Yan Kuan and the other two were frightened when they saw this. They were about to pick up their weapons and prepare to attack, when they realized that it was Su Ren's pet beast.

They had seen Nightmare once, when they were killing a human-faced night owl.

The nightmare glanced at the two of them, put down what it was holding in its claws, and flew back into the night sky and disappeared.

"Kuan...Brother Kuan, do you think Mr. Su's pet beast looks a bit like that?"


"It's the thing we will encounter when we go out to the city at night."

After his brother said this, Yan Kuan also showed a look of fear in his eyes.

They have been in the abyss for a long time, but they are a little unfamiliar with the rules on Blue Star.

It’s impossible to leave the city at night on Blue Star.

Because there is something called a nightmare that suddenly appears and attacks humans.

This is a true record that someone spent their life taking.

High-level professionals basically have a certain understanding of nightmares, so they naturally have some knowledge.

The two of them thought about it carefully and found that their appearance seemed to be highly similar.

"Brother Kuan, the more I think about it, the more it seems like it, could it be..."

"Stop talking, don't worry about so much, we are here to lead the way, don't think too much about other things and don't ask too much."

"Master Su himself is a mystery. Which of his pet beasts is not strange?"

"Let's see what it brings back first."

The two looked to the ground.

There are more than a dozen pieces of equipment and a bunch of materials.

"This is...evil heart!!"

“There are so many!!”

The two of them looked at the more than sixty evil hearts and fell into deep thought.

This is something that only leader-level monsters in the area ruled by the King of Evil will explode.

There were more than sixty at once. Doesn't it mean that Su Ren's pet beast killed dozens of leader-level monsters?

"The fireworks just now were just killing monsters, right?"

The two of them looked at each other, their eyes full of shock as they remembered the brilliant skill that lit up the night sky just now.

"Sure enough, none of Mr. Su's pet beasts are easy to mess with."

On the other side, hundreds of monsters were killed, abandoning their armor and fleeing.

It's so scary, it can't attack the opponent at all, and the opponent's life will be killed as soon as it attacks.

Facing such an opponent, the monsters had long since lost the courage to fight it, and each used their special skills to escape.

Fortunately, the other party didn't chase them, otherwise they would all die here.

"Old dog, you have to give us a fucking explanation!"

Seeing that there were more than a hundred monsters when they came, only less than fifty were left when they came back, and the monsters looked unkind.

What they didn't know was that luckily they didn't really encounter Su Ren, but just a nightmare that didn't attack very frequently, otherwise none of them would have thought of leaving.

But now they don't care about that much.

With so many monsters dead, someone has to take responsibility.

The old dog who organized them naturally became the target of the monsters' crusade.

"Damn it, what do you think I'm doing? I was almost killed by it."

"Who knew there was such a terrifying thing in that place? There was nothing there when I came back."

"Hmph, who knows if you lured us there on purpose so that it could kill us?"

The monsters showed signs of taking action.

"Wait a minute, think about it, does that thing have strength that exceeds that of several kings? Do you think I have the ability to invite others to deal with you?"

"Not to mention, what good will it do me to kill you?"

The monsters thought about it and realized that the opponent's strength was indeed too terrifying. Killing any monster would be a matter of time.

Even the four kings cannot kill them so easily.

"Then where do you think that thing came from?"

"You ask me, how do I know? Maybe I was attracted by the mysterious energy in the hands of several kings."

"Could it be that he came out of the Endless Sea?"

In their memories, the four kings were also monsters who came out of the endless sea.

After they arrived, the abyss was divided into four areas, each ruled by four kings.

"Who knows? Anyway, I can guarantee that its strength is definitely stronger than the four kings combined!"

"If the Four Kings fail to break through level 900, they will definitely not be its opponents."

"Then do you want to inform my king about this?"

"The king is absorbing energy breakthrough now, do you think you can get close to it?"

"No matter what happens, I won't get involved in this matter anymore. I want to go back to my own territory. I still have two beautiful little female wolves waiting for me to go back."

An Abyss Demonic Wolf left quickly after speaking.

It is afraid. Who is the king and who is the new king has nothing to do with it.

"Coward, this is the demon wolf clan."

"Sorry, there's something going on in my territory, so I'll leave first."

Another monster left.

A few smarter monsters have discovered that something is wrong.

Although they are also the leaders of the party, they really don't know how they will die in front of those powerful monsters.

The nightmare they encountered tonight frightened them, if such a monster fought with several kings.

They are afraid that they will all become cannon fodder.

So if they run away, even if they are punished afterwards, it is better than losing their lives.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. After the kings break through, we will inform the kings about the monster as soon as possible. Maybe we can get rewards for it."

The old dog thought about it for a while and realized that he was already in his twilight years. If he fought hard to upgrade, he could still live. If he didn't fight, he would have to wait for death.

So it has to be a fight.

"Okay, let's trust you and try again!"

The monsters left behind all have certain ambitions.


the next morning.

Su Ren stretched and walked out of the tent.

"Good morning, Mr. Su, this is your thing."

When Yan Kuan saw Su Ren come out, he handed over all the things that Nightmare had brought back to Su Ren.

"Eh? Why so many evil hearts?"

In the time it took me to get some sleep, I was almost done collecting the materials.

"Did Nightmare kill him?"

Su Ren took a look at these materials and found that they were in line with the job transfer mission.

If it were the monster Yan Kuan and the others killed, these evil hearts would not be able to submit the mission.

So he could only be killed by his own pet beast.

"Mr. Su, these are brought here by your dark pet beast."

Su Ren nodded upon hearing this.

The nightmare can't speak or express its intentions. It's probably because a large number of boss-level monsters passed by or attacked them last night?

Then he was discovered and killed by Nightmare.

Fortunately, it knew that Su Ren needed all these materials to bring back, otherwise they would have been wasted.

"Captain Yan, when do we set off?"

Su Ren put away the materials and looked at Yan Kuan and asked.

"Right away, let's clean up the camp."


Now that the mission materials are almost collected, the only thing Su Ren is missing now is the mission of killing the Evil King.

It’s time to settle the grudges we had over the college entrance examination.

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