The monsters were a little shocked when they heard that Hilmons was dead.

They know the strength of Hilmons. In the entire abyss, except for the four kings, there are not many monsters who can guarantee that they can defeat Hilmons.

The opponent's body, which is thousands of meters tall, is beyond what they can handle.

But, Hilmons died, in the hands of that human being.

After hearing the news, they began to hesitate.

After all, there is no comparison between the evil king's reward and his own life.

"What? Are you scared?"

The hound-like monster looked at the monsters with a mocking look on its face.

"It's just a human being. No matter how strong he is, can he kill all of our brothers here?"

"If he had that strength, he would have rushed in and attacked several kings long ago."

"Don't hesitate, maybe that guy will leave tomorrow."

"How can you seize opportunities and improve your strength when you are so timid?"

After the monster brainwashed him, the other monsters who were still hesitating suddenly became excited.

Several kings seem to be on track to break through to level 900.

There is not much difference in their strength. If you want to stand out in the eyes of several kings, you really need to make some achievements.

Thinking of this, the monsters nodded.

"Let's go and kill that human being as a gift to my king for successfully breaking through to level 900!"

"Haha, that's right, come with me!"

The hunting dog-like monster led the monsters away, leaving only a few monsters in the place.

"Aren't you going?"

asked a two-headed snake.

"If you don't go, I'm no match for Hilmons, and I certainly can't be a match for that human being. What's more, I've gone so far, even if I kill that human being, it won't be my credit."

"That's right. If that human being is so powerful, he might even die because of it. I don't believe that old dog anyway. It's dying and trying to survive through a breakthrough."

"I still have a lot of time to live, and I'm not interested in this."


In the middle of the night, bursts of sound suddenly came from dozens of kilometers away from the Suren camp.

Hundreds of monsters formed a group and rushed toward their camp location.

Every monster here is a boss-level monster around level 800.

Wherever they pass, monsters on the road must quickly avoid being accidentally injured.

"Everyone, there are still more than 20 kilometers ahead of where the human camp is. I have already seen it. The five humans with Nasu Ren can only turn 7 at most. We just need to be careful to deal with Nasu Ren."

"Let me make an agreement first, whoever can kill Su Ren will be the first to win, and no one is allowed to steal it at that time!"

"Don't worry, just lead the way."

Seeing that the monsters agreed, the old dog continued to move forward.

But the monsters had just walked less than a few kilometers when a scream rang out among the monsters.

A dark, bat-like creature stood in the sky, staring coldly at the monsters.


The monsters were shocked that some monster dared to attack them.

The inner layer of the abyss is vast and rich in resources, and there are all kinds of monsters. Although they are local residents, it is impossible for them to know all the monsters.

Monsters in the abyss will also attack each other and compete for territory.

However, this was the first time they had encountered such a situation where hundreds of monsters gathered together and were attacked by other monsters.

It has to be said that the other party is either stupid or has taken advantage of the courage.

Just when the monsters were still wondering what this thing in the sky was.

Nightmare attacked again.

Yes, those who attacked them were the nightmares Su Ren had released to patrol and protect him.

When he felt the monsters approaching, Nightmare had already flown over and attacked one of the monsters first.

It's just that its attack frequency is not fast, and you need to wait a few seconds before attacking next.

However, this is enough, because Nightmare's attack power is too good. Every hit can be said to be a sure kill.


"This guy is strong!"

At this time, the monsters finally discovered that the monster lying on the ground was dead.

This is no longer very descriptive, it is simply abnormal.

Killing one of them silently in front of so many monsters.

This is beyond their imagination.

When they reminded him, Nightmare struck again.

There was another scream, and an ape-like monster at the edge of the monsters struggled and fell to the ground.

"Brother, we are all in the abyss, please give me some face, we are just passing by, no offense intended!"

The old dog stood up on its hind legs, held its two front paws together and spoke loudly into the air.

As it spoke, its scarlet eyes were moving constantly, as if trying to find traces of the nightmare.

but failed.

Its innate skills can't even see the opponent's whereabouts.

This made it a little scared.

It knew they had a formidable opponent.

"Brother, be a monster so you can meet each other easily in the future. We are all subordinates of the King of Evil, so please be merciful!"

The old dog looked at the two dead monsters and shouted again.

However, nightmares are not monsters in the abyss, nor can they be brothers.

Su Ren asked it to protect everyone's safety, so it would be impossible for it to let these monsters pass.

Another blow fell, and the nightmare once again took away the life of a monster.

Its speed is weird, its attack power is off the charts, and the darkness of its body blends with the environment of this abyss, making it impossible for the monsters to defend themselves.

These three consecutive kills had already made the monsters tremble with fear.


A huge fireball rose out of the sky, lighting up half of the night sky.

"Found it!"

"Kill it!"

The figure of the nightmare was exposed to the eyes of the monsters, and then countless magical skills were thrown at it.


Su Ren and his party's camp.

A person who was keeping vigil looked at the gorgeous night sky in the distance and couldn't help but wonder:

"Let me go, Brother Kuan, are there still people setting off fireworks in the Land of the Abyss in the middle of the night?"

"Don't tell me, it's so pretty!"

Yan Kuan, who was guarding the night with him, also stood up and looked at the sky in the distance.

"Fireworks are nothing. Someone is starting a fight and is releasing skills into the air!"

"It seems that it is at least twenty kilometers away from us. It can be transmitted from such a distance, which shows that both sides are very strong, but we don't know who is over there."

"And looking at the frequency of skills, there are quite a few people."

"I hope you don't call me."

The two people watching the night kept staring at the sky until a few minutes later, when the movement there stopped.

"Brother Kuan, it seems it's over?"

"This is too fast. Is this the winner?"

"I don't know. Let's just keep watch all night. Don't wonder who wins and who loses. It has nothing to do with us."

As soon as Yan Kuan finished speaking, he saw a black shadow passing by in the sky.

Then a bat-like monster fell from the sky, holding various equipment and materials in its claws.

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