to die.

"I only count three times. If you don't hand it over, don't blame us for being rude!"

The King of Desire looked at the King of Evil coldly, and then started counting down.



"Okay, okay, why are you so nervous? I didn't say I wouldn't let you absorb it."

The evil king reluctantly took out the purple energy ball and placed it among the four kings.

"I just said that as the discoverer, I should be the first to absorb it. If you don't want to, then forget it."

"Huh, that's what you'd better be thinking."

The three kings no longer paid attention to him, but stretched out their hands to cover the purple energy group.

A tiny bit of purple energy entered their bodies through their hands.

"What pure energy!"

"This feeling is so wonderful!"

"Hahahaha, I feel like I'm going to break through level 900 today!"

The four kings frantically absorbed the power brought to them by the purple energy group, fearing that the other three kings would take away too much.

It only took a while for them to fully recover from their serious injuries.

At this time, their levels, which had not been loosened for a long time, also began to show an upward trend.

Just as the Four Kings were absorbing the purple energy group, various high-level monsters in the abyss had gathered not far from the perimeter of the Four Kings' location.

They naturally heard the shocking explosion just now.

However, they did not dare to get close to check this kind of explosion.

With their strength, they might die if they encounter anything.

"The explosion just now was the energy that was rumored to allow the four kings to break through together, right?"

In fact, they just heard some rumors. When they arrived here, they discovered that the four kings had not yet broken through to level 900, and were now thinking of ways to absorb the mysterious energy.

"I saw a flash of purple light, that must be it."

"I don't know what it is, but if you can absorb some of it for us..."

"Hey, let's not even think about it. There is no way the king would give us that mysterious energy."

"Although this abyss is huge and boundless, it cannot accommodate the fifth king."

While the monsters were discussing, a monster with red eyes like a hunting dog came to the monsters.

"Everyone, guess who I found?"

"Huh? Tell me, who can make you so excited?"

The monster showed its fangs and said fiercely:

"Do you still remember that there was a human named Su Ren who was named by the King of Evil to be eliminated?"

"Su Ren? There seems to be some impression."

"That Su Ren is now not far from the junction between the Abyss and the inner layer of the abyss. If we kill him, the King of Evil might get a heavy reward!"

"Haha, old dog, since you found Su Ren, why didn't you kill him? Instead, came over and told us?"

The monster shook his head when he heard this and said: "I saw the body of Hilmons. He killed Hilmons. I am definitely not his opponent."

"That's why I came here and asked everyone to go over and kill him!"

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