After packing the tent and other things, Su Ren and his party set out again.

The abyss that was originally daunting was somehow very peaceful along the way.

After walking for more than ten minutes, four or five bodies were suddenly lying on the ground in front of them.

Several people quickly stepped forward to check.

"They are not from our Dragon Country, they are a bit like people from Western Europe."

"Strange, what are they doing in this abyss?"

Several people didn't know that the Four Kings had obtained mysterious energy, so they were a little curious as to why these people wanted to break into the Abyss.

"And it looks like there are quite a few of them."

Yan Kuan analyzed again.

"Generally, it is difficult for humans to leave their dead bodies here in such a well-preserved state in the abyss. Most of them are eaten by monsters."

"Unless a large number of humans rush in, drive away or kill the monsters after a few people die."

"But they just exposed the bodies of their companions in the wilderness without burying them. It's probably because there was something urgent and they didn't have time to deal with it."

"Combined with the fact that all the leader-level monsters in the inner layer of the abyss are rushing to the land of the abyss, I estimate that something big is happening in the deepest part of the abyss, and something that is of great benefit to both humans and monsters has appeared."

Yan Kuan just glanced at the several corpses on the ground and the surrounding environment, and analyzed the general situation.

He has lived in this abyss for several years, and the fact that he can win Zhao Chuandong's trust shows that he is extraordinary.

"Master Su, let's speed up and hurry up. If something happens later, please take action to deal with it."


Several people quickened their pace and rushed forward. Along the way, they saw many human corpses and monster corpses.

Depending on their clothing and skin color, these people can be found in basically every country.

Moreover, the death was also tragic, and it seemed that he had gone through a fierce battle before his death.


There were bursts of explosions ahead.

Several people looked at each other and hurried forward.

When they arrived, they saw tens of thousands of human troops in front of them forming a large formation that looked like sharp knives and advancing forward.

In the front row are some tank warriors who are responsible for taking damage, with melee professions on both sides for double-team output, and in the middle are various crispy professions such as mages and priests for long-range output and blood recovery.

On the edge of the formation, many assassins were wandering around looking for monsters with residual health to deliver a final fatal blow.

All professionals in the entire formation have a clear division of labor and are in an orderly manner.

Even if the monsters in the Abyss are powerful, facing the impact of such an army, they can only persist for a few seconds before being completely killed.

The army advanced rapidly, and no monster in its path was spared.

Around the army, there were teams from other countries following closely behind, and the number seemed to be at least several thousand.

"It turned out to be the Michel Legion. I didn't expect them to come in too!"

Yan Kuan's eyes showed surprise.

"It seems that there is really something big going on."

"Hey, which country are you from?"

Suddenly, not far from everyone, four or five assassins appeared, looking at Su Ren and the others with wary expressions and asked.

Apparently the assassins spotted them while looking around.

"We are from the Dragon Kingdom."

Yan Kuan replied.

"People from the Dragon Kingdom?"

"What kind of strength are they?"

"We are all around level 7 to 50."

Hearing that several people had the strength to reach level 7 to level 50, several assassins had a little more smile on their faces.

"The strength is pretty good. Do you want to join us? By joining the army, you will have one more chance to get the mysterious energy. Otherwise, if you walk alone, you will easily die in this abyss."

"As you can see, professionals from other countries are also here."

"Besides, you should also know the strength of our Michel Legion, right?"

"Think about it."

After the assassins finished speaking, they waited and looked at Su Ren and the others.

When they saw Su Ren, several people frowned. Such a young man dared to come to the abyss, or the land of the abyss. He really didn't know whether to live or die.

Although they were disdainful in their hearts, they did not show it.

Because the order from above is that no matter who it is, as long as it is a human being, pull it into the team.

This will also provide one more scapegoat.

Yan Kuan looked at Su Ren, he wanted to hear Su Ren's opinion.

Su Ren looked at the advancing army in front of him and nodded slightly to Yan Kuan.

The mysterious energy mentioned by these assassins just now is probably the purpose of these people's trip.

While completing the mission, I happened to follow them to see what it was that attracted so many people to fight for it even at the risk of breaking into the Abyss.

Seeing Su Ren nodding, Yan Kuan nodded to the assassins and said:

"We join the army."

"Okay, come with me and enter the second formation for the time being."

"By the way, brother, what is that mysterious energy you are talking about?"

"Huh? You don't know? Then what are you doing in the Abyss?"

Several assassins looked at a few people with some doubts.

"Oh, we just came in to do a mission and were about to leave. Didn't we meet by chance?"


Several assassins still had some suspicions, but did not delve into it.

No matter what you do, you are still cannon fodder.

"This mysterious energy is not a secret, I will tell you."

"Mr. Michelle said that this energy can help people upgrade quickly, and there is a chance that they can break through the task constraints of the job transfer temple and directly transfer successfully."


"How can this be??"

Hearing the news, not only Yan Kuan and others were surprised.

Even Su Ren was shocked after hearing this.

If he can ignore the task constraints of the job transfer temple, coupled with his ability to quickly upgrade monsters.

Wouldn't it be possible to get the godhead at level 8 soon?

Regardless of whether this thing is real or fake, Su Ren has made up his mind and must get it.

No wonder so many people are crazy enough to dare to break into the Abyss. The allure of this thing is really too great.

How many people are unable to successfully change jobs due to the constraints of job transfer tasks.

For example, Li Qinghua and Takeshi Suigetsu were stuck at the peak of turn 8 for decades. They were unable to turn 9 because they could not collect the courage of Yamata no Orochi.

If they had known this news before, they would have come to fight for it at all costs.

When the assassins saw the shocked looks of several people, they couldn't help but laugh:

"Mr. Michelle said it himself, is it still false? Come with us quickly, join the team and fight together into the deepest part of the Abyss."

"With your strength and luck, you might be able to get a share of the pie."

Although the assassins said this on the surface, this was what they were thinking.

"You just want a piece of the pie? Just be your cannon fodder, idiot!"

Su Ren looked at the subtle smiles on the corners of the mouths of the assassins, and naturally knew what they were thinking.

How could someone share this heaven-defying creature with you?

When someone wants to help you make money, you have to be careful. Either they want to find a successor, or they want to make money from you.

In the same way, Michelle told everyone the news just to draw a few more people into the Abyss to share the firepower.

It's just that this is Michelle's conspiracy.

The effect of the thing has been told to you. If you think about it carefully, you will know that he wants to use you, but you do not have the strength to create the Abyss on your own.

So you have to follow them, maybe you are lucky enough to get it?

Those who dare to come are betting that they are the lucky ones.

Luck is such a thing, I really can't say for sure.

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